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Everything posted by rose1722

  1. Yeah I know some girls r like that... oh wellz "things" happen. I guess I was more annoyed since I'm going to San Diego soon.. and didn't want my period then ... Yep ofcourse i'll keep on partying! nothing will stop that~! Tomochan <3 <3
  2. I totally agree with glowdancer... so I don't need to say more cause that'll just be repeating the same thing she just said! Tomochan
  3. Yeah true but I donno if I can go... I gotta go somewhere else But who knows.. I alwayz change my mind We'll see~! Talk to u laterz Tomochan
  4. I'm 100% positive I'm not pregnant =) So it kinda puzzles me why it's late.. well usually it's off by dayz.. but this time I'm kinda worried since I thought I got it one week b4 I was suppose to get my period. Like one night I took "zorro" and after it kinda wore off I went to the bathroom... well little blood came out. so I figured I had my period but nothing after that. Hmm... well I hope it's just stress =) Thanks for replying neptune and sin! I guess I gotta wait more dayz... Being real sick right now doesn't help =( Especially with the ugly ugly ugly weather. Tomochan
  5. Glowdancer- there's alwayz next time =) I donno if I can make it this weekend.. or soon cause from 21-29 I'll be in San Diego and Las Vegas~! I can't waait!! Yeah I luv the lightshows.. I wish I was right there next to U! NOT fair haha.. Oh man.. I missed out on the Vicks Inhaler this time Those stuff r so good.. especially to u're eyes! This time I just had a whole box of Altoids (I LUV them.. almost finish them off at the club) I alwayz have them and luv giving them out. I had to go home real early that day but sounds like I didn't miss out too much since after 5 it sounds like it wasn't that good.. until 7am... Well I gotta meet U and princess now! Sounds like u guys know how to have FUN~! Tomochan
  6. This is So~ amusing to read.. =) aww thanks MiKeY~ u're good too! I think u massage me more than I massaged u... sorry about that. I was rolling real good that night. Did I hear "zorro"?? Ah~ the memories... from just 2 weeks ago =) too trippy for me. Well seemz like every1 had a great time! Makes me happy to hear that, Tomochan
  7. Yeah~ u saw us~! I did massage his head =) =) It's so weird how u saw us and REMEMBER about it too... hehe especially when u were real high. I read u're post about taking the capsule~! I'm glad to hear that it was GREAT~! u were jealous~ aww.. I'll give u a massage next time =) I luv to make others happy. We'll set up a date for another meet up later... u kinda know how we look so hopefully it won't be a problem meeting us there =) Tomochan
  8. Hmm.. I donno if it was us. Oh wait did u say that it looked like an "awesome" massage. It must have been us then! I massaged him on the comfy chairs on the 2nd floor.. right near the bar. If it was an asian girl massaging a guy .. it's us =) I'm SooOo glad to hear that u had a great time on u're b-day. BTW Happy happy belated B-day~! I was hoping to meet lots of people from this board but couldn't find u guys~! It's okay cause I had a great time =) Well if there is a next time I wanna meet u~! Tomochan
  9. My night? GREAT.. my weekend? Wonderful.. =) I'll e-mail ya~ Tomochan
  10. That's true but it isn't exactly the same screen name. I think we can all distinguish them apart.. 1 V and 2 V.. how hard is that?? Tomochan
  11. Hey I'm 18 I feel mad young on this board~! Turning 19 in Oct but... still.. 19 is still young. I know what u mean~! Tomochan
  12. Glowdancer and Alexz where were u~?? I went there exactly at 12:30am... waited for awhile and met Apotheosis (Mikey). Then we waited for like another hour hoping to find more people from this board~! Oh wellz MaYbE next time I had GREAT fun with Mikey~!! so it was all good Hope u guys had fun as much as I did. Glowdancer- the green lights were so good~! I was bugging out like CrAzY!!!! Also u missed out on my massage. He'll tell u how good I was Tomochan
  13. I never heard of this happening.. but ummm... would E delay or stop u're period by any chance? Cause it's 2 days late and I thought I got my period one week ago but it was only a little. And my bf is away and I haven't "cheated" on him... so it's not like I'm pregnant. I get the symptom like.. feeling bloated.. I feel so yucky right now.. and worried. Some1 have any clue? thanks... Tomochan
  14. First off "grow up" enuff said right there.. but I gotta add some more hehe. As she said.. she thought of the name herself b4 she even saw u'rs.. What makes U think u can change some1 elses screen name? Just b/c u thought up that screen name first? I donno... this is such a pity.. and little thing to fight over.. sad to see that on this board. Tomochan
  15. oh shoot.. u guys r serious? damn.. I better go practice ASAP~! hehe kidding. I got my own thing (technique) going on.. it's a surprise =P Tomochan.. #1- glow #2- Mikey Cause ya know.. it's alwayz ladies first
  16. Ofcourse I'm serious Tomochan
  17. Bob goes into the public restroom and sees this guy standing next to the urinal. The guy has no arms. As Bob's standing there, taking care of business, he wonders to himself how the poor wretch is going to take a leak. Bob finishes and starts to leave when the man asks Bob to help him out. Being a kind soul, Bob says, "Ah, OK, sure, I'll help you." The man asks, "Can you unzip my zipper?" Bob says, "OK." Then the man says, "Can you pull it out for me?" Bob replies,"Uh, yeah, OK." Bob pulls it out and it has all kinds of mold and red bumps, with hair clumps, rashes, moles, scabs, scars, and reeks something awful. Then the guy asks Bob to point it for him, and Bob points for him. Bob then shakes it, puts it back in and zips it up. The guy tells Bob, "Thanks, man, I really appreciate it."Bob says, "No problem, but what the hell's wrong with your penis?" The guy pulls his arms out of his shirt and says, "I don't know, but I ain't touching it." I only sent this joke to my smart friends who I thought would get it. Therefore, you are the only ones that recieved it. (I'm just kidding, but you know what I mean) Tomochan
  18. Yeah~ hmm I'll be wearing short black skirt.. and black tank top~! With my hair held back.. and my new bangs that makes me look younger =) How old am I? only 18.. but people usually think I'm 21-25... sooo.. wanted to look my age for a change. Oh I'm asian with a black guy friend =) Seriously can't miss me. Hey any of u guys gonna roll? if so I'll give u an unbelieveable and unforgetable massage.. no doubty.. guys and girls =) I started doing it and peopole literally start to fall in love with me after I completely my magic haha.. Can't wait to meet all u guys~~!! Tomochan My real name is Tomomi... when I see u i'll promise that I'll pronouce it for u... =P
  19. How about 1am at the coat check?? Tomochan
  20. hehe me as a BLUEANGEL last Halloween~! I luv wigs <3 <3 Tomochan
  21. #1 I'm on the right.. redish hair.. #2 B4 clubbing... Tomochan
  22. A typical frat boy is hanging out at his house's raging party when he notices a very attractive girl standing by herself. Being drunk enough to have nerve, he starts talking to her and pretty soon they're dancing. As the night progresses, they go back to his room and start getting it on immediately. Afterwards, the frat boy says, "Gee, if I'd known you were a virgin, I would have gone slower." "Honey," the girl replies, "If I thought you could control yourself a little longer, I would've taken off my panties. Tomochan
  23. awwww... wait.. do i? no wait... yep I think.. *looking around shyly* .. I feel LOVE ~! Well stated B2B =) Even though u were drinking *gasp!!* and smoking *Ohh noo~!* u wrote something great =) now u're rewarded with PORN from u're friends hehe... enjoy~! I luv music~! yeeeeaaahh~ Luv all of u~! Tomochan
  24. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* A LADY ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Tomochan
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