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Everything posted by rudeboyyouth

  1. Earth usually gets started around 6 am, and the party is largely a gay crowd.
  2. Go to Exit (Earth); you'll have a great time. The music is unrivaled, despite the existing vibe that is much weaker than what Juniorverse's used to be.
  3. He's also a great director. Check out "American Me;" very good movie, and a clear example of Olmos' fine directing / acting skills.
  4. It was wrong for the fourteen year old girl to do that to you, but she was young as well. I had my cock fondled by my babysitter's 15 year old daughter when I was 6 years old. Whether or not it had any serious impact on me, I can't say, but I do know that I think about it every so often when I jack off. I cum like a motherfucker during such sessions. Have you seen that girl recently, and if so, is she beautiful?
  5. I've never heard Paul Oakenfold spin live, but I have heard one of his cd's, and the music sounded like either trance, techno, or drum'n bass; I'm not too sure which one of these describes it the best. I've never heard him spin house music, and I was wondering what he is going to spin at CPI on July 3rd.
  6. I love seeing older men and women out clubbing. Nothing is more satisfying than seeing all ages, regardless of how old, coming out simply to have a good time. Seeing a 48 year old man and woman out on the dancefloor dancing to the same music I love makes me very happy.
  7. I would much rather fuck Mandy Moore up her asshole without a condom, pull out, cum in her mouth, and then have her spit it slowly into her mother's mouth.
  8. Not all churches or members of the clergy are unholy. Gotti doesn't deserve to be buried on Catholic grounds, and some members of the church, despite the negativity surrounding them, are sound in judgement and in opinion. The Catholic church is taking a real beating right now, but they were more than right in denying Gotti the right to be buried on Catholic ground. Members of the clergy are forced to make moral decisions which reflect their reasoning / decision making abilities to the public, and the afterlife or the forgivingness of God doesn't always fit into such decision making. I don't think its fucked up of them to deny him the right to be buried there. The reputation of the church as an institution, and more importantly, the grief of many of the family members of John Gotti's victims are more important than the overall forgivingness of God. As an institution, the church shouldn't have a man like Gotti on what they consider holy grounds. I doubt many of their patrons would appreciate it. While we are alive, decisions like these are what really count. John Gotti lived a long life in which he fucked up the lives of many Catholics and Non-Catholics alike. I hope his death was painful, just as the deaths of his many victims were.
  9. I remember hearing "Afrika" by Ceballos & Dj Chus somewhere in there. I like that track.
  10. I really hope that this doesn't affect Earth Afterhours.
  11. That's not a bad answer, Starbryte. I have a feeling you're quite a piece of ass for some reason.
  12. CPI saturday evening. Leave when they close, drive home, take a shit, smoke a blunt, crack my back a few times, and then go to Earth around 7 or 8 am. Dance as long as I can.
  13. I am so glad I don't have children. I give alot of credit to anyone who can deal with them. I can't fucking stand them.
  14. Dj Rob James Jason Ojeda Dj Remy
  15. This is good. Sean Michaels and Diesel a.k.a. Big Daddy Cool a.k.a. Big Sexy together again for the first time in years.
  16. I was also there two sundays ago. The place was definetly not empty by 3, and Skribble played an excellent set all evening. He sped up the pace a little bit making the vibe very nice. Regardless of how popular or commercialized Skribble has become, he is flawless when spinning for house music fans.
  17. Some of the cops I've dealt with in New York City and Nassau County have a very petty way of thinking. Some of them say the most ignorant, misinformed shit , and some of the shit that they say makes me wonder how they made it on to the force in the first place. One time I was pulled over in Nassau County by two undercover cops who pulled over the wrong car. After discovering that they pulled over the wrong individual, both of the cops tried to make it seem as if I had done something wrong: "What's all this garbage doing in your car?" Then they started looking through all the shit in my car for God knows what. While looking at these two fucking idiots rummage through the shit in my car, I couldn't help but think of how petty and pittiful some cops are. I kept asking "Why did you pull me over," and the cop kept saying "Keep your mouth shut or you're going to jail." So I was like "Fuck it," and he took his handcuffs out as if they were supposed to intimidate me. I then turned around, put my hands behind my back, and assumed the handcuffing position; at this point he said: "Just go over there and stand up." Bottom line: He had no reason to even attempt to arrest me. Some cops spend so much time fucking up that they have to spend even more time covering their asses like little babies who shit their diapers. Pathetic. Some cops that make it on to the force are so fucking ignorant that it makes me sick to my stomach. Many cops have a very fucked up personality, and they feel as if a badge gives them authority to move around the law. I suppose being a civil servant who makes a very limited amount of money would make one want to cherish what little authority one has, but this hardly seems to be the reason for the behavior of some police officers. Many individuals who join the force do have options and an education, but they choose to be a police officer, despite the limited salary. Some cops join for the right reasons, and some join only to become a fucking asshole to the people they serve. Some cops are nothing more than thugs with badges, and it really is a shame.
  18. No problem. Glad to be a part of the sharing process.
  19. Whether or not you're talking out of your ass is not for me to decide. Bacterial infections are not diseases, but they can lead to very serious infections which can have effects that are far more dire than some diseases. And actually, one can be tested to see if the bacteria is present either in one's urine stream or in one's urethral opening or canal. If one is tested often enough, one can safely say that one has a "clean bill of health." That is the point of getting tested constantly, whether or not one is having unprotected anal intercourse or not. The bacteria can evolve / exist weeks, even months after the intercourse. I get tested every 3 - 3 and a half months, and it has been a very long time since I have had anal intercourse. You're right: Kids these days shouldn't write such half assed shit until they really know what it is they are writing about. Maybe you are just talking out of your ass afterall.
  20. I've been tested on more than one occasion for more than STDS. I've been tested for urethral bacterial infections through urine tests and urethral examinations where there was a very tiny, yet painful dilator inserted into the urethra. Clean bill of health thus far. I stay on top of my situation.
  21. No, I didn't use protection when I had anal sex with me ex-ex, and I seldom use it when I partake in anal with other girls. I get tested very often, and I accept the risk that comes with it.
  22. Some fat people are disgusting, especially when they're naked and one can see the wrinkles in their belly and ass. I can't stand the swamp ass, swamp neck, swamp jaw, and swamp thigh that many very fat people do have.
  23. Damn, Brickhouse. Any experiences with smegma? lol I wish my dick was uncut. I can't believe I was deprived of my foreskin.
  24. That has happened to me as well. About 3 years ago I was fucking my ex-ex-girlfriend up the ass in her bedroom. I used too much K-Y since she insisted on it, and after fucking for 15 or 20 minutes, her asshole became really wide and slippery. There needs to be some dryness to anal sex in order for me enjoy it. K - Y is good, but I don't like how slippery things get when I use it. Saliva during anal sex works alot better for me; it aids during anal penetration so that the girl isn't crying out in pain, and it also doesn't deny me the chance to really enjoy the friction of a girl's asshole around my cock. Rubbing a little K-Y around the outside of a girl's rectum also works well, and it doesn't get too lubey. As I was saying, however, my hard on didn't maintain as well as I wanted it to during this particular session due to excessive usage of K-Y. I got tired after a while, pulled out, and jacked off on her asshole. There was some satisfaction in watching the cum shoot all over her asshole. I wanted to fuck her pussy after pulling out of her asshole, but I didn't want to risk giving her a painful UTI.
  25. I had a very good time at CPI this past Sunday. The music was wonderful, and Skribble reminded me of just how good he can be. Paying 10 dollars extra in order to see Jerry Springer get up on stage, say some useless shit, and shake his ass with a dancer was not one of the better parts of the evening, however. Beautiful weekend in the Hamptons this past weekend: Ojeda on Saturday and Skribble on Sunday. I haven't had such a good weekend in a long time.
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