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A to Z

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Everything posted by A to Z

  1. >Wish i could come to the meetup but i'll be too busy DJing!!!!! see you tonight peace Andrew Mendez :)
  2. >here's an update on Las Vegas Labor Day Weekend........ the DJ LINEUP: > JONAHTAN PETERS, ANDREW MENDEZ, DJ SKRIBBLES, SHAWN INK, ANTHONY MUNDY, BORIS, JOIE, TED THE DILLENGER, MARC RONSON....more TBA! >I know I'll be spinning THURSDAY NIGHT i believe @ GLO AFTERHOURS, as far as the other night's, I'm not really sure , but we I'll keep you posted as soon as i know. ***For anyone looking to get out of the NJ Shore for a weekend, I'm going to be DJing @ SPACE in the Hamptons August 25. I'll keep you posted on that too. happy clubbing!!! peace, Andrew Mendez :)
  3. >JAV...nice to meet you too. Glad i came. Don't forget bout friday!!! peace Andrew
  4. >SHIT....I forgot about the "TOMACCO" episode!!!!!! that was great too!
  5. >For all the "SIMPSON" fans out there...and I know there's a ton of you, what was your favorite episode????? >Mine was when Homer ate that hot pepper at that picnic. He drank the wax, then ate the pepper ,and started trippin hard! how funny was that!
  6. >Actally the BIGGEST reason why i go to tempts is because i just so happens that 2 of my real good freinds bartend and i like to come and say hi. By the way...I don't use a pencil...I use a pen . you can see it better LOL. peace "SAY NO TO DRAMA" Andrew
  7. >Your right...i was @ Tempts having a "grand old time." What's wrong w/ that? as far as taking notes...don't think so. I have better things to do when i'm out w/ my freinds.
  8. >happy B-day Brotha!!!!! I'll try and make it tonight so we can finally meet peace Andrew Mendez
  9. >ALRIGHT...let's get something straight here. How about no-1 started this old school night! As for a DJ...doing these nights are nothing but fun! I'm sure Denny would agree w/ me that doing old school night provide the people w/ a fun atmosphere, and that's our job as DJ's to make all of YOU have a great time. DJing these kinds of nights bring back soo many good times that sometimes we all forget why we go out. >So we can all SQUASH this shit...Denny is a great DJ. for someone like me who is only 22, I enjoy going to tempts and listening to him. He play's alot of songs that i would like to play but the fact is me and him are 2 different styles and play completly different. I grew up w/ different influences than he, thus different styles. Enjoy the different kinds of music down the shore and lets have a great summer!!!! PLUR Andrew Mendez :)
  10. >It was a 1995 remix of Better Man by MOTOMO. Just felt like throwing it in.... peace Andrew :)
  11. >We did 3 "Retro Metro" parties this past winter and it was a success. Relax w/ the negativity and lets ALL have a great summer . peace
  12. >I'm talking about Alcatraz "Give Me Love" and older.... see you there peace Andrew Mendez :)
  13. >what up! This friday July 27th @ the LIMELIGHT, I'll be spinning a 10 hour set from OPEN-CLOSE (10pm-8am). Hope to see you there, it's going to be a fun night. I'm going to be playing some old progressive house classics early in the night and as the night goes on...the beats get harder. Hope you can hang LOL . see you there peace Andrew Mendez :)
  14. >I'm glad to see other people appriciate Jr. He was awesome.
  15. >What up! just want to let you know if your not going down the shore this weekend...this friday July 27th I will be spinning a 10 hour set @ LIMELIGHT. I'll be on from open-close (10pm-8am). I hope you can make it, it's going to be another fun night. With the momentum from last friday we are hoping to go even later than usual. SEE YOU THERE!!!!!!! peace Andrew Mendez :)
  16. >you forgot 2 few songs....."Body to Body" and his Blu Cantrell...."Hit em up." How sick was that! it was truely a slammin night of Ms Jr. Was it Me or did that soundsystem sound great? Anyway's had a blast...I'm still recovering!!! peace Andrew Mendez :)
  17. >I'm going to be spinning fro open-close...10pm-8am. With the momentum of the night from last week to this I am hoping to have all of you staying til 8...it's going to be a fun night! see you there peace Andrew Mendez :)
  18. >Thanks! I had a real good time playing @ Merge...it was alot of fun. I'll be back @ Merge in a few weeks for our "RETRO METRO" party. Here are some places I'll be spinning........... this friday July 27th @ LIMELIGHT (10 hour set by me open-8am) AUGUST 19th Djais Belmar see you soon! peace Andrew Mendez :)
  19. >I'm glad you had a good time !!! DJ Heavan definetly worked it and to top it off she's such a nice person. I'll be back this friday but I'll be spinning all night. I'm going to be doing a 10 hour marathon set...open-close!!!! see you friday! peace Andrew Mendez :)
  20. ....to everyone who came to LIMELIGHT last friday, I had a great time. I went on a little later that usual...2 am, but this friday I'm going to be back @ Limelight spinning a 10 hour set (open-close). See you then!!! peace Andrew Mendez :)
  21. >I'll be DJing tonight....i'm going on @ 1am...give me a wave peace Andrew Mendez :)
  22. >SEE YOU in VEGAS!!! peace Andrew Mendez
  23. >this friday CHEETAH will be celebrating there 4 year anniversary. I hop all of you guys have no plans this week cause i'm going to be making my return to Cheetah. You guys know how much i love that room, I really can't wait to play there!!! So for all you old school Cheetah heads, please come out and support this friday!!!! hope tou see you there...peace!!! Andrew Mendez
  24. >I'll be DJing out there. A ton of NY dj's will be there too like JP, Victor Colderone and many more. See you out there!!! peace Andrew Mendez
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