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Posts posted by stigeleiro

  1. Originally posted by njdionysus

    You're going to be disappointed but many of the troops arent into it anymore and the others have been sentenced. They have traded in their VIP cards for HomeDepot and Lowe's cards. Have a drink or six for me, I'll return the favor in the Summer. Again, Happy Birthday!!!

    In another thread someone brought up promoters in Jersey not bringing it someone different, always using the regulars, no outside talent... well the man above has brought some big name talent to the Jersey shore. Hex Hector, Oscar G., Mike Mac, I think Tim Deluxe and Superchumbo were scheduled too, there were more. Serge if you can dig deep into your bag of promo tricks, Oscar G. at Tempts please. I know its Denny's spot, but I think Denny is humble enough to let Oscar come into his house for a night.

    Ok i guess i will have to wait til opening of SURF. May 2nd mark it down.

  2. Originally posted by deeelite1

    When Metro was open, didnt it have the best sound system tho or was Soundgarden still better?

    I think it did have a better soundsystem then Metro but Merge is definitely interesting. When Merge is fully tweeked its a monsterous sound system not sure on that. Sound is important and as notallthere said in his post about the restaurant lounges most of them dont care about their sound. You look at the bigger nightclubs and the owners they all care about sound. Between Petey K, Eugene, Kosta at Abyss/DEKO and now even Joey Jr. these owners know the importance of SOUND to the customer. That is what makes part of the difference between the owner that gets into this business because he had too becuase his restaurant wasnt working and the owner that opens his place to be a nightclub. Thank god for owners like these because we really get to hear the djs we love properly.

  3. Originally posted by thesandman

    Im guessing your talking about the year in review quiz 3003 which was by far the most intelligent post ever written on this board.... Not to put myself over but it was that good and many people didn't reply b/c they didn't want to support a post that may of pissed off people in the business.

    I don't work in the business let alone I have taken the last 4 months off after working a miserable 13 hour a day madness job for the last year and a half. I only put Circa over so much b/c its innovative and original.

    thesandman books the Surf Club :

    #1 You booked "that awful South Park DJ" for last years opening party... place ran for the door like a Chinese Fire Drill at 9pmish.

    Opening Party... Let 3 DJs open shit up, don't book anyone from that dreadful KTU.... You don't need their help, use the money that would of gone to KTU and to a God awful MC to pay for quality DJs, lower the cover, and have drink specials so alcoholics can feel they are a part of the fun too.

    Hire your buddy Boris to headline (and tell him Cheetah and discotech style set, not the yawn fest he threw down at Spirit 2 weeks ago.) Your boy has been ripping it big time in the city, bring that to YOUR club. He has completely changed his style and his sets today are better than his Big Fridays Roxy 99 days which most people still remember.

    The other 2 djs should be from NJ..... why? b/c NJ djs rip that room better than the outsiders you brought in last summer for the telephone number pricetags. Im not going to say who (the summer 2000 resident *cough cough*) but just get 2 dudes who have been rocking it this year...

    Do I make sense here Serge.?... as for bashing promoters, you do stuff with class and its a lost art due to new ham and eggers that whore for cp people to come to their hot new parties...

    My suggestion is realistic, I didn't call for PVD or Tiesto to get flown in.... lmao Would you make more money this way and would people have a better time???? Isn't that what would bring your place back....


    I definitely agree with you and as I mentioned in another thread all the promoters are one big team and many times we are asked to bring their guy in. I have done that the past few years and it hasnt burned me. This years schedule is different. First of all it is done prior to any promoter really getting to me. Mkutlass good idea with the showcase but bottom line not enough weeks in the summer. Regarding the opening. KTU is behind it always because Johnny Budz is our early guy every Sunday. Not just that Sunday but every Sunday. Our problem is from 12-5 we have lots of families on the beach and the dj that plays those times cant play with ego and must be real commercial. Johnny is a perfect fit. My NJ guy as we know is Kirk Lopez he goes on next and yes Boris is finishing and for those that heard his last set at Joeys know it wasnt no Spirit. So last year was the biggest grand opening with that team (I missed it because of Denny's wedding) but I heard the music was on point. From there on I have changed my ideas. I did what I wanted to do. Memorial Day Sunday Richie Santana is manning the turntables. You will see him, Boris and Jason more then once. I need to give NJ what they want. I have one week open right now that I am not filling until I really try one more time this year with some international flavor. I take suggestions.

  4. Originally posted by thesandman

    Not my style.... Ill bash and accept the consequences (sp?)

    I have caught shit on more than one occasion for exposing the truth... Lots of people don't like to hear the truth from an arm chair quarterback internet bitch like myself....

    Binoys, Ill go easy on you......lmao

    go baby go. its all constructive criticism and u know what since u dont work in the business (maybe u do for Circa, hahahahaha) you should be able to speak ur mind. I have been around for a long time and read lots of ur threads and u are pretty accurate with what u say. The one thing that u need to remember is that I have done at least 6 djs in the last 2 summers and Bond has done a few others and we both can say there has been less positive responses then negative responses. So if you are going to criticize anyone on our dj booking selection please offer more of a suggestion on how we beat the jersey customer into enjoying different djs and also give them the knowledge on who is who. Thanks, looking forward to some good reading

  5. This Friday @ Joeys time to give back to all my CPers that have been making this the strongest Friday night party week in and week out. This Friday free admission for all CPers til 12. Just show up say your from CP and you get in Free plus if you havent got your hand on the hottest CD out, Kirks new bomb, I will give u a free copy. So u and all ur friends get in free just say u are from CP and ur friends are free too. Fuck it. Its my party and I will comp everyone if I want too.

    PS> Just when u thought there couldnt be more. Richie Santana will be joining Kirk Lopez in the booth for the entire evening.

  6. Originally posted by godisadj

    i'll give u deko but i think joeys is horrible on fridays (ugly crowd) & WOW surf, how could you not get people there??? you would have to be a idiot!

    exit & world lol

    How am I not surprised that godisadj would have to bring a little controversy into this. Next time you go to the Jersey shore I want you to stop by either the SURF or D'Jais and ask Joey (at Surf) or Bill (at D'Jais) what Sergio/Bond mean to them and if we make a difference. I'll tell you right now each owner would call us the best and tell us we have made a difference to them. You are right its not hard getting people at the SURF but the true accomplishment is getting more people then the last time. Godisadj I might have met you and I might have not but that to me makes no difference. If you know me you would know where my success lies. I have a 1000000 friends and I would say 65% are woman. This clientele is built by never stearing anyone wrong. If I can do something for someone I will. Shit I dont know how many CPers I have met over the years and now take care of religiously. Now about the club, I made the SURF busier the day I walked in. Let me tell you how. First, I help hire all staff members. You just cant hire anyone you need to be in the scene and making sure that you grab the right mix of staff. Then I took a club that had the same daytime resident and a night time resident and changed the format to where every Sunday night the DJ was a different one. What do you think that did to the numbers in that club??? Kirk Lopez came to the SURF CLUB as my referral and I honestly beleive there isnt a DJ better to play that room then him. Yes I have a mistake here and there at the SURF by trying to bring in more International Talent (yes I have tried Sandman) but it doesnt work. The core crowd in NJ is not ready for the known International flavor. Yes I know I didnt bring in the upper level of DJs to the Surf but I did bring the next tear. Hector Romero plays Pacha just as much as his co-DefMix Records partner David Morales. Tim Deluxe plays Ibiza just as much as his Underwater partner Darren Emereson. These djs didnt go and until someone can prove me different I am forced to go back to square 1.

    Now to answer this question that notallthere has asked. Its an easy one. We are all the best and have the most clout. No one realizes how much we really all work together. There is definitely less competition amongst us promoters then most people think. There is definitely more competition amongst the owners of the venues we work in. How many times have you think I have said I can not work there because my current owners are against it. I have sat and helped probably every promoter in NJ at one time. For years I religiously sat with Adam and Bill at the Sandbar to give them my opinion as well as help them with DJ Bookings and ideas. Did I make a dime for this NO not at all. Its a loyalty we have. Ptak has been calling me and asking my opinion from the minute he decided that he loved this business and wanted in. Do I complain about any of this NO. Bond and I have talked many of times regarding the SURF and DJs when it comes to future promotions and what trends we are seeing in the industry. Tommy D and I have worked together in every venue that I have been in. We all have a great deal of respect for each other. I have years in this business (shit I was one of the original guys that came in to the Sound Factory when Johnathan started) and I am glad that I can lend a helping hand. So for the record we are all friends and though we compete night to night against each other there is no competition amongst us.

    Now, this thread does bother me a little because there is one name that hasnt been mentioned in it that deserves to be and that is Solid Enufff. I know Bond can attest to how hard of a worker and how organized Joey is. For those that dont know Joey and Bond were partners for an entirety at Stingrays and Bunka. Joey is by far the most organized person in this game. His promotional team is huge and he owns the heart of every NJ teen night goer around. Not only does he do the teen nights though he is an intricate part of Saturdays at DEKO with his teammates Binoy and Will and has his hands in at the Abyss as well as Poor Billys. Joey and I have done alot together and he is true professional.

  7. Originally posted by marcomaxim

    I was just talking to George, were only going to have 3 people on the court at one time so we dont beat everybody to bad.

    Now that SoundGarden is out, are they going to be in the Senior Tournament next year???:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I am glad somebody from the Circa family has begun to talk shit. South Park says they are going to blow ur doors off in the first round.

  8. Party starts Tuesday night at Dinner at an undisclosed place then it ventures off to a nice lounge on Bloomfield Ave where Vip-Tech works. Due to contracts signed for my appearance on Friday and Saturday I can not list the name of the place. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Wednesday it continues to my favorite restaurant in the city OCB which happens to be located in the same building as my favorite strip club, Scores.

    Thursday I relax hard and prepare to kill it Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Everyone when I say relax hard that doesnt mean its a night you call me and try to get me out for like 6 days in a row. :laugh: :laugh:

    Friday night @ Joeys, the drums begin to beat as Richie Santana makes his way to the Joeys DJ booth for the first time this winter. I have saved this date for Richie to show my North Jersey peeps what Sessions Saturdays at DEKO are all about. He will be joined by my resident Superstar, Kirk Lopez.

    Saturday night @ DEKO, NJ's premiere party welcomes NJ's premiere DJ Denny Tsettos to a special night for my 29th birthday. I know its not the 1st Saturday of the month (the night Denny is always there) but we bumped it one week for this special occassion.

    Sunday, Big Daddy Promo basketball tourney at Rexplex. 9 different nightclubs / message boards battle for supremacy. Tourney starts at 1 PM sharp. Complimentary admission to watch the game court side.

    Monday night, Daniellas Restaurant in the city (has anyone been). Then to Lot 61.

    Tuesday to Sunday save myself for South Beach. Here we come.

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