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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by highmay

  1. this is exactly why youve stayed on CP for such a long time...cuz youre dumb as dogshit...you have any proof to show that ive been scolded numerous times here??...oh right, you dont, cuz it never happened you dumb bitch!! i konw who my friends are, and the last thing ill do is believe a thing that comes out of your STD ladened mouth... However, on the other hand, does anyone have any clue...ANY CLUE...as to how many threads there have been over the years proclaiming distaste for you, starting with your very first?? youre like a dog...you can get slapped around by everyone, but you still wag your tale and love the world...i really have no idea how many threads there have been dedicated to your repulsive behavior...but yet its everyone else's fault...everyone is just playa hatin on you...everyone's just jealous...right?? again, you ARE pathetic... i seriously hope you die soon...i hope you get shot by stray bullett...i hope someone misses their grip while trying to remove an A/C unit from the window and you just happened to be walking underneath the thing when it crashes to the ground...i hope you get mistaken for osama bin laden...
  2. this is exactly why youve stayed on CP for such a long time...cuz youre dumb as dogshit...you have any proof to show that ive been scolded numerous times here??...oh right, you dont, cuz it never happened you dumb bitch!! i konw who my friends are, and the last thing ill do is believe a thing that comes out of your STD ladened mouth... However, on the other hand, does anyone have any clue...ANY CLUE...as to how many threads there have been over the years proclaiming distaste for you, starting with your very first?? youre like a dog...you can get slapped around by everyone, but you still wag your tale and love the world...i really have no idea how many threads there have been dedicated to your repulsive behavior...but yet its everyone else's fault...everyone is just playa hatin on you...everyone's just jealous...right?? again, you ARE pathetic... i seriously hope you die soon...i hope you get shot by stray bullett...i hope someone misses their grip while trying to remove an A/C unit from the window and you just happened to be walking underneath the thing when it crashes to the ground...i hope you get mistaken for osama bin laden...
  3. You're doing it right now... i also have no recollection who the hell youre talking about, so theyre obviously NOT my friends...right?? riiiiiight...youre pathetic...like really pathetic...
  4. dont mistake her confidence with insecurity...it's very hard to tell sometimes... confidence IS a turn on, but the great neutralizer with The Underage Moron is that she's dumb as dogshit...she seriously thinks people will treat her with respect and accept her if she takes enough nude pictures or fucks enough girls...she's really a terribly insecure and idiotic little girl...she has no shred of dignity and she probably smells like shit, too... but hey, im a positive guy...may she find acceptance by being a slut...the statistics are against her, though...
  5. euroloser can handle herself (or apparently cant)...handle your own battles...messageboards arent made to defend others...theyre made for people to get laid...
  6. it only happens to those who deserve it...now go post a pic of yourself and make daddy proud... yeah its too much to expect...your ability to proofread couldnt even intimidate eurolisa, much less me... ...and thanks for the education, DP...
  7. wrong heffa!! you just cant hang with me...and ignoring me is like ignoring that dull pain in your right arm, then you get a heart attack...
  8. its the circle of life, simba...you post bullshit, i call you out for it, you defend yourself, i belittle you...you see? there's a whole system to it...unless, of course, you beat me at my own game and you show me up, which has very rarely happened on my time here... so...what now then??
  9. i wonder if this is what you do if somebody insults you in person...youre walking on the train platform and you bump into some stranger... Stranger: Hey Asshole!! Watch where the fuck you're walking shithead!! iamme: Stranger: What was that?? iamme: yeah...you'd get the shit beaten outta you..
  10. wow...fucking stupid..."duh hey everyone!! it's Frighdeigh!! YAAAAAAAAY!!! WEEEEEEEE-"....no...
  11. bet your ass i am...
  12. ive heard weirder...you should go out more...
  13. you know how to pick'em
  14. bordom at work...why? you got a problem??
  15. i have a better topic...why not POST A PIC OF THE PERSON YOUR SIG OTHER IS CHEATING ON YOU WITH...
  16. nope...havent heard from him at all...andy z knows him though...ask him...
  17. yeah bullshit...youre the honory 15th member of Da Sicilians...admit it...
  18. no....even worse, domenick cappello was there...and you were supporting HIM...i was there because i wanted to check out corbett show up capello, which he did in mighty fashion... anyway, i dont remember seeing you vinyl....go away...i want frosted flakes...
  19. i remember the exact convo at limelight where you protested your love of tony draper...pulling that fraternal power shit on me with that type of loyalty is like a dog having a human as a pet...
  20. irina, the enlightened one...yeah ok lol
  21. it's jayme...and messageboards are all about social darwinism...
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