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Everything posted by pangelid

  1. Members: Please DO NOT post locker details to the CP board. Please use email. Vadim: That is not a huge problem. That is how many songs that are in that particular locker. There are 3 lockers up right now. Since locker 3 is new, there are barely any songs in it. Its up to the locker members to up and share. Login/Password has been changed. Sorry everyone. Will send out new details after work. Thanx!
  2. im already set up with a ride.. Thanx though. PM me if you wanna meet up!!
  3. damn you and your sexy sig. Im at work and I hafta keep scrolling your posts around so no one thinks i'm looking at porn at the office. HAHAHA!!
  4. i live in staten island and am going tonight. mini meetup in my bassment?
  5. Couldnt help it. I needed some excitement at work. God it sucks here. Sorry!!
  6. HAHAHAHAHAH...I'm sorry fellaz. I had a moment of weakness there. Couldnt resist with all the hyped up UNRELEASED threads lately. Please forgive me!
  7. yo, what the fuck? who deleted them?
  8. I just sent Tarantella, Lets Bounce and Into You to the mailing list....did everyone get it?
  9. LISTEN UP EVERYONE!!! I just upped the full mixes to Tarantella, Lets Bounce and Luz Divina - Into You to ALL 3 Lockers. Hurry up and DL them. DO NOT ask me where I got them!
  10. I believe what [hard_house] is trying to say is "regular" people aren't going to theor local record store and asking for Tarantella or Fantasy. Which is true. But those two songs are made for a certain crowd, and as far as the crowd is concerned, it is a hit. I know so many kids that are like, yo have you heard...or you know where i can get....only thing is, those are EXIT kids, and don't represent most NYC clubbing. As far as the flier goes, those are made by promoters not DJ's. Thus they will put things on there designed to draw crowds. I saw a flier that promoted SUPERSTAR DJ and then some jerkoff i know from Staten Island that can't mix two beats together. Its just a marketing scheme.
  11. did you use the email and password that I emailed you? Try using that, click on mylocker, and you will see the songs.
  12. no doubt. I'll hook you up when I get home. check your pms
  13. BTW, that PHO track is hot. I heard a real audio clip of it. I hope you have a good mix of it. Can't wait!
  14. Virginia Tech. Its in the sticks southwest Virginia. Uggggh..no hard beats at all. I DJ there and kids are like, yo, wheres the puffy?
  15. I know I'm not gunna be on as often, but for some reason I probably wont be able to get away from this freakin board. All the info about the latest tracks is fuckin great. We gottah keep it goin.
  16. I just put one up there at 11:07am, so i guess its working again. Try it now and maybe only try one track to make sure its working for you. That timing out happens mainly when myplay gets over loaded with too many things at one time [ie downloading and uploadind at the same time] or when there are multiple users logged in the same locker. The second one is usually the case though.
  18. if we can freakin get into the locker anytime soon. scheduled maintenance has been goin on all last night and still all morning. Faaaaaaaaack!
  19. i personally don't like it but apparently some people do. I heard it is already the most requested track to EVER hit the radios in NYC.
  20. hey bro, i just checked out your tracks at mp3.com. I liked "let me make your ears ring" Keep doin what your doin bro. Hope to see your name in the future.
  21. i went to Greece when I was about 14 and somehow got into a big club because my brother knew someone who knew someone. Anyway, I got wasted that night [one of the first times ever] and met the DJ, he gave me his tape. It had all those dope classic songs on it. Then the next year I discovered college radio. WSIA, College of Staten Island radio station was broadcasting some GOA and other psych shit. I loved it [even though I hate it now]. Started listening more and more and then began going to record stores to find more of the same music while eventaully finding out more and more about different styles. The rest is history.
  22. Codica, Your lips are still stuck to his ass. what kind of glue did you use??? hahah...j/k
  23. whoops, that was the wrong ID, i got confused with the wake up vocal. The right ID is "Arksun - Astrodancer Remix" Can't remember which remix exactly, but its def. not the staircase remix and to be honest with you, it took me a while to find the right remix. This was over a year ago, so I dont know how available the song will be right now.
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