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Everything posted by rudeboyyouth

  1. Pauly gets whacked? I was really digging his old school character alot. I didn't care too much for him after he sniffed Christopher's girl's panties, however.
  2. Cyberia was pumping last night, especially in comparison to the previous weekend. I got there around 2 and the place was amped; I haven't felt a good vibe like that on the Island in a long time. I am so hurt-the-fuck up today. I drank way too much last night. My kidneys are still killing me.
  3. For the three minute video: Start off by focussing in on a guy who looks like he's in turmoil (judging by his facial expression). Focus in on only his face so the audience can see pain and agony. Make the individual look like he's crying, as if he's in dire need of some form of remedy. Do this for three minutes, and at the end of the video, pan away and reveal to the audience that it's nothing more than a guy trying to take a shit.
  4. God, Weyes. That story made me hard.
  5. And you call yourself a journalist. hmph.
  6. Reina performed at Cyberia last friday night. She sang some old shit, and her voice sounded like shit. She also looks far more uglier in person than she does in the pictures I've seen of her; I suppose this has to do with the fact that many of the pictures I've seen of her didn't reveal much of her body, which is hurt-the-fuck-up.
  7. I was on my way to a history class I was taking during the first semester of my senior year in college. I heard someone talking to his friend on the phone, saying "some plane just crashed into the World Trade Center." When I got to class, the students were talking about it. I thought that it was some tiny private plane that mistakenly hit into the building or something. No one seemed to concerned about it at the moment for some reason. While walking back to my car after class, I realized that I had voice mail; I checked it, and one of the voices was my friend saying "Yo, there's mad shit going down.....[and so on]." I tried calling my house, but the calls weren't going through; a voice kept saying that there is a high volume of calls or some shit to that effect, suggesting that almost everyone was using their cell phone. When I got home, I turned on the television and saw the picture of one tower on fire as the other tower was hit by the plane (it was a tape of what had happened only moments ago). I was shocked, but there was a part of me that didn't feel too fucked up about it because I thought that the problem would be straightened out, eventually. I remember thinking "at least the towers are still standing; hopefully they put out the fire." Two minutes later, I glance at the screen and see the first tower tumbling down. I couldn't fucking believe it. Actually seeing the tower crumble seemed too unbelievable. That day I ditched classes and stayed home all day, watching tv and eating all kinds of shit, like: Chicken cutlet on a roll w/ mayo, pickles, tapioca pudding. Last September reminds me of a really good time in my life, despite the tragedy that happened. I started doing alot better in school, my grades were remarkable, and I was able to enjoy myself without worrying too much about anything. It was one of the best semesters I've ever had in college. Every friday during the winter that followed the tragedy consisted of nothing but drinks, drinks, and more drinks. I can't believe it has been a year already.
  8. Did any of you happen to be there last weekend while That Kid Chris was spinning in place of Junior? I've never heard him spin. How is he?
  9. Did any of you happen to be there last weekend while That Kid Chris was spinning in place of Junior? I've never heard him spin. How is he?
  10. I usually get there around 6, stay till 1 or 2, then go home. I don't wake up until 8 or 9 pm. No need to stay out until Monday, unless I have absolutely nothing to get done. Even then, Monday is stretching it. I can't beat up on myself anymore. That shit gets old after a while, and my body isn't up to it anymore.
  11. I really want to go, but if I do I won't get any work done tomorrow; I'll just lay on my ass until 8 pm, get up, contemplate doing work, jerk off, and then go back to bed.
  12. The sound that is manufactured at the Factory of Sound in the late morning hours is unrivaled. Some of the rawest, nastiest house music to get open to. Nothing more to be said.
  13. Just try to keep your crack clean of bushiness. If you have alot of hair in your crack, it will never really be clean after you wipe it because particles will always stick to the hair. Clip the hairs short, and try using baby wipes to wipe your ass after you take a shit; they work really well, and are clean as hell. If you don't have alot of hair in your ass, they work even better than toilet paper. Baby your ass, it's the only one you have. Cuts in or our around the rectum aren't good.
  14. It's very easy to mention Tony Draper in the same sentence as talented dj's like Junior Vasquez. All one needs to do is read all of the information on this board that is constantly being written about dj's; by doing this, one comes to a self-realization which sounds something like: "I know all the different names of the dj's who spin within New York City, and eventhough I have no real knowledge of house music or the mixing styles of these dj's, I can still sound like I do if I know the names of these individuals." Different tastes are one thing, but mentioning the names of music creators / remixers / dj's with the names of half-assed record / cd playing, trainwrecking, tastelesss music playing cunts is another thing. Individuals like this need to stick to buying worthless club-music compilations and bootleg cd's that sell for 5 bucks a piece. Fucking faggots like these often have much to say about the new house tracks that are floating around on bootleg compilations. Mention a classic to them, however, and they can't say shit. Individuals like these are often stuck to the balls of any dj that is mentioned more than three times on this message board. Well, to such individuals I say: Don't forget to lick the head of the shaft as well. Overall, one can easily mention two names like Draper and Junior in the same sentence because he / she is nothing more than a fucking groupie. I can't stand such sluts. If you're going to mention names, at least sound as if you have a knowledge about what you're mentioning. Otherwise, shut your pie-hole.
  15. Junior Vasquez, still. Despite his age, he continues to create the nastiest beats, the most beautiful vocal remixes, and some very innovative and experimental music overall. Junior is an marathon-set veteran, and he continues to get open afterhours unlike any other dj in Manhattan. His party, despite its changing crowd, still remains true to the afterhours of New York City. When on point and in the right mood, Junior is unmatched. Jonathan Peters is also another very talented afterhours dj who creates nasty beats of his own, but I don't like his mixing / remixing as much as I do Junior's. Despite my opinion, however, Peters does create a vibe in Sound Factory on Sunday morning that has been, and will continue to be one of the sickest in Manhattan. Some of the beats that Peters does create are absolutely untouchable. But Junior holds the crown in New York City, in my opinion. Some other favorites of mine are: Rob James, Anthony Martinez, Robbie Rivera (although a Floridian Dj), Boris, Cleveland, Jason Ojeda, Guido, and Dj Escape.
  16. Unlike many Dj's, Junior's style continues to evolve. He is constantly experimenting, and he is unafraid to push the envelope in every live set I've heard spun by him at Juniorverse and Earth. A dj who continues to represent New York City unlike any other should not retire any time soon. Despite his age, Junior unleashes music that is absolutley beautiful in so many different ways. He stays on top of his game, and he never ceases to dissapoint me. With all the existing and newly emerging domestic and foreign talent, Junior still stands out as one of the best. His mixing is fierce, his remixes are even fiercer, and unlike many dj's, he continues to play for his crowd first. His music continues to make New York City an unrivaled club spot.
  17. The first season wasn't too bad, but the show has gone downhill. The storylines and the acting are both pretentious, and the women, especially Sarah Jessica Parker, don't seem to look as good as they once did. The personalities of the characters aren't enough to keep me interested. I really hope HBO's "OZ" has another season coming up. In the last season, Augustus was shanked; I hope this episode didn't signify the end of the series.
  18. I like a clit large enough to rest my head upon after nibbling.
  19. Does the Friday party still cater to a younger crowd, or has the age limit been raised?
  20. The girl in the first set of pictures is Belladonna, and she's one of the worst porn stars out there right now. She's ugly as shit.
  21. I can't believe they gave a piece of shit like Beyonce the part in the new Powers flick. They should have given it to someone who is at least talented as a female comedian / actor.
  22. As far as an all out battle goes, here is what I think: For years, Batman has done his best to keep up with the best of them; he is constantly doing his homework, altering his gameplan, and staying one step ahead of his adversaries, but I doubt his foresight would be enough to counter the strength of either Superman or The Incredible Hulk. Batman would hang tough, but not for long. Batman does know Superman's weakness, however, and I am sure he would come prepared for the fight. Batman, despite being human, is able to match the various superpowers of his adversaries. He can design various gadgets to deal with the agility of Spiderman, and the power of both the Hulk and Superman, but these gadgets would eventually be destroyed. Spiderman has proven his ability to deal with powerhouses of various sorts; whether they be the Juggernaut, the Hulk, The Wendigo, the Blob, etc, he has managed to hold his own. He tussled with the Hulk in both the comics and the old "Spiderman and his Amazing Friends" animated series. Spiderman is a perfect combination of agility, intelligence, and strength, but in the long run his strength would be no match for the awesome power of either Superman or the Incredible Hulk. The Incredible Hulk is the epitome of raw power. The traditional, dumb, old-fashioned, "where Betty" Hulk would destroy almost anything in his path, but I feel Superman would eventually stop him in his tracks. Although I've never been a DC comics fan, I have to admit that Superman is a very balanced individual. He is very intelligent, despite being very powerful; He has the strength to tangle with the Hulk, and his other powers, such as the ability to fly, use laser vision, and see through solid material, would benefit him. The Hulk does have the ability to leap very long / high distances, however, so he would definetly be a force for Superman to reckon with. Ultimately, Superman would be the victor.
  23. I never liked to shit in front of my ex. I didn't want to traumatize her. Something like that would have ruined her.
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