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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

dj joe

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About dj joe

  • Birthday 01/01/1950


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  • Occupation
    DJ/Professional Culinary Service Counsultant (aka. waiter)

dj joe's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I believe the recognition of gay pride month is essential. It's an acknowledgement of their struggle. And I am not talking about a struggle of rights. I am talking about the struggle of growing up amd trying to survive. You see many gay people knew they were gay when they were young, most couldn't hide it too well. In school when your black or jewish or some other minority, you get picked on and teased for whatever you are. When they go home they can console with their parents who are also black, or jewish etc. But where does a gay kid lean his head to cry!!!!! ------------------ "Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery, today is a gift...that is why we call it the present"
  2. Man, that would just be Ooodles of fun... Discjockeyjoe@yahoo.com Thanks a Bunch ------------------ "Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery, today is a gift...that is why we call it the present"
  3. When I first came to NYC in '94 it was awsume...and of course you never forget your first time. I did it hard core for a year. Then I just stopped (simply because I didn't want to, and the roll wasn't as hard) 2 years later i did it again...Laaala la la la la...WOW! Now of course nobody expects you to wait 2 years. That would just be insane! But, time does make the mind grow fond.
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