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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by thomaskm1

  1. FUCK! I knew I should have went.... ------------------
  2. After reading the X posts, a few things popped into mind. Like it or not we are considered by the masses a counter-culture, one obsessed with drugs, loud noises, make-shift communities that gather together to release the tensions that are placed upon us by the modern world. We are shallow, superficial, group of mislead misfits, regardless of our everyday lives and contributions to society. According to the media and the current city administration, a good club/party/rave is a closed one. Have we brought this upon ourselves through years of flagrantly open drug use and illegal parties? DO WE NEED DRUGS TO REALLY PARTY? Be honest, next time you are out check how many around you are using compared to those not? Remember your first real E-experience and how it felt. While I don't condone drug abuse, I will never deny that numerous vertibrae in the spine of this scene are filled with a plethora substances. This backbone keeps us together and moving, hopefully on the up&up. Music is at the heart and PLUR & commonsense should always be on the brain. Where would we be without drugs? ------------------
  3. Sasha and Digger's first Renaissance mix compilation...absolute classic! Recently, Taylor's United DJ's of America Mix CD or Sasha GB Ibiza mix. Parish ------------------
  4. Thursday is the fucking jam. You need to go next week. Period ------------------
  5. Whats the party all about. i am afraid to say that I know nothing about it. Who's playin? ------------------
  6. Try Saci on Fridays, the Flava boys have a great thing going on there Parish ------------------
  7. Its to bad that they don't shut the doors a little earlier or limit access a little more often. But then again music that good shouldn't be denied to the masses. Rock on PVD, we need it ------------------
  8. It will probably be a healthy mix. I will be going with a bunch of friends. I miss the big outdoor parties so I think it would be fun. Guess it depends on who you are with. But Rabbit in the Moon is amazing live, hands down the best live act on the planet ------------------
  9. We just did an interview with international super DJ/Producer Timo Maas for ClubPlanet. I just wanted to get a feel about what, if anything you guys thought of his material, remixes or otherwise, and his DJ sets. Anyone catch him at Twilo last week? Really cool cat and totally dedicated to the scene,should be on the site in two weeks. Let me know. ------------------
  10. thomaskm1

    Look for love?

    Ladies, if you got real hair, real fingernails, silicon headlites, a golden glow, and a mane with flow, I am your man. If you're interested in sharing yourself with a man who has the key to open up your pleasuredome, send me an email with a pic and I'll see if I can schedule you in for a little mono y mono. xxx ------------------
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