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Everything posted by deanna11

  1. seriously? i didn't even know what was down there for a while! probably for most of grade school
  2. wow, this is all so true. the last guy i was with, we broke up with the agreement to always be friends because we were friends before anything else. two weeks later, we were clubbing together and he brought his new gf and even when he was making out with her in front of me, i honestly felt happy for him. at the time, i thought we were friends and i was glad that we still had each other in some way, and that if we couldn't make each other happy in the way that we wanted, then at least he found a girl who could then. well, i didn't think to question why he had a gf so immediately after we'd broken up. when i did, i realized they'd been seeing each other for quite a while, a lot longer than two weeks. so, this definitely added to the equation of our not being friends now. some things i figure/learned: 1. most people you know will never deserve your full trust 2. you will more likely than not be an ex someday. if he's not friends with his exes, you probably won't be friends with him when you're done with him 3. people aren't together because they each choose the "best"; they choose who they're most compatible with
  3. oh man! why you have to crush me like that? i'm so looking forward to seeing Oakie on thanksgiving night. well, i guess you gave my expectations a little reality bite. so either i won't be too disappointed or Oakie will come through and blow me away
  4. me too. let's hear the word. Travelling is decisively better than Another World? i was told that they're really similar. so since i've had my friend's Another World for ever now (sorry, mattyparsons, i'll get it back to you!), i thought i shouldn't get Travelling
  5. i'm going! i'm missing thanksgiving with my mom and brother just to go! :*( Oakie better make up for it!
  6. hehe, i'm on Fox News right now, waiting for that story
  7. oh, man! you play that too? we get a +5 if we somehow manage to get them in the eye. happened to me once. not get it in someone's eye; i got it in mine. it was in a stupid, packed bar. last time i ever go to a bar
  8. my god, i've never cared about a guy's car nor want to meet a guy who thinks i would
  9. damn, that's some crazy shit... Jaysea, not that i know anything about NY before i came here a year or so ago, but who are you? must've been crazy times...
  10. my exes have been the very sweet, fun-loving, adoring type. they tend to be more innocent than me, which is good because i need someone who can keep my feet on the ground, and they like me showing them new things. they've also tended to be more sensitive than me. although they're good guys, i would like to see myself with a guy who's different physically, they're athletic and cut, not too big. for me, NO to: pretty boys, huge sweaty guys, thugs, guys with long hair
  11. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! that's hilarious just go to him and start blowing him. few guys would turn that down. i know from experience. j/k
  12. sometimes there are other offensive people. just ignore them all
  13. bitch, what are you talking about??? you worthless piece of shit, i'll hurt you for that one...
  14. not that i've seen. my friends from CA and Toronto can't find it here. sucks to be us... if you can find some, hook it up!
  15. njguido, what's verve? does G ever make you puke at clubs?
  16. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! who is this guy? he cracks me up! personally, i hate ghb. any good feeling you get from it does not make up for the feeling of wanting to puke. especially stupid drug, not worth it
  17. cool thing i remember about a stranger... three men were watching me dance and near the end of the night, one of them came over to me to tell me he and his friends had been watching me all night and they liked the way i dance. and that i reminded them of their own daughters about my age. he said he hoped his daughter dances like me. he made me miss my own dad so much just then... [This message has been edited by deanna11 (edited 11-07-2000).]
  18. um, how do you feed or starve either?
  19. does no one hire male strippers?? c'mon, i know someone can help me! pleeease...
  20. two of my roommates' birthdays are coming up and we need to get them a hot, soft-core male performance. have done a little research, but still not too knowledgeable about this. can anyone give me any info about a good place to book, price range, etc.? obviously, we're looking for sexy, professional guys. if anyone can help, please respond or pm me. thanks~
  21. he was spinning house for most of the MOS party at Roxy
  22. agreed, tranza. there are cheesy anthems, like zombie nation, and then there are classics, like someone...
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