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Everything posted by LikmyLipz

  1. you could be sooo sober, and still fall down those fucking stairs... ------------------ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 e-mail:LikmyLipz@aol.com http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  2. i loved the 80's even though i was young.. My sister dragged me around the 80's by my hair... I was forced to listen to duran duran and wham.... But i loveeeeed it, played Arcadia records on my 'my little pony' record player.. and Wham cassets in my 'care bear' tape player.. god i wish i still had them.. BTW could anyone ever find a cabbage patch born on your birthday????????? ------------------ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 e-mail:LikmyLipz@aol.com http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  3. Ummmm.. I was at exit 2 times on friday nights.. My first time there was to hear my friend Vic spin, and the second time i was there to hear shawn ink spin in the champaign room.. I think exit is an ok place, but i personally like twilo better on a friday night, the people at twilo just seem to me to be more about the music and less about the drugs.. Allthough i would go back to see tony draper sometime soon, i think hes a good dj.. ------------------ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 e-mail:LikmyLipz@aol.com http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  4. men, hallelujah.... jeezus i can't even fall in love, let alone make it... ------------------ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 e-mail:LikmyLipz@aol.com http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  5. LoL it deff is a habit.. i complain about the music, and every time i say i hate it and i'm never going back, but all in all i love the place, and i keep going back for more.. NUTIN IS GONNA STOP ME!!!!!! ------------------ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 e-mail:LikmyLipz@aol.com <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html</A>
  6. Actually they were tested and came back meth.. I LOVED THEM.. ANYTHING SPEEDY! allthough i dont sniff anything but a *bump* or 2 of k.... Allthough i have had pills that were all DXM like the (shaped) stars, and i liked them alot.. IM A FREAK! but i plan on taking off of the drugs (ecstasy) untill my 21st bday.. i dont consider k a drug.. lol its FDA approved! hahahahaha XOXOXO MWWWWWAHZ ~LiPz~ ------------------ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 e-mail:LikmyLipz@aol.com <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html</A>
  7. do you have a pic??? welcome! XOXOXO MWWWWWAHZ ~LiPz~ ------------------ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 e-mail:LikmyLipz@aol.com <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html</A>
  8. As much as i complain about sound factory, i will be there the 27th for his bday.. I have come to conclusion that sound factory is more of a habbit... hahahahaha ------------------ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 e-mail:LikmyLipz@aol.com <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html</A>
  9. congrats that you know my napster name... its also my aol screen name... and i have an attitude because alot of people in sound factory are rude and arrogant??? ------------------ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 e-mail:LikmyLipz@aol.com <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html</A>
  10. Grr i hate going to clubs alone.. With the exception of Twilo, or Sound factory.. because i always know people there.. but i honestly have no idea how the hell to get there.. from pennstation, and i hateeeee doin that trip by my self.. I think my friend wants to go to hear josh wink.. i dont know :*( ------------------ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 e-mail:LikmyLipz@aol.com <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html</A>
  11. Monday January 15th 2001 Nigel Richards (611 Philly) Alexi Delano (corner shots NYC) + Special guest ??? ??? (copied word for word right off the flyer) XOXO MWWWAHZ Its a great place to check out! you will deff enjoy! great crowd great music! ------------------ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 e-mail:LikmyLipz@aol.com <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html</A>
  12. SF people use to rock.. The crowd at sound factory sucks now... either the drugs are not as good, or the people have become very rude and nasty... Either way, the crowd sucks, dont get me wrong theres alot of nice sweet friendly great people there, but good luck finding them, or being lucky to bump into one.... ------------------ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 e-mail:LikmyLipz@aol.com <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html</A>
  13. Think of how great it would be if you could get some things that you got as children in adult sizes.. like underoos... Wonderwoman, Sheera, My Little Pony.. I think if they made these for adults, they would sell great! I wish they still made sheets like they use to, I had this greaaaaat strawberry shortcake bed set, and ehh maybe thats just the lil kid in me, but i think stuff like this would make for great convo.. Remember the small versons of the arcade games like pacman (looked like a arcade game console, only smaller) Just think how great of a convo piece that would be if on your coffee table.... Anyone else have the Game "I took a licken from a chicken"??? Share your memories with me... hehehe XOXOXO MWWWWWWAHZ ------------------ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  14. Cleveland is in the basement.. ------------------ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  15. ok, so ask yourself this question... if you found out your boyfriend was fucking some other girl from behind, would you be ok with it? ------------------ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  16. LikmyLipz

    Salad Tossing

    you wicked tease! ------------------ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  17. LikmyLipz

    Salad Tossing

    try the kind when you blow on it, it gets warm... hehehe xoxo mwwwahz ~LiPz~ ------------------ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  18. your always in my heart, forever on my mind.. ------------------ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  19. I have never heard josh wink.. hear dt once.. what should i do this friday? anyone have any suggestions? ------------------ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  20. key to feeling better... Take 4 shots of nitequil.. and sleep sleep sleep.. you wake up feeling better.. ------------------ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  21. I have fun, i just hated the music.. when i'm on the dance floor i'm always in the corner between the stage and the stairs.. i left around 10:00am.. Rachell your a sweetie! XOXOXO MWWWWWWWAHZ ------------------ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  22. lol you had a yellow ck? i would have did anything for that.. ------------------ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  23. go back to playing with your pokemon... and dont judge me untill you know me.. ------------------ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  24. Tranza i luv u.... lol miss ya hun! when the fuk do i get to be graced with you presents again??? ------------------ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
  25. Thanks sweetie! XOXOXO MWWWWAH.. sorry to everyone for being so fucking bitchy.. I just miss my old factory.. and as for the rep on going to exit to hear vocals.. if i wanted to hear Mel C i wouldnt travel all the way to the city for that.. there are 100 long island clubs out here that are playing all the tunes that jp played a year ago. He just had his amazing way of laying a vocal out, and with the trans. dancers puttin on there shows to the songs. and the vibe was amazing. For example i walked on the dance floor for my first time lastnight around 3am ish.. I was groped about 4 times and some random dude grabbed me and tryed to shove his tongue down my throat.. It was never like this b4.... I dont go to the clubs to hook up.. i go to hear the music... Dont get me wrong i love hard music, but hes very repetive, and i enjoyed that alot with the vocals, but not with the hard ass house! Sorry for being so moody and sounding like such a cunt.. XOXOXO MWWWWWAHZ ~LiPz~ ------------------ aim:LikmyLipz icq:101504929 http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html
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