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Everything posted by deanna11

  1. goldenman, i love your pics. PVD has the sweetest smile, i think
  2. i don't get it. but trippintrance is my boy and cool as shiit! *mwah!* apotheosis, glad to have met you, hope we get to hang out more. maybe you could aspire to be my boy too. haha j/k
  3. hmm... how i like a guy depends on what i want him for but for anything, i always highly value these traits in anyone: confidence (not the cool kind, but the kind wherein someone is sure of himself enough that he can observe others), honesty (games are annoying and anti-productive), intelligence, humor, and purpose for fun. and low maintenance (goes with the confidence thing)!
  4. i like big, like any other girl, but to a certain point. if he's the size of a potato stix canister, then he's not going near me. i don't even eat potato stix, but if i did i'd buy them in the cellophane bags (no, there's no metaphor there, about buying, eating, or container) this one friend of mine is HUGE (i've heard). a time he was with a virgin, got the fish ticket, and afterwards she had to go to the emergency room. i'm not kidding! after a couple other true scary stories, girls are seriously scared to fuck him!
  5. deanna11

    Doggie Style?

    i think missionary has the deepest penetration. can hurt too
  6. Daniela, love your quote so, i might as well be masterbating since it's 7 am monday morning and i haven't done SHIIIIT yet damn it, what the hell did i do all weekend?? oh yeah...
  7. daaaaaamn... i told myself i was going to take a good, long break from clubbing. well, that lasted all of 5 days, UNTIL IT WAS FRIDAY AGAIN
  8. yeah, i know now. glad to hear you guys had a good time
  9. HAHAHAHA! had a half rack, smoked a couple bowls with friends, then was going 85-90 in a 65 and got pulled over. my friend in the passenger seat was also drunker than i was and had two warrants out for his arrest. i also had to get out of the car to get my purse and license from the trunk, where we had more alcohol and weed. managed to keep the cop from seeing it though, and i just got a speeding ticket. wasn't going to dispute that one
  10. is this a serious inquiry?
  11. i know that anyone who would read this post would probably have already read some others, but i'm posting anyway if anyone knows how to contact Martin, please do and see that he is okay. or give me the info to (i don't think Martin would be too upset if i do) please pm or email me: cwubwove@hotmail.com, at least for my peace of mind Martin, please be okay, and get ahold of me
  12. damn, would someone just please pm or IM me and tell me if they know anything?? Martin, please please please get ahold of me
  13. Martin, you're a sweet, fun, silly (in a very good way) cutie. and awesome dancer. i know this from having seen you, danced with you, partied with you, and talking to you. check your pm, IM or call me
  14. if anyone has a way to contact him besides the fucking computer, please do and/or let me [This message has been edited by deanna11 (edited 12-03-2000).]
  15. Al, i had an INCREDIBLE time too. so glad i got to party with you and everyone again, and got to meet so many fun, sweet people. it's great having a lot of friends there; makes the club feel like your very own party omg, the crowd last night was WONDERFUL. and everyone who whipped out strings was hooking up a SHOW! mad props and hugs to everyone i saw and met last night *mwah*
  16. oh baby... i'll whup any of you native east coasters on the slopes! the real mountains are out west go west paradise is there you'll have all that you can eat of milk and honey over there you'll be the brightest star the world has ever seen the dizzy height of a jet-set life you could never dream
  17. tiestoisgod, omg, me too! Gary Larson taught at a high school near mine so some of his unpublished cartoons circulated a little. you'd never figure where though
  18. Daniela, you look so cute in every one you're in! Shaun too! and then the two of you! aww... hehe, Matty, what big pupils you have... and damn, i look mad spaced out thanks for posting those, Daniela. they bring back poignant memories of the visuals... MMMMM!... craaaaazy gooooood...
  19. it wasn't too long ago: last year's Countdown 10 (i think?) with Christopher Lawrence. omg, it was amazing! music was incredible, vibe was the absolute best i've ever come across, everything was perfect. and i was with my boy Mikey at the time and he doesn't know it, but it is among my fondest memories with him
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