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Everything posted by laure1122

  1. i am going to be at Jimmy's in Morristown tonight. kind of a far trek in this crappy weather...but it is for a good cause--girls' night out!! If you are anywhere near Morristown, stop by tonight. You are guaranteed at least four hot chics will be there
  2. Is anyone planning on going? I haven't been to Exit in a while...everytime I go, I say to myself, I am never going back, but then I forget why, and I go back anyway. Is Saturday going to be any good? I hear Junior's spinning.
  3. i think i saw fliers for this place floating around Gold's Gym on Tuesday...i really hope that is not the type of crowd that will be at the club....another club is cool, but we definitely don't need another club filled with those guys. lol...joey's and metro lounge are bad enough! we need some diversity in jersey!
  4. laure1122


    Is anyone attending this Saturday's Skin party? Anyone out there who went last year? If you are going, and want to meet up let me know. My boyfriend and I are going with another couple from New York City.
  5. Is anyone so sick of the club and bar scene that they've considered opening up their own? What would you do differently? What kind of club would it be? Who would you let in? How much would you charge? And BTW can anyone tell me what makes a smart girl like myself drop $30 to get into a club that charges $15 for a mixed drink, is overcrowded, hot, smelly and filled with 18 year olds? Maybe I've lost my mind, just like the other 5,000 people on line to get into Exit...
  6. I have some friends visiting this weekend, one girl is only 19. I'm 22...there are about 10 of us over 21 going out. Are there any good 18+ clubs out there, or any bars/clubs that are lenient with IDs? All these peeps are counting on me....
  7. ha ha! I know what you mean! I told my friend it will be in the papers the next day: The Purple-People Eater Serial Killer Attacks Again! "purple-people" bc he only feasts on gay people. heeheehee
  8. hey nikki, that's the bar I was at this weekend, where the straight man asked me and my friend to have a threesome with him. we had to decline, figuring he'd probably take us back to his place and eat us.
  9. hey billy... I am definitely up for that...what are these girls like? Bi-curious? hot? I had no luck this weekend at the bars I went to (they were dive bars though) unless you count the 2 straight men who asked me to sleep with them! talk to these girls, let me know what they think about it! thanks.
  10. Can anyone recommend a good lesbian bar my friend and I can go to tonight? We are both single (and bi) and looking to have some fun. We like the bar scene, but would much prefer a club than a lounge. Is anyone going tonight??? BTW, we are both looking for feminine girls....
  11. Maybe someone can explain to me the new trend amongst the guidos at Exit...what is with the white gloves? I thought I was at Disney World.
  12. I just have to put in my 2 cents...which is more money than I caught last night. What a waste of time at Exit (again! you'd think I'd learn). I figured they'd be dropping singles, and I figured maybe like 25% of what was collected at the door. But now I realize it was 1% of the tips collected at the coat check. My boyfriend caught 6 bucks, which paid for my water. The music sucked and the dancefloor was so crowded nobody could even dance. Not that it was possible to dance to that crap anyway.
  13. drama nailed it! and spikey hair was in circa 1987. lay off the hair gel!!!!!! what are these italians so proud of anyway? I'm not being sarcastic, I'd like to hear some serious answers. and what's with the flag on back of the car? Every time I see one, I just kick the car anyway. sorry....maybe i'm bitter...bad experiences with italian men in the past.
  14. Does anyone have any info? I heard DJ Boris from Exit is going to be at Abyss next Friday. Think it'll be packed? Someone at Exit told me it was going to be a "Sex Party"--can someone explain what that means?
  15. My bday is on 11-22....so I'm hoping the same thing!
  16. This girl...she didn't happen to be blonde? My friend was dancing with some guy and she left him...
  17. Joe-- Were you at exit on saturday? someone was putting me in a trance with their strings...never quite appreciated them as much as i did saturday nite. I think that watching someone go off with their strings or glowsticks is a nice break from the monotony of dancing for 6 hours straight....keep it up!
  18. I must say, that was the purest roll I have done...ever. Good stuff. And for once, no hallucinations!!!
  19. Thanks everyone! I'll be at Exit tonight.... see you there, whoever is going!
  20. Can someone tell me something about a white pill with a chinese star on it? I need to know really soon!!! Thanks!
  21. Hey Brandie! I need to ask--you are bi and have a boyfriend? I'm just wondering, because that is the situation I am in. I find it incredibly hard to meet girls who want to have fun/hook up because they get hung up on the fact that I have a boyfriend. I mean, I am upfront with them right away, because I don't want to go behind my guy's back (he doesn't mind, as long as I am open with him). Just wondering if you have had this problem...Any advice where I can meet girls who are not so uptight (but not whores either!)?
  22. I am 50% Hungarian (my dad is from Hungary) 25% Austrian 25% German I speak Hungarian...but only with my dad!
  23. I am 21, going on 22 in November... Sagittarians ARE THE BEST!!! Anyone wanna argue that, you come see me... he he he. 21 is the best ago so far...free to do whatever, whenever...
  24. I went to high school with andy...very nice guy...I heard him spin way back when he was just 16 or so...and I knew he would make it even back then!
  25. The best ones I ever had were the white doves...I've also tried ones called cherry bombs (+), smurfs (-), cat-eyes (+), seashells (okay) and something which I am sure was not E, called Millenium something or other, which put me to sleep for 2 hours. It was a nice nap, but not what I was looking to do in the middle of a club!
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