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Posts posted by kingartur

  1. Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

    Entering the "nonphotoshopped" category -

    My friend took this pic of me dancing around at Glow - and he must have gotten me at some weird moment 'cause it totally looks like I'm having an orgasm or something :rolleyes: I can't believe I'm posting this...



  2. Originally posted by nautilus60

    Hmmm, maybe...i bet we know the same people here in balto, if you hung out with russians that is, cause the community here is pretty small.

    Ever come back here? if so, let me know when - we'll chill

    post ur pic, i know bunch of russians there,but i can't really name for few reasons. def i'm not goin back there.

  3. Originally posted by nautilus60

    You look kinda familiar. Like someone i knew when i was a kid. I know its a long shot but...where in Russia are you from? I lived near Kiev.

    Na def don't know u from russia.

    but i did chill in MD, baltimore for about a year or so. maybe u seen me around there

  4. Eminem is still one of the best rappers out there right now. So doesn't matter what u say about him, he will still sell his music, and people will still listen to his music. So i don't see a point of u bashing him to make urself feel better:blown:

  5. Originally posted by clubkat

    omfg lmao

    so i called my cousin on my cordless phone and in the background it sounded like a baby was crying. . .so i thought to myself, maybe its her kid. . .

    we kept talking and she stopped me mid sentance and asked "what is that?"

    i said "isnt that the baby?" she said "no. . ."

    so we listened and kept silent. . .and we realized, this was no baby. . .

    it was a woman moaning. . .

    "oohh ohhh oooo ooo oooohhhh ohhh ohhh mmmm ohhhh"

    slowly then it sped up and finally stopped lmao

    ohh god, thank heaven for phone sex and cordless phone channels! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :laugh: did u record it
  6. Thats crazy :eek:

    Originally posted by hoke

    :laugh: These are great (I think -- they're also kind of scary). Here's another...

    My first serious girlfriend, first girl I ever slept with... very strange girl -- very pretty, hot in the sack, but completely off her rocker. One night we're sitting in our dorm hallway (yeah yeah I started late, what can I say). I'm sitting down and she's laying on the floor resting her head in my lap. Everything's completely peaceful... even romantic, one might say... until all of a sudden, she jumps up, STARTS SCREAMING at the top of her lungs, running up and down the hallway, tearing shit off the walls! She runs into the ladies' room, and of course I follow her, because I'm confused as hell and worried about her. I find her balled in a heap on the floor, shaking like a madwoman, begging me to KILL her!!!! :confused::eek::confused: I pick her up, carry her in my arms up three flights of stairs to my room, and spend the next hour holding her down on my bed so she won't fall out from the convulsions she's having, and soothing her as best I can while she continues to beg me to kill her...

    That was the first clue I ever had that something was off with her. The relationship turned out *really* badly (probably more than I'll ever discuss on the boards), but I'll never know if it was because we simply weren't compatible, or because she was absolutely certifiably insane at the time... :(

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