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Posts posted by kingartur

  1. Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

    Bare with me while I try and recall the events of last night........First I'll start with Pseudo. Got there straight after work with Dan and Regina and signed up for a slot.....The place was empty and it didnt pick up at all as the night went on....Hard to understand since its only $10 to get it and you get to bring your own liquor....So I went on at 9:30 and spun probably one of the worst sets of my life for the next 45 minutes....I apoligize to everyone who was there to witness it.....Good sets from Jon and Bog as usual....So a few hours and several beers later I finally head out to Shelter with Marci and Kristi....We get in there and the music is on point....The club wasnt too packed which was a good thing because you always had room to dance and it never got too hot......So we all danced alittle, drank even more, and then finally went home alittle before 3.....It was good seeing some people from the board out last night....Marci, Kristi, Regina, Jon, Bog, Serge, Arthur, Eugene, Eric, and Sexxyme(I'm sorry I forgot your real name :worry2: ).......

    BTW, I forgot who asked me for the name of a song but if you im me I'll look through my records and send it to you....:cool:

    YOO u had a great set, i liked listening to it.

    Hope to hear u spinn again:cool:

  2. Originally posted by dr0ne

    i pretty much just type anything. if "russian girls" offends you, replace it with "american girls" "madagascarian girls" or perhaps "djiboutian girls" cuz to me it make no difference (ie: chill the fuck out and dont take everything so seriously).

    Next time before u type think for a sec, cause u might offend someone.

    And yes i get offended when u call a russian girl a "Product, crackwhore".

  3. Originally posted by dr0ne

    they should at least offer a money back guarantee.

    "we hereby guarantee this product to be free of defects of worksmanship for a period of 30 days. if the product malfunctions, behaves erratically, has moodswings, becomes a crackwhore and attempts homicide, you may return the product for a full refund of the purchase price, minus shipping costs"

    "Product, crackwhore"

    Guy whats up? what u talking about? are u thinking what u typing or u just type anything. U think russian girls are products and crackwhores

  4. Originally posted by lilskumbagg

    No Arthur just cause i attract men doesnt make me gay...and just cause u sit home and masterbate to fantacies of me doesnt make them real and im ova here on this thread competing with John ova Chuleta and she's female -=]

  5. Originally posted by hoke



    I think this thread has to be moved to drama.

    Djstd dont judge people before u get to know them, if u do it can get into alot of trouble

  6. Originally posted by djstd

    this might make some of u really mad...but the majority of pictures on this New York Board is of some ugly people. Whenever i go to clubs are bars i see at least 10 hotties. I mean picture people please take some pics of hot girls on this forum. Im not saying im beautiful but ummm...i used to like using my imagination at meeting up with cp peeps...the majority of the people in the pics i think..might be wrong but i think are like 23 and up.....isnt there any 18-21.

    O btw ths song is old but its now my favorite trance song ever

    Svenson & Gielen- Twisted (energy Mix)

    Soirry if i offended people just thought cp wasnt all old peeps :blown:

    U don't like the people on cp board, get the fuck off the board:blown:

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