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Everything posted by a1wave

  1. hey scratch!! Yeah, I'm definitely going to Richie on Friday.. can't wait!! I'll do my best with a review, but I'm not so good yet with trainspotting I'm going to see DH in NYC.. you going up for the NYC show? I may even go to NYC for Dave Seaman the weekend before.... it's so easy to get to NYC from here. Much easier than from DC... no tolls for one!! Sorry to hear about your eye get better soon!
  2. As far as I know, Richie Hawtin is spinning at Axis this Friday night, Sept 28. That's all I know... I'll be there! Let me know if anyone will be there. I'd like to meet some Boston CP people. I'm new from DC...
  3. a1wave


    thanks Mil! We needed to hear that on CP...
  4. hey there! I don't know why my email notification is not working... not telling me when I have messages... what up?
  5. anyone going to see Richie Hawtin on Friday at Axis/Avalon? Which one is he actually spinning at?
  6. so there are two p-giddy-diddys? hmmmmmmm
  7. yay! pgiddy is still here... hey, did you ever come to beantown? yeah, beantown has some good stuff up here: richie hawtin and jonathan peters next friday at Avalon... this week it's dave ralph or george acosta at TILT ... not sure where tilt is, but I'm not sure I like george acosta either... hey, malanee... rumor has it that they closed shadow lounge in Miami... Liquid bought it.... sad, eh?
  8. i be doing fine... away from all you crazies down there heard you having some peeps over tonight, eh? pre buster fun?
  9. will do... ooooooooh I can't wait!!!!!!!!
  10. although kuro, shady, malanee and vixen are doing a good job keeping the conversation light seems a bit quiet without the pgiddy voice... where r u?
  11. a1wave

    George Acosta

    where's TILT? and is it true about Shadow Lounge in Miami? Closed for good? Or is Liquid opening it as something else, which I guess would make it closed for good.. Bummer, I liked that place
  12. so you're in NYC... i responded to your post on the other thread... so I guess you won't be giving me any boston info, eh?
  13. yeah, I'm new up here in Boston... I'm new from DC.. trying to learn about the scene here... figure Twilo peeps are good to ask any suggestions? looks like avalon is one place since they seem to get big names... I'm definitely going down for DH on the 13th... he rocked on Labor Day... man, it was good.. my DC peeps are going to Buzz on Oct 12 and then to Vinyl on 13th
  14. oh, and you know Mil, I'd do both shows for sure if I was down there still...
  15. I hope to see y'all in NYC 'cause I'm going to the NYC DH show... I think it'll be a better set than at Buzz... I liked when he played at Buzz, but compared to Labor Day, seemed too short ...whatever... I'll be there the 13th
  16. hey millele, yeah, it's me...) I'd love to see DH again. Who else is playing with him at Buzz? And at Vinyl? Are you def going up to NYC for the NYC show? I can get to NYC much easier, so I might just have to go to that show on 10/13...but Im weighing all my options
  17. nothing yet.. my stuff is being held hostage by my movers so I haven't moved in yet... chilling in CT till they decide to show up... I've started checking out the scene in beantown and it looks like there might be some good stuff up here on thurs-fri nights... all small places, but maybe that'll be nice... the CP board is very quiet though, I must say... i'll let you know when i have some info
  18. hey shady, I missed ya last time in the a-l-c-o-v-e... were you lost???
  19. yeah, the vibe and the people... I actually haven't been to Twilo that many times at all, but it was the best... and the people I know who are Twilo peeps are the best... Vinyl for DH this past Sunday was reminiscent of Twilo.. the Twilo wizard was there as were many other Twilo peeps... something will emerge... it has to
  20. Twilo was the best... curious to see how many others agree
  21. Just curious.. I was there and it was AWESOME!! Danny played the hardest, most rockin' set ever... Not to missed in the future... my two cents... btw, i'm new to this board from DC
  22. sosultan, oakie only spins two hour sets even in NYC... it's not DC... it's Oakie
  23. choices, choices... at least we have them, eh? hmmm ... maybe I'll stray from beantown for something... we shall see...
  24. Hey, if any of you missed the Scott Henry chat on Washingtonpost.com here's the link for the transcript: http://discuss.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/zforum/01/brace0824.htm I hope it works!
  25. Yeah, pain... oooooooohhhhhhhh! but as millele said, it was worth every minute Danny Howells rocks!!
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