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Everything posted by rose1722

  1. thanks =) yeah I'll try the village and somebody will point me ro the right direction tomochan
  2. I know this topic has come up b4 (sorry~) but I just wanna know where I can get fake Id for 21. ANYWHERE (I know hehe).. but I wanna get real lookin ones~!! So if any of u guys got a fake Id that looks decent (ie.. real) can u tell me where u got it from? add?? thanks a lot~! <3 <3 Tomochan peko22@aol.com
  3. **raising my hand frantically** pick me~!!!! l think I'm first on line right? and I thought I was *loco* I wouldn't share my bf EVER~!!!!!! needless to say my future husband either...
  4. **raising my hand frantically** pick me~!!!! l think I'm first on line right? and I thought I was *loco* I wouldn't share my bf EVER~!!!!!! needless to say my future husband either...
  5. rose1722


    I got them for my guy friends and drop them at some hotel. Well good thing I tried them out b4 I took them at a club.. it would have been.. b..a..d.... Brandie, same thing happened to my friends too.. who took 2 tabs each.. most threw up (haha.. I felt sorry for the people who had to clean the place up. Just thanking god I didn't have to..) It was their 2nd time.. and my ??? well lets just say I've been using them for awhile. I guess just cause I didn't take 2 tabs.. I didn't hallucinate like CrAZy like they did.. seeing worms all over, color changes, looking at the mirror and thinking they saw themselves dead etc. Kept on telling me it felt like taking shrooms. They luved it (took it at a secure place)... but my friends who took it at a club hated them. Go figure~! Yep definately try them =) Tomochan
  6. My bf pierced his OWN nipples (both) and his tongue.. and somewhere else but took them out Tomochan
  7. to finally meet up at Exit friday?? Just wondering cause I was going to, but I was occupied anywayz hope u had fun... I was able to accidently meet this guy I met 2 weeks ago.. it was funny =) Tomochan
  8. rose1722


    Yep I took it too... real trippy =) words can not describe what my friends went through haha.. This E contains MDA. MDA is the stronger relative of MDMA (ecstasy), causing a longer, more speedy roll with visual hallucinations also EZ Test Result: myscline and mda not lcd or any other substance. Read the previous post about it. It's called "Z's". hehe I got my hands on these~ I am saving some for special occasions
  9. u know people from Scarsdale? Where do u live? Tomochan
  10. I'll probably be there too =) If my friend allows me to ~ haha... I'll be wearing a short black skirt and black tank top with white swirls on it. Can't miss me <3 I'm asian (japanese). Hope to see u guys there~ =) Tomochan
  11. u didn't know juiceheads r everywhere? not only Exit?? u know they r free to go anywhere they wanna go No they want more girls to be there~ that's why they have pic of guys. More girls there then the guys would go chase after them and spend $$$$$$ that's what the club wants~! Tomochan
  12. I definately think female and male can be friends. My closest friend is a guy and he's my god bro now. I have more guy friends too. Some of them I know they kinda like me more than a friend, but they know I am in love with my bf so wouldn't come onto me or anything. Our friendship is tight and it's great~! My bf is away for a yr and when I hang out with my guy friends it's all cool. I would never cheat on him and even when I roll with 5 guys and me... nothing happens =) I think it's so great and beautiful when a woman and a male can be mature about their relationship. Tomochan
  13. boa_boy: Yep New Rochelle is pretty near me.
  14. WoW... I took them yesterday and I'm still feeling it? This pill is not pure E.... my guy friends were tripping like CrAzY~! I only took one and didn't kick in for like 3 hours.. which is weird since it usually takes only about 40 min. tops.. my guy friends took 2 and most puked cause it was SO stong and really upset their stomach. But they luved it since it was "kinda" like shrooms. They were hallucinating and totally "wacked" out. Well it was definately worth the $20 cause it lasted from 8pm-8am... no joke. Some of us were still feeling it after 8am... This was some sick E... no doubt it had some other stuff in.. ofcourse we gotta expect that Tomochan
  15. nah- the question is.. Who R U~~~??!
  16. rose1722


    WoW... I took them yesterday and I'm still feeling it? This pill is not pure E.... my guy friends were tripping like CrAzY~! I only took one and didn't kick in for like 3 hours.. which is weird since it usually takes only about 40 min. tops.. my guy friends took 2 and most puked cause it was so stong and upset their stomach. But they luved it since it was "kinda" like shrooms. They were hallucinating and totally "wacked" out. Well it was definately worth the $20 cause it lasted from 8pm-8am... no joke. Some of us were still feeling it after 8am... This was some sick E. Tomochan
  17. rose1722


    It's called Zorro right? Z with a circle around it? Well I'm taking them today.. so tell u how it is later~! yeah~~~!! Tomochan
  18. Only 18yrs old... wow u guys r mad OlD~! haha kidding kidding.. KIDDING!!!!!!! Tomochan
  19. Yeah~ or MaYbE not.. oh wellz.. I just got my hands on Zorro for tomorrow =) =) YES it's from a reliable source.... but I really hope it's good! I got them for over 10 of my friends (who worship me now...) Well I hope they wouldn't get a headache =( that would be bad but I guess it's worth it if it's a GOOD and hopefully LONG roll~! I'll tell u if it's good or not Thursday~! Tomochan
  20. I know what exactly u're talking about~!!! Ahh I know .. every single time I feel drop of water (praying that it's only water.. well who knows..?? ) I look up and wonder where it came from... I alwayz thought some1 was just messing with me by pouring water from the 2nd floor (some people think it's funny... ) but I know it's not. I wonder where it's coming from too... it's definately not the "snow" (I luv it...)since where I was sitting last time.. noo way~! Well it's gross in there as every1 knows... so I guess don't let couple droplets of ??? bother ya so much~! When I come back from clubbing there god I smell horrible but what can we do~? Tomochan
  21. I agree with Kitty.. Try K (something I wouldn't do.. but since u wanna try something new....) But when u do K.. mix it with E. I heard it's the best!!!!! Tomochan
  22. I hope u took their advice and didn't drop! I'm really depressed now cause of E. I've been taking it every friday.. and last week I drop on Wed.. and then this Fri. It got me depressed... and today I was told that my friend (not close.. but know her) died... I never had any1 I know die... and donno how to feel.. especially after I drop yesterday it's horrible. I'm gonna take a few weeks off from E. Tomochan
  23. I'm down for this =P Still unsure .. if I go I'm 100% rolling~ I'll probably be there with a friend.. well if u see an asian girl with a black guy.. it's probably mee~! haha... I'll probably wear black skirt... If I feel good I'll wear a bright pink top =) Tomochan Dj booth at 1am...
  24. ummm... hell no~?!?! I donno.. my bf bought one pack just for the hell of it.. thought it was pretty funny. Well it wasn't since it just tasted nasty~! Not worth the money at all.. it doesn't do anything.. maybe a little if u think it'll work... u know psychologically u think it may work so u might think u feel something but I highly doubt it. Tomochan
  25. I heard about Mercedes Benz.. =) Don't worry it's good Tomochan
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