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Everything posted by Rad_Z

  1. yea, im in the same boat...been to sona and some others up there, but never to aria Dunno... if i were you i guess i would try the new club (aria) and see how it is so that you would have a broader knowledge of montreal clubs in the future Rad_
  2. dee: How should i say this...hmmm...WOW, if you think ppl on these message boards are cruel, then you havent seen much of real life. SHit some ppl on these boards might be assholes but most arent. They are not cruel, they are here just to pass their time, find out about clubs, and mostly to find some sort of entertainment away from their daily routine.... I dont think ppl had a problem with you being 17 either, its probably was the way you came off when you posted your messages: ex. as being all that, being all knowing about clubs, & trying to be all tough on a message board. But i think that mostly you came off as being hypocritical in your replys. Rad_
  3. cottoncandy Sweetie: Why thank you! Cuteness is what im all about or at least for today though hehe Rad_
  4. HAH, damn i better not miss out on this party!! I have a problem with your sucking too! Rad_
  5. cotoncandy: Well since im psychic and a marvalous mind reader...I think that you are correct in thinking that this thread is about the person you are thinking about! And since i think, you think, and we all think, then we must be thinking the same thing about the whole thing! LOL Err im silly today! Rad_ ---->
  6. LOL!!! You know what, it would be nice to find out the original reason for the post (like a serious argument with some CP member, besides highmay of course ) But seeing all these ppl agreeing on one issue is astonishing! Rad_
  7. Hmm, in terms of which does more harm to your body and mind...alchohol does. But there are similar side effects to both of them and different reasons for use. Forming a habit out of one of them can alter your daily life. (however i know a few kids that actually concentrate better after they smoke and function just perfectly..i guess after a while its like smoking cigarettes ) ALthough i prefer beer to weed just cuz alchy can motivate me to go out when im feeling down or not in the mood...can also make me excited about stupid ass shit. Weed just makes you wanna sit on your ass and feel perfectly comfortable doing what you were doing, like watching a movie or just playing with some stupid object Rad_
  8. yea i feel kinda the same way, after so many hours its just not worth it being there for 4or 5 more... its like you have a good time or experience, see different shows, interact with diff ppl, and after a while during the night, it gets kinda boring seeing the same bland, undistinquishable thing...and when you are waiting, and waiting and waiting for some off-the hook song so that you would have a reason to stay longer, it dosnt come up and the same loop is going over and over. Maybe its just me, but for some reason i like variety...it adds a little spice to the night. Going to different clubs during one night is always a welcome event (like exit and SF this saturday) but cant do that every weekend cuz of $$$. However, SF is actually a great afterhours club in this city these days!! Rad_
  9. Hmm, OK SF review! Well first me and my friends went to Exit at around 1 AM. That was my first time hearing JV spin, and first time at exit since last year. The night was good, JV was better than i expected even at the start of night. Mixed crowd. Red room was comfy. Left at 7 AM, and went to meet up with some kids at SF. SInce we heard that SF will have alot of ppl in costumes, my friend decided to dress up as a gorilla with a mask and everything. And he gave me a pimp suit with the freakin hugest AFRO that i've EVER seen!!! (couldnt see shit when had it on) Was kinda afraid that there wouldnt be a lot ppl left, but when we got inside...OMFG...so many ppl and so crowded and so freakin hot!! , took us 20 min to get to the dance floor. Good thing we had some costumes, cuz i've seen some of the coolest shit, especially the cute girls in skimpy nurses and schoolgirl outfits! Couldn't find anyone in there...took the fro off cuz it was ridiculously hot...awesome light effects in with great spinning "sun"... JP was good, didnt think he was awesome that night though, the loop mixes were longgg! Left around noon and the floor was still packed. Overall a good night Rad_
  10. Yep, Earth was a really good last night. That was the first time i saw JV spin live, and he spun hard shit even at the start of the night. Thought the first few hours are gonna be shitty, but the music was good. SPent most of the night in the red room though. Your right about the mixed crowd. Nice mix of girls and guys till like 7 Am, then we left shortly afterwards and hit SF. Rad_
  11. Dance floor was packed even as i was leaving at 12:00 PM.
  12. LOL, OMFG!!! AFter reading all these threads and posts by igloo, he has to be the most closed-minded person on this board. Sassa, i dont think you are right about igloo....he will never wake up and realize that he is wrong, there are certain personalities in a person that will keep him from seeing (believing) anything he doesn't want to see(believe). Thats the only thing that is sad Rad_
  13. Err bdinke01: Wow, as much as i dont like your views and opinions about the world and US foreign policies, I got to admin that I totally agree with you on this specific issue about the rep govt being in bed with the pharmacutical companies and oil co. as well. From what i remember reading the Times, Bayer (which makes and has a patent on Cipro) donated more than $93,000 of "soft" money to the republicans and only $500 to the democrats in the 2000 elections. Rad_
  14. Hey, maybe being in your 30's and older and hitting SF on a FRIDAY night wouldn't be the best idea. Being that age and at SF on a SATURDAY night is actually normal. If you are a lil kid and dropping in clubs every weekend, then for you it might seem that the club scene gets boring and you gonna stop partying soon or like 20's. Although, for me, im 23 and i dont see myself stopping till im in my 40's!! Of course different places for diff time periods. Rad_
  15. SOme of what goa is saying does actually make sense.
  16. HAHHAHAHAHHA. hilarious! You're saying to take all of those countries out, and we are still not half done? LOL WHat the f**k are U smoking kid??? Did someone put a lil too much pcp in your diet, and you ended up on a permanent power trip thinking of genocide against every muslim country in the middle east, just like the NAzi's tried to do to the jews, slavics and everyone else that wasn't the *superior race*? (*sorry for the run-on*) Colonial times are over my boi Rad_
  17. OH yea, Crobar is a really awesome club! Been there a few times. I think one of the closest to a megaclub in the chi scene. Yea, if you can get someone else's 21+ id or some fake, you should deff hit it on a Saturday. The only thing that blowz is that t closes like 5 Am, cuz every other one in that city closes even before that. Rad_
  18. Damn, I would love to hear him live...shittt!!!!!!!! How much is the admission, is it $10 with guestlist thursdays as well? THe thing that gets me is that centro has kinda a small dance floor. Rad_
  19. haha, stompy: I know a few girls like that! Rad_
  20. starr: I see by your location that you live in ny/chi. How often are u in chicago? WHat clubs do you hit over there? Rad_
  21. HA! LOL Your still avoiding to answer my question. There is no need for personal jabs. Rad_
  22. HAHA, this is actually sad, but it amuses me how some ppl take their stance so strongly as to result to personal attacks (hint: igloo). Igloo telling sassa: Actually, i really wouldn't want to see you in power. Opinion like sassa are actually a positive thing for this country, bringing balance to politics. If it wasnt for em, US might turn into a "bomb 'em all and aks questions later" type of country. Meaning trying to surpress everything that is different from america. Anyways, as i see it, igloo's perspective is seen as the right one by majority of ppl in USA and UK. But this is only one moment in history and like you know opinions and perspectives change as time continues to pass by. Rad_
  23. Igloo: OMG, what are the riskier "endeavors" that the military is taking for the sole purpose of avoiding civilian casualties? No, like raver_m said, there is no way that the gov't would do this, because the majority of ppl would rather bomb the hell out of anyone and everyone, rather then risk US soldier's lives. Rad_
  24. Yea great way of defending some fucks...'they are nice kids because they personally dont beat the shit out of me'!! LOL Rad_
  25. hah vision! As for the taxi cab drivers, the decision would have to be taken by India. Rad_
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