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Everything posted by jdogg

  1. I live right next to Bear Mountain S.P. - one hour north. And I work in Bergen & Passaic - most of the time between Clifton and Ridgewood (it seems). JDogg Corporate Tool
  2. Snagged from the NY Times http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/a/AP-BRF-Ecstasy-Seizure.html By The Associated Press LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Federal agents intercepted 2.1 million tablets of the drug MDMA, commonly known as Ecstasy. Valued at $40 million, officials said it was the biggest Ecstasy haul ever. Saturday's seizure of nearly 1,100 pounds of Ecstasy at Los Angeles International Airport marked the high point of a 10-month investigation by authorities. Three men were arrested Tuesday in connection with the operation, but authorities were still searching for Tamer Ibrahim, 26, of Los Angeles, the alleged ringleader. The group has been linked to several other large seizures around the world, including 700 pounds found by U.S. Customs agents in 1999, authorities said. Saturday's cache, found on a flight from Paris, represented one-fourth of the 8 million tablets of Ecstasy seized in the U.S. this year, officials said. Ecstasy, a synthetic drug manufactured mostly in Europe, is commonly used at nightclubs and underground ``rave'' parties. In pill or liquid form, the drug is said to cause brain damage and have other side effects.
  3. THe words Euro-Mutt come to mind...from Italy an hitting every country (almost) right up to Sweden...and I end up looking Irish...Go figure.... (Italy, Germany, England, Ireland, Scotland Finalnd, Sweden) JDogg
  4. Ph0enix: now you just have to get the hack to count up each time you post... JDogg
  5. I'm 27 and have been doing this since about '91. I have noticed the change, especially being out of the area from '96 to now. Detroit has a very different scene. Slowly getting back into the scene over the past couple of months has been an interesting experience. Alcohol is my drug of choice. The Man does not mind so much if that is in the cup, but does get tweaked if other things are there. The job is almost too good to give up. JDogg Corporate Tool North Jersey
  6. At the right time, this will be a terrific 'save the children' political potato. The politician with the right timing will jump on this and make it an issue. Until that time, it will wind its way through the courts as it has for the last two years. It won't help matters, but with the rats, and the fact that Central Park was closed down tonight, Rudy has better things to do than to stand in a very industrial part of Chelsea near some old rotting buildings to say that this is a hazard to the children as rats are carting off small children on the east side. JDogg
  7. PVD is supposed to be on the radio tonight on 92.7 WLIR (a station on LI)sometime between 10 and midnight. Just heard the promo a few minutes ago. JDogg
  8. Wasn't Alice DJ on the same plane with PVD that crashed into Twilo last Thursday? JDogg
  9. WLIR 92.7FM, on the Island has a show on Sunday nights 8:30 to 10:00 and then another show on Monday nights from 10-midnight. Both are really good. (listen to it at www.wlir.com) The Sunday show is a lot of progressive house. also on 105.3 for the people out in Nassau. JDogg
  10. I'm 27 and started here in NYC when I was 17. I moved away (to Detroit) in '96 and just got back a couple of months ago. I really don't feel too old, yet. The hard part is now that I live up north and it is an hour drive home, after 6 hours of PVD. JDogg
  11. I don't often jump onto the discussion, but this one, I think I need to. A death, no matter what the reason, affects someone. Many people die in the city everyday, and likewise many people are affected. In this case, a college student from Washington, DC made a big trip to NY to see PVD. Very sadly, for what ever reason, the young man became ill in Twilo, and later died at the hospital. Assume drugs, assume a stroke, heart attack, a severe attack of the cooties. No matter what the cause of illness or cause of death, this has to reach out to each of us. We can sit back and say that he must have bought a bad pill, had a bad reaction, had too many, had something else wrong that he did not know about. Can we each know the quality of each item we buy, reliable source or not? Do we know what our reaction will be to a different batch? When will some unknown ailment in our own body reach up and grab us? This guy is each of us. He came to Twilo to hear and feel the energy that PVD and the people bring to the club. If it is true, and he chose to use drugs, then that was his choice. That still makes his life and his death no less meaningful. Would the board react differently if one of us had this happen? If I remember correctly, someone here on the board had a car accident, was in the hospital and one of the biggest topics was how that person was doing for a while. I enjoy Twilo, I enjoy PVD, and I enjoy being a small part of a very big event. I think that what we each may feel about glow sticks, NY vs. NJ DJs, and any other topic that we can rant over, we still must take this as a reminder that what we each do is a choice and a risk. With Twilo already a targeted by the City, with a court injunction already in place, with undercover security on the floor, who really is bringing the heat to the club. Is there a vending machine in the bathroom selling E? We bring our own ends upon ourselves. If we choose to use drugs in Twilo, and we get caught, should we really be pissed at the bouncers? 'I wasn't hurting anyone' is a common refrain here on the board. But now, with a death attributed to drug use, what does that choice we might make do to the club and to the whole scene? I truly hope that this incident does not bring a new round of crackdowns on Twilo and other venues. I truly hope that the man who died didn't as a result of drugs, but we will see. I truly hope that we will never visit this topic again. I want to send condolences to the family of the guy for their loss, and it its place, condolences to the board for our loss. One of our own, NYer or not. With the shootings that went on in other clubs last weekend, and this one now, some crackdown is no doubt on the way. We have the power to make things right. We also have the power to make things wrong. Let us make things right. Let us rememeber this man and may he, in passing, make each of us better. JDogg (and sorry about the length. I just had to.)
  12. Yeah - Now Bennito Guiliani will have a new reason to come into the clubs and try to shut things down. Not that the clubs are bad, mind you, but it is in the interest of the 'children that are being harmed.' With all of this, what blame lies with the guy that was rolling? You have to know what you are getting and how much you are getting. The real stroy will come out when/if the parents get the $$$$ lawsuit going. J-Dogg
  13. Just saw it on Ch. 11...same story about 5 seconds. Something about OD'ing on e and hemmoraghing. I was there last night but didn't see anything like this going on. I did see plenty of undercover security. I saw them pull about 6-8 people off of the floor before PVD came on. JDogg
  14. Lecy: My company has a HQ in Purchase...let me know what you do. J-Dogg Corporate Tool
  15. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. Yes, it is from Henry David Thoreau - Walden (1854). Not a lit major, but Thoreau was and remains a good deep read. J-Dogg [This message has been edited by jdogg (edited 06-20-2000).]
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