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Everything posted by highmay

  1. thats all you needed for what??
  2. well i wouldnt go that far...but if you give me a reason to spite you, im relentless...case in point: well, arent WE enlightened! and now, mr flip: youll have to try harder to get a rise out of me...and...yeah, ill leave it at that...
  3. i already studied for 5 years with an option for 3 more...i can go all week long hitting you with words that you make you whip out a dictionary... it looks like you need to get the last word, or else you feel weak...go ahead, ill stop now...say what you want...it wont change how you feel about me...
  4. Bye!! This ain't over yet!!
  5. ::imitates Mystify as if she's an 8 old girl:: Happiness is something that comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!
  6. you see?? look at you!! you like it!! goddamn sadomasochist hippie...
  7. oh SURE...im certain that you're only doing this because you're humoring me and only me...it takes two to argue, genius... very inspirational sig you got there, too...remind me to boot all over you when i meet you...
  8. well, when you reply to every single one of my post degrading your very being, how can i not?
  9. in other words... EDUCATE YOURSELF
  10. it's all about the quality of the post, not the quantity of the boards i post on...i wouldnt expect you to understand that since you get worked up for goddamn "fill out who you are in 20 questions" emails, MTV shows, and Tiesto...
  11. you know what chick? this is the third thread ive seen dedicated to your bday...and by computer nerd standards, that might be impressive to some...but try getting a happy bday thread on 5 different boards like me...then maybe i might show you respect...goddamn hippie....
  12. if you know absolutely nothing about electronic music and DJs in general, you might actually think you're having a good time... if you have even the slightest clue about who is considered a good DJ and what qualities are apparent in a good DJ, then listening to Tony Draper is the equivalent to experiencing childbirth...it's like watching a loved one die right in front of you...it's like watching bo jackson attempt his comeback after his hip injury...in other words, think of the most excrutiating pain you can possibly think of, and you'll know what a Tony Draper DJ set is like....
  13. Looks like some people have a beastiality fetish... Making love with an animal is disgusting...Call me crazy or conservative, but I'd rather make love with women...or make love with women making love with other women...
  14. WOW!! That was so not funny... anyway, good question bro...i love to see some type of lineup b4 i make any confirmation...
  15. hahahah!!! "It tastes like...burning..."
  16. Philly, Europe, NYC...in roughly that order...
  17. Holy SHIT you just left yourself soooo fucking open...holy shit... must....control...self....
  18. highmay

    why is it...

    Maaaaaaan, Funk Dat!
  19. ...you have to, at the very least, give him a blowjob as well.
  20. tracklisting please...
  21. highmay


    A slide show for Hero highlighting the colors used in the movie: http://www.nytimes.com/2004/08/15/movies/15MACK.html gotta be a member of NYTimes.com to view it...
  22. highmay


    fuck those movies...THIS needs a US release ASAP: www.casshern.com
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