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Everything posted by oasis

  1. actually the playboy party did take place.. it was actually on SATURDAY of course nothing was gonna happen on friday wit the little kids there.. on saturday many people had the cigars and there was playboy stuff everywhere magz, posters, etc... no one ever said anyhting about bunnies ------------------ oasisnyc.8m.com (Oasis9389@aol.com) E-Mail me to be on the CLUB INFO mailing list [This message has been edited by oasis (edited 06-28-2000).]
  2. i didn't send out ny false email the club told me he would be there and performing any problems take it up with exit ------------------ <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.oasisnyc.8m.com (oasis9389@aol.com) email" TARGET=_blank>www.oasisnyc.8m.com (oasis9389@aol.com) email</A> to join CLUB INFO mailing list
  3. NO WAY THEY ARE AN AWESOME PILL one of the BEST ------------------ <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.oasisnyc.8m.com (oasis9389@aol.com)" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://www.oasisnyc.8m.com (oasis9389@aol.com)email to join CLUB INFO mailing list</A>
  4. PEOPLE COME ON!!!!!!! they have to be one of the best i have ever taking they are def a heavy trip... def get em if you can ------------------ <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.oasisnyc.8m.com (oasis9389@aol.com)" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://www.oasisnyc.8m.com (oasis9389@aol.com)email to join CLUB INFO mailing list</A>
  5. def teeth grinders bring gum ------------------ 0asisnyc.8m.com (oasis9389@aol.com) [This message has been edited by oasis (edited 06-26-2000).]
  6. boris was on till around 3am then came Frankie Magz both were amazing and i think they contrasted each other very well boris started off great with a little more light trancy feel then magz took over with the old hard nyc house. was a good night of music ------------------ 0asisnyc.8m.com (oasis9389@aol.com)
  7. i do so..... but as a promoter i also get pissed when something like that happens i sold a large amount of tickets to the event to people who thought they would see eminem perform oh yea OASIS <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank">GUESTLIST</A> @ EXIT oasis9389@aol.com 201-725-8858 ------------------ 0asisnyc.8m.com (oasis9389@aol.com)
  8. NO WAY THEY ARE AMAZING ------------------ 0asisnyc.8m.com (oasis9389@aol.com)
  9. hey joel you "nebie" \ ------------------ 0asisnyc.8m.com (oasis9389@aol.com)
  10. i think i night have to defend david on this topic sure he is greety but i think he puts a ton of $$ into exit... every week there is something new that place.. he paints the club a different color every week.. he puts a ton of work into it and this saturday @ like 5:30am @ exit the place is emptying out and who is sitting on top the dj booth throwing down EXIT shirts to the crowd?? david ------------------ 0asisnyc.8m.com (oasis9389@aol.com)
  11. buddy don't know where the hell you have been but exit on friday has almost twice as many people there then saturdays.... and SF fridays??? have you been there?? it is 99.9% proms this was the last week, lets all see how they do this friday when no one goes..... ------------------ 0asisnyc.8m.com (oasis9389@aol.com)
  12. lol i will be nice but it was frankie magz last saturday i believe i am not positive thought and DENNY IS AWAY FOR THE SUMMER... i might have posted that once b4 and i would put my money on it you are reffering to PINK's remix which is old but still is a damn good song ------------------ 0asisnyc.8m.com (oasis9389@aol.com)
  13. with eminem last nite they are starting to emerge as the new tunnel ------------------ 0asisnyc.8m.com (oasis9389@aol.com)
  14. lol thats a good one he is def funny gotta give him some credit for that one "have a nice day" LOL ------------------ 0asisnyc.8m.com (oasis9389@aol.com)
  15. crackHEAD ------------------ 0asisnyc.8m.com (oasis9389@aol.com)
  16. yo magz you will be spinnin this sat right you gonna come after or b4 boris?? and i whoever said boris is the new resident he isn't i am pretty sure he is booked for once a month i am sure magz can clear that up ------------------ 0asisnyc.8m.com (oasis9389@aol.com)
  17. *B U M P* ------------------ 0asisnyc.8m.com (oasis9389@aol.com)
  18. actually fridays is VERY GOOD @ exit and whoever posted if you don't like sats you won't like fridays.... tony draper should be a rave , well you are a moron thats exactly what fridays is it has 100% more energy no dress code, everyone is there to have a good time not just to see who has the best "fcuk" shirt. the music is also better i got o sat as well, and it is a tottally diff thing. i like fridays for why i don't like sats and i like sat for why i don't like fri it all depends on what you like if you like an energetic crowd, lose dress code, and good music FRIDAY is for you if you like to get dresses and more of an older crowd then go on SATURDAY ------------------ 0asisnyc.8m.com (oasis9389@aol.com)
  19. go to EXIT this saturday with DJ BORIS if you need a guestlst email me oasis9389@aol.com ------------------ 0asisnyc.8m.com (oasis9389@aol.com)
  20. when do tix go one sale ------------------ 0asisnyc.8m.com (oasis9389@aol.com)
  21. well since i have been urged to be more positive...... you are entitled your own oppinion i am sure this is not a post out of stupidity and i cherish you thoughts ------------------ 0asisnyc.8m.com (oasis9389@aol.com)
  22. since everyone else is asking lame ass survey questions thought i would do it too ------------------ 0asisnyc.8m.com (oasis9389@aol.com)
  24. nm ------------------ 0asisnyc.8m.com (oasis9389@aol.com)
  25. new site = LAME bring back the black background with the simple red letters every topic is lame it is like a constant booring poll witht the same questions over and over and let me add in one more time stars = LAME ------------------ 0asisnyc.8m.com (oasis9389@aol.com)
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