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Everything posted by rudeboyyouth

  1. Bkissa, I never said House Music made me angry, I said it brings out an animosity within me that waits to be released all week; meaning, it already exists. And for those of you who love to really rip shit up on the floor, you know very well that animosity is not a bad thing. Animosity when dancing does not imply hatred and anger, and the right amount of animosity helps me get OPEN.
  2. I want to go but everyone I know is being a fucking cunt. I will most likely wind up going by myself. I've never done that shit before, but I want to go and stay very late.
  3. When I first started going out I was a horrible dancer. And when I attempted to dance I would force my moves, and I would just wind up fucking up and getting tired really quick. It took me a while to get some rhythm, then I started to feel the music and let it run through me. After that the moves started flowing more naturally and I started busting out with some really good shit. But even then it took me a while to REALLY feel the music and realize that it has to flow through my entire body, not merely my legs. Alot of it had to do with self consciousness, but now I just let loose; I don't give a fuck who's around. House music brings out a FUCKIN animosity in me that waits to be released all week. I remember the first song I REALLY went all out to was Future Primitive's "Lightning." Getting down to that shit on the floor at the old Freedom in the Hampton Bays used to be so fucking phat. DJ Rob James would have that place bouncing off the walls well into the afternoon hours when they first opened up.
  4. The Sopranos is a poor show not only because of the material, but the writing and the acting. The material regarding the dichotomy which Tony faces (of his two families) is not original. The only thing I do like about the show is the extra emphasis on his personal family and their dillemas. Tony's character is hardly a demanding one; aside from a hot temper (which is common among screen mafia bosses) nothing really defines his personality and makes it distinctive. His acting is terrible, and the characters who surround him are all played very poorly. The storyline of a mob boss with two families conflicting with one another has been done time and time again on the big-screen in a far more tasteful manner. James Gandolfini and the writers of the Sopranos bring nothing new to the mafia storyline of the Sopranos. What I really like about the Sopranos is the inclusion of the non-mafia elements. Everything else is nothing more than stereotypical, predictable mafia bullshit. There is nothing which sets is apart from or makes it better than a B-rate mafia film. Even the demons which haunt Tony hardly seem interesting because his character is just weak. One doesn't even know why one should care if he rises above whatever problems he faces. There is some considerable creativity regarding how Tony deals with is demons and how he balances his two lives, but other than than I find nothing really great about the show. The actors (who are in Tony's crew) bring nothing more than typical mafioso bravura to their roles, and such style has been mimiced far better on the big screen. Oz's storylines are far more involved and thought-provoking. Aside from all the rapes and tortures which define most prison films, there are the brilliant performances by every individual in Emerald City. Since the beginning of the show, the characters have been superb (characters like Alvarez, Keane, Ordilani, Said, Beecher, Koehler, Glenn, Adibesi, Schillinger, Poet, Augustus, the Reverend, Wittlesly, several of the Hacks, etc). Each of the characters are played beautifully by actors who are far more seasoned than the cast members on The Sopranos. Also, the personal dillemas that each inmate faces are far more interesting than anything Tony, Pauly Walnuts, Big Pussy, or Multisanti could ever face. The shocking, strange, funny, and horrific elements that the inmates face are made all the more intriguing because the inmates are all bounded by the walls of Ozwald penitentary. They can go nowhere to escape to the horrors they face. They must wrestle with the side of themselves that just wants to crawl into a corner and cry while being forced to deal with their enemies not merely on a daily basis (like characters on the Sopranos may have to do), but on an hourly and even minutely basis. Regardless of how much the characters on Oz develop, the writers continually manage to play with the emotions of the audience. Just when you think things can't get any worse, they do. Oz is by far a better show than the Sopranos. The fact that the Sopranos have earned more Emmy's means nothing. The mafia has always been and will always continue to be more appealing than gritty, grotesque, horrific prison stories. Many people are intrigued by the appeal of the mafia lifestyle, so they watch. Personally speaking, the writing, acting, and overall material of Oz is far better.
  5. Tonight's episode was fucked up. I can't believe Petey Schibetta got raped AGAIN. That shit really pisses me off; I was really hoping that he and Chucky were going to get the boys in line again. Now he's been raped once by Adibesi and again by Schillinger. What a fucking cunt. I hope The mob can get things back into order in there. They are looking like fucking cunts lately.
  6. I like Omar's character. The guy who plays him is a seasoned actor as well; he always seems to play stressed out or troubled characters on screen. It would be great if Omar could be redeemed, otherwise he is off to solitary for the rest of his time there. What was he imprisoned for anyway? I am glad that they finally showed what Chucky was imprisoned for.
  7. Chuck Zito's character is phat. I hope they do more with the mob in OZ; they've been giving them the shit end of the stick for the last season or two, and they've been taking a backseat to other crews as a result. Since Petey's father died, they haven't been the same. They had a chance at redemption with Nappa, but after being infected with HIV by Adibesi, they got fucked again. Pancarmo (Zito) is a good soldier, but he's not too smart. They need some brains behind the operation.
  8. I am never dissapointed in this show. Every episode seems even more intriguing than last. The writing is great, and the acting is even greater. I am especially interested to see how Petey Schibetta is going to react to his return to OZ. He has Chucky and the rest of the crew watching his back, but from the looks of things Petey is a bit changed since the dicking he received at the hands of the late Adibesi. I am also very interested to see what comes of the new beef between the Aryans and the Italians (since Schillinger just discovered that Pancarmo was responsible for Hank's death). I was surprised to see that they brought Schibetta back into Emerald City, since he was an embarassment to the mafia after he was raped. I was liking his character though, so hopefully he can redeem himself after such embarassment and bring the mob back into full effect. I am also curious as to whether or not the Reverend (Luke Perry) will fully recover from the burns and be able to speak; from the previews it seems as if his character will be affecting many members of Oz (spiritually speaking). Plus, the return of Koehler should spice things up a bit as well. Amidst all the bullshit that is on HBO (Sopranos, Sex and the City, 6 feet under) Oz is by far the best of them. Anyone else love this show?
  9. How beautiful indeed. And it would have been even more beautiful if I could have gotten the fucking picture to upload.
  10. I was 8 years old and we were still living in our old house in Queens Village. There was a housefly sitting on the living room window, so I decided to try to kill it. I crept up on it with a phone book and smashed the shit out of it, but to my misfortune, I wound up shattering the window. I started crying because I had a feeling my father was going to whip my ass, so I called him at work and I was like "Dad, I was trying to kill a fly and I broke the window." He was like "Don't worry about it, we'll take care of it when I get home." Now, to a child in fear of an ass whipping "We'll take care of it when I get home" usually implies an ass beating. I spent the entire day in fear of what was going to happen when my Dad finally got home. When he finally got home he was like "Let's go for some ice-cream," and he bought me a vanilla sundae. He was proud of me for trying to help him out by killing the fly, and he wasn't pissed off at all about it. I remember eating the sundae with dried tears on my face.
  11. DjLolita, What does DCC stand for?
  12. I never went to Factory by myself. It seems like it would feel a bit strange, especially during those hours of the morning. I suppose I would go by myself if I knew many heads from this board (which I don't). I wouldn't mind meeting some of the heads on this board. Some of you actually do seem chill.
  13. He posted a challenge to JV. Big hairy ass deal. Your criticism/commentary has been noted, now move on. Truthfully, no one really gives a fuck. Leave it up to some half ass to argue to death a challenge to a fucking Dj. It's a message board. Grow some hair on your pussy already. Keep up the good work with the silent reading as well.
  14. The Factory of Sound on Sunday morning. Going this past Saturday evening made me realize how much I miss going there and more importantly, how long its been since I last went.
  15. I will get some rest, wake up, brush my teeth, shower, shave, and head over there around 7 am.
  16. I took the Princeton review class and I did notice some improvement in my argument and games score. But on the day of the test I fucked it up. I am going to take it again, and if my score sucks again, fuck it.
  17. I am 21 and about to begin my final semester at Hofstra University. I am working with a CPA firm for the tax season. I have no idea what I am going to do after school. If I don't get into anything worthwhile it's back to either grad or law school.
  18. I don't despise them. They're 18, just as I was not too long ago. And for one to actually believe that one have grown so drastically between the ages of 18 and 21 is foolish. There is alot of maturing that takes place, but not THAT much.
  19. There are usually good dances and sound clashes at Club Warehouse in Brooklyn and also Amazura (which is in Queens I believe). The last clash I went to at Warehouse had a good turn out, and Mighty Crown wound up turning out the night.
  20. I took it once and I got a shitty grade. It's a test that gets very annoying after a while. I can never get a good handle on the games section; I always wind up running out of time. I will take it again.
  21. I got there too early and left very early. I can't stay out late anymore even if I force myself to. I haven't done afterhours in a long time. I am dissapointed that I missed the night.
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