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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Posts posted by stigeleiro

  1. So last night since my boy bailed on my annual birthday dinner at that nice restaurant in the city, Scores, I decided to do something a little different. Last night I saw a movie that might effect my life for the rest of time. I decided to go see the movie everyone has been talking about, The Passion of Christ. Last night was the opening night so I decided to go see it at its latest time to avoid the crowd. Boy was I wrong. I went to a 10:20 showing in New Brunswick and me and my two friends ended up having to sit in the 3rd row from the front. Grant it I got there right when it started I never expected that many people there that late.

    So anyway about the movie. It was the best movie ever made. It seemed to really depict the last 12 hours of Jesus' life. My question about the movie still even this morning is why it was made. Those that know the bible it pretty much fits what u learned. Yeh there were a few things that the movie showed that I didnt remember like someone helped Jesus carry the cross. Where I start to wonder is that according to the movie the Jewish people had more to do with his crusifiction then the Romans did (as the bible said). I do not know why Mel Gibson would make something like this to change the beleifs of man kind. I know this movie was made from the scriptures of an anti-semantic nun but I feel with the way Mel Gibson wrote it and produced it many people will feel that this was really the way it was. I feel that this was a story that should not be touched. Also, those with a bad stomach be prepared for the goriest beating you have ever seen. Throughout the movie there was a silence over the crowd. People were in amazement I feel the same way that I was on how well this movie was made. I can guarantee it will be the best made movie of all our time. Once the movie was done a nice applause rang over the theater. It was a masterpiece. Should it have been made? I question that but I do suggest that everyone see it. When I say everyone I dont mean 10 year olds. There were 3 of them behind me and the beatings Jesus takes is nothing for a 10 yr old to see.

  2. Originally posted by stardo

    what the hell dumbed twice in one mont by two men..

    i thought i was your wife...

    ok does anyone truly love stardo please comforth or im going to start dating women... im taking the boat serg and i want half everything else..:D

    i would like to apologize for my drunk and emtional behavior last night...doge you got boogies on your shirt haha :(

    serg thanks for having me at your birthday

    you know the papers have been signed for years now. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    u can have the boat i cant swim. :laugh:

  3. Originally posted by Mystify22

    I sit right by my boss so no telephone :( and no IM at work.

    I'll holla at ya later

    no problem u got the number. tell ur boss i said hi. :laugh:

    i think i will be home tonight. the sergio birthday bus tour has broken down.

  4. Originally posted by stiffler

    you may want to check your "sent" items...............i

    stiffy u are a fucking genius. I had every sent PM since my first day on the board.

    I am now free for everyone to PM me.


  5. Originally posted by Mystify22

    I did, then wrote you back and hit send but your box is FULL!

    Pls take care of this.


    man i had one PM in my box and it was full. well i deleted that PM so its open.

  6. So it looks like March 13th will be a big date in the nightclub business in the tri-state area. First, the announcement of Black and now the announcement of Denny & Rydell I think its time DEKO lets their cat out of the bag (partially). We were going to wait and announce it this weekend at my birthday so I wont tell you a name til then but after all the threads about how people arent willing to take a chance and bring in a dj that isnt the same one that everyone else is bringing we decided to think outside this box. This DJ has never played in the tri-state area and has done work with Erick Morillo, Superchumbo and most recently for Steve Lawler's new album. This night will be nasty. Music is the theme and if you are not ready for it dont bother walking in. Since the date is coming real close I will copy something that was written about this guy and his partner. This is only a tease, guess all you want. The announcement comes Saturday. Also that night will be the long anticipated record release for Peter Bailey's Record, Tonight, which is already signed on Harlem Records.

    Here is the quote:

    Him and his partner, with their hits rising through the world charts and counting on with the support of some of the prestigious names in dance music, as a duo they have managed to pass from mere unknown to famous performers of gloomy, uncontrolled, tricked, tribal and contagious HOUSE MUSIC.


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