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Everything posted by acidhd

  1. Thank You.Have a great day. Peace Tony2000
  2. That bad? hmmm I'm gonna get it today,I'm like so curious.
  3. :laugh: :laugh: Someone needs to build Miss Drama Queen her own nite club from the ground up.ok hes Legendary,but does he have to play at every club in the city.I love my Junior but he can be a bit much.I knew Earth was'nt going to work out.If this is true,where will Peter Rauhofer,James Andersen go? The DRAMA continues.Its amazing how one DJ can cause so much drama in the club world.LOL!!!!
  4. Been hearing about this for the past 3 days out in the streets of Chelsea.So whats the deal.
  5. Thats some really fucked up shit to say,even if you are joking.
  6. Central Park here I come! My ass is roller blading all freakin day!!!!! Being laid off from work has its advantages. :)
  7. its going to be like in the 70's tomorrow.
  8. I'm gonna check it out next Sunday.Hav'nt been to a damm good tea dance so far this year.
  9. In the West Village.you can take the #1 or 9 train to Christopher street.walk 2 blocks until you see Bleeker,make a left on Bleeker and Rebel Rebel is like in the middle of the block.
  10. Rebel Rebel on Christopher and Bleeker...bought the cd 28.99 plus tax, Friday August 02,2002. Hurry up,its selling fast. Peace
  11. *@$#%! INSANE!!!!! especially cd 2 track 6-FIERCE RULING DIVA-YOU GOTTA BELIEVE. LOL just thinking when the new SOUND FACTORY featured Satoshi for the Saturday parties.....the kids were not ready for him.and besides I think he only played that one time.
  12. I'm heading out the door for the beach.....ciao!!!
  13. at the Factory 1993-95.Had the only heated argument with my friends saying that he sold out to the White crowds,I strongly disagree.What do any of you think.
  14. Can't wait to see it! How in the hell did Beyonce get the part...ugh!!!!!! Independent Woman she is,but Independent star.....NOT!!!!!
  15. All day been playing all of his cd's....damm I miss him!!!!! RIP.
  16. Another one bites the dust. After six years, the legendary Body & Soul, "the house party that got too big for somebody's living room," is going on a hiatus from the newly revamped Vinyl—now called ARC and promoted by Mike Bindra of Twilo fame. The party's promoters announced on www.bodyandsoul-nyc.com that they are taking "a break for the next few weeks," but didn't specify future plans. DJ François Kevorkian, who co-owns Body & Soul NYC-LLC with promoter John Davis, refused to comment on specifics. "We are not prepared to discuss any of [the details] at this time," said Kevorkian. Speculation that ARC's new management booted the party seems to be just that. "I am shocked and saddened to see Body & Soul go," said Bindra, adding that the decision was made by Kevorkian. Several inside sources told the Voice that the real reason for the departure is the deep rift between Kevorkian and his partner, Davis, and that the situation came to a head July 14, when Davis was thrown out of ARC. A reportedly inebriated Davis allegedly became upset with club management when the lights from an art show held in the back lounge interfered with his merchandising. Words were exchanged and Davis was told to leave the club after he insulted a female club employee. Three days later, the announcement to end the party was posted online. Davis was conspicuously absent from the final Body & Soul on Sunday night, stating on the Body & Soul message board that he was "barred" from the club. He held his own separate after-party featuring Ron Trent at Discotèque later that night, which drew a couple hundred revelers. But according to two Discotèque employees, Kevorkian and fellow Body & Soul DJ Danny Krivits were no-shows. Davis could not be reached for comment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lesbolicious LoverGirlNYC has found a new home at Shelter. The party recently left the Flatiron club True when it shut for renovations a few weeks ago. According to Abby Ehmann, promoter of True's rock and fetish parties, Kitsch Inn and Gomorrah, and Megaboy Kate of LoverGirlNYC, True's owners wanted to change their formatting. Co-owner Max King described the new venue—called Chetty Reds—as a blues and rock club that will feature TVs ("for important sporting events"), a stage area, and DJ booths. "It was a successful alternative club. Since it was time to change, we wanted to go back to a mainstream type of place," he explained. Ehmann said that the new owners "were never comfortable with the freaks," while Kate tells a slightly different story: "Any problem we had was not gender-oriented." While Chetty Reds isn't going to have any gay- and lesbian-centric nights, King said that "if you're gay and lesbian and you wanna come—come on in." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fight for your right to dance rages on. Last week, the folks from Legalize Dancing NYC and the Dance Liberation Front joined forces at the Slipper Room to benefit the anti-cabaret-law movement. Chi Chi Valenti hosted a gaggle of local artists, including the World Famous *BOB*, who did her world-famous boob-aerobics routine; Raqesat El Yaqoot, a foursome of fearless belly dancers; and DJ extraordinaire Jeannie Hopper. Stand-up comedian Henry Faulkner turned in a whole routine dedicated to ruffling the feathers of the dance police. "I didn't know about the cabaret laws. I thought it was about being anti-Cabaret, where you pay $100 to see Gina Gershon and instead you get Lea Thompson," he cracked. Eric Demby and his LDNYC crew are working with politician Alan Gerson and civil rights lawyers Norman Siegel and Paul Chevigny to rewrite the law—which will be introduced to legislators in the fall—so that it "deregulates" dancing for venues with a 200-or-less capacity. It's a small step, but a step nevertheless. As Faulkner shouted, "Don't make Greenwich Village into Greenwich, Connecticut. I'm sorry, but fuck you, we were here first!"
  17. Junior at Baseline. Not going for the classics,it would be better if LL was still open then I would go.I'll be twirling on the Sound Factory dance floor Sunday/Monday with DJ Abel.
  18. I live for Miss Junior! I'll get to Earth next Saturday/Sunday......taking a break,spent 5 days in PTOWN and the money I spent.......YIKES!!!! :(
  19. ust call him Senior Vasquez: Junior Vasquez, the queen diva of New York nightlife, reportedly made a trip to the hospital in the midst of his set at Exit July 7. While several eyewitnesses saw the DJ leave his $4 million customized DJ booth, Junior's manager, Jerome Farley, denied rumors that the DJ had suffered a medical emergency. Said Farley, "He had to leave for Paris and had run out of medication." Apparently the DJ, who is 56, couldn't get one of his many minions to run two blocks to Roosevelt Hospital to pick up the prescription for him before he supposedly flew overseas for Donatella Versace's fashion show. But a Versace spokesman said that while Vasquez provided the music, he didn't travel to Paris for last week's couture shows. And an inside source confirmed that Vasquez was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. Farley said Junior was gone only from 10:30 a.m until noon, and that a DAT played in the interim. Fan message boards like NaughtyBooth.com, DTourism.com, and Robpromotions.com found frenzied Vasquez devotees speculating over the supposed ailment (heart attack, anxiety, OD, old age). Danny Tenaglia, a former rival of Junior's, tried to squelch the heart attack rumors, posting on DTourism: "[They are] untrue and not factual. He suffered an anxiety attack and was brought in for observation for safety precautions." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maybe Reid Speed should consider avoiding public transportation. The diminutive drum'n'bass DJ was almost arrested and banned for life from a major airline during her recent nationwide tour in support of her new mix CD, Resonance, on Breakbeat Science records. While going home to JFK from Atlanta, Speed got into a mess with a flight attendant over her carry-on luggage. According to Speed, the tussle ended with a supervisor "pushing her finger into [speed's] chest, shouting at the top of her lungs about national security," and calling Speed "a terrorist." The supervisor then threatened to revoke her frequent-flier miles and ban her from the airline. Although police were called to the scene, Speed wasn't arrested, and she even got to keep her miles. Soon after that incident, Speed found herself in another scuffle, this time with an NYC cab driver who refused to take her home to Brooklyn in the middle of a downpour. Speed alleges the cabbie cursed at her, spit on her, and physically assaulted her after she called the taxi-complaint line on her cell phone. Can't say she didn't warn him: When he first refused to drive her, she told him, "You don't wanna mess with me." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ghostly International makes the Midwest look cool; by comparison, New Yorkers seem like unimaginative hacks. The Ann Arbor-based label stopped by Filter 14 last Wednesday as part of its national mini-tour. With its iconic imagery (the little ghosts from Pac-Man), mix of IDM and electro, and smart marketing, Ghostly is savvier than most major labels. Launched three years ago by the impeccably dressed and impossibly polite Sam Valenti IV, Ghostly boasts four full-length releases, including one by Midwest Product, due out this week, and the recent Disco Nouveau compilation. "I wanted it to be a mixture of highbrow and lowbrow," said the 22-year-old Valenti. Ghostly artist Matthew Dear—whose 12-inch comes out this week and who also has a release slated for Richie Hawtin's Plus 8 label—performed a live p.a. of minimal techno, while trainspotters like Ulysses and John Selway watched. Earlier in the evening, the esteemed Berlin jock Highfish of the famed WMF Club turned in a surprise set. Tribeca and Soho Grand promotions director Tommy Saleh, away from the glamorous confines of the hotels, giggled as he watched a bartender struggle with a bottle of bubbly. "They don't know what to do with it here," said Saleh. Then he dashed off to bring Highfish a flute. "I feel like I'm working!" Even when he's not working, he's working. Saleh hosted a Brooklyn rooftop party on the Fourth of July that drew over a thousand revelers, including a pregnant Björk. Later, W.I.T.'s Melissa and Danielle ended up brawling with DJ Eddie Newton, who tried to get fresh with them on the dancefloor. But Melissa wasn't having it; she cock-blocked him.
  20. Even though your broke up,keep the friendship going,your just might become the best of friends or even somewhere down the line your might get back together.If the both of you broke up on good terms thats a plus.If you don't want to talk with her thats cool,but tell her why,but please keep the friendship going.Hope this helps. Peace Tony
  21. Derrick the door person can be a @%$# sometimes,I go there every saturday and hes like do u have your JB card,yes Derrick gimme a break already,but other times hes a sweetheart.Sorry if he was rude to you and your boyfriend.
  22. and the Phazon System....gonna be insane!
  23. Yes I can,but since I have 54 weeks of my regular salary,I'll apply for unemployment early next year.
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