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Everything posted by stigeleiro

  1. All CPers and Friends free admission to Joeys tonight til 12. Resident DJ Kirk Lopez. All CPers reply to this thread with your name and how many guests and get free admission til 12. Next Friday, February 13th Widelife Live performing the theme from the #1 Show in America -- Queer Eye for the Straight Guy -- plus those attending Joeys on Friday get a special comp pass for DEKO the following night compliments of ME Friday, February 20th WHATEVER THE WOMAN WANTS PARTY hosted by KTU (SO U GOT DISSED ON VALENTINE'S DAY) All Women in Free til 12 plus women get it even better if they pick up a pass at either Joeys, DEKO on Saturdays or SoundGarden on Saturdays you also get a free drink and a copy of Kirk Lopez' new Winter of 2004 CD - Also it is the first week of our AROUND NJ in 4 WEEK promotion free admission for all ESSEX and PASSAIC County residents Friday, February 27th SERGIO's 29th BIRTHDAY PARTY (haha). Music by Special Guest DJ my partner in crime from DEKO Lounge, Richie Santana. Plus all residents of Hudson County (Harrison where I was born) Union County (Union where I moved too) and Middlesex County (Sayreville where I live now) get in free.
  2. This Friday at Joeys join us for MUZIK, the last Friday of the Month's JOURNEY INTO SOUND. This Fridays special guest DJ is DJ Andrew Mendez. Joining Andrew will be resident DJ Kirk Lopez. 1/2 price admission for all cpers til 12. Just reply on this thread your name plus how many people.
  3. Digga, I have been a microtouch guy for a little over a month and I am going to say how unimpressed I am with that thing. U found the only thing it is good for which is nose hairs and I guess its good if you have hair in ur ears. For trimming ur neck it BLOWS bigtime (it doesnt litterally blow BIGTIME, haha) . Nothing is better then getting trimmed up by a hottie like my girl, Annette. The microtouch is another one of these things that just look better on TV. I buy all this shit ask my friends. My favorite store in the mall is AS SEEN ON TV. About Phil, total rookie. Dont understand why even bought that thing. He is 21 and looks 12.
  4. Yeh that is one thing I think the entire tri-state area might lose to the DJs at. We can do a SOCOM 2 tourney next. For now let them embarass themselves on the court (except bugout I hear).
  5. totally just kidding. binoy is a deko boy that day. got to make someone a captain of the djs because we all know none of them will take control of this. :D ps> if you heard binoy last saturday at DEKO you would realize why i associated him with the DJs
  6. Mark the Date right now all club employees and customers. The 1st Annual Big Daddy Promo Basketball Tourney is set for Sunday, February 29th (its leap year) at Rexplex in Elizabeth. The tourney will start at 1PM sharp and will go all day long. All teams will play a minimum of 2 games each. All players will be affiliates of the teams they represent. I will make sure there are no RINGERS. Here are the teams participating in this major event and the team captain: Metro / Merge / Circa (whateva they want to be called ) George Joeys= Joe Boz South Park = Tommy D Deko Lounge = just me, myself and I Club Abyss = 1/2 of the cash money brothers Kosta ClubPlanet = Roddigga NJGuido.com = The Moo SoundGarden = Richie Vitale The DJs = managed by coach Binoy Shah For those from the other venues I apologize for not being able to include every one this tournament is already going to go real long and there will be 2 courts going simultaneously. All I can say is hopefully next time. DEAR CUSTOMERS - there will be no cover to watch the games food and alcoholic beverages are extra. YES REXPLEX NOW HAS A LIQUOR LICENSE - let the games begin
  7. Joeys. Join the Dynamic Duo as they invite you to the record release party of MDMA Vol #3 RELOADED. Joining the Dynamic Due will be resident DJ Kirk Lopez. For those that havent been there in a while there is no party in New Jersey on Fridays busier and with better looking people then Joeys. So get there this Friday for another great night. Next week the return of Andrew Mendez
  8. Tonight to get women motivated to get out of the house Joeys invites all women who reply to this thread Free Admission for you and all your lady friends til 12. Gentlemen just so you dont feel left out all your lady friends are in free too. Guys this is your chance to act like a big shot bring some girl with u to Joeys and then not have to pay for her to get in. So everyone who is interested reply to this post with just your name and I will take care of the rest.
  9. just posting to be the 100th post on this thread. i guess i have too much time on my hands
  10. A Sunday @ Joeys on a Holiday Weekend with Denny Tsettos. Need I say more.
  11. It is cold as hell outside but just to make sure its hot inside Joey's, ALL LADIES ARE FREE TIL 12 (NOT JUST CPERS) ALL LADIES. So while its cold outside be prepared to be around many HOTTIES inside. Music by resident DJ Kirk Lopez. LADIES FOR FREE ADMISSION POST YOUR NAME ON THIS THREAD AND ANY OF YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU ARE FREE TIL 12. FOR THE GENTLEMEN DO THE SAME THING. POST YOUR NAME AND I WILL GIVE U 1/2 PRICE AND ANY GIRL WITH YOU IS FREE ALSO TIL 12.
  12. what time. that is right down my alley might have to join u. you definitely need a couple more portuguese guys in the group to really experience Iberia. So far Victor and I.
  13. sorry superstar. do u remember just sitting there and watching me bartend when u were my partner at the abyss. I got mad skills. :D :D :laugh:
  14. accountant yes ..... brain surgeon maybe..... that could be next calling
  15. Let me first start by saying I never wanted it to get to the point that I would have to respond back in this way to one of the people I have known on the board the longest but this time has long been coming. Anthony I do not know your problem with Denny but I dont think he has ever done anything wrong to you personally. He constantly bites his tongue as u have no problem always bashing him on this board. But for some reason or another you are at many of the places he spins. Lets not even go there though. Lets talk about this comment you have right here. The crowd that denny brings is mostly guys. I remember reading a post that you put on another thread regarding Denny and someone said that Denny brought a good crowd and u even agreed and said that was the reason you went to where he worked. That thread was less then a month ago. I am at work so I dont have time to go find it but I clearly remember it because it was brought to my attention by Denny. If less then a month ago you said the only reason you go to places where Denny works (which is pretty frequent I must add) was because the crowd how can u now go say the crowd is 90% dudes. Regarding this Friday at Joeys and this Saturday at South Park (I wasnt there to see what the crowd was like) you have to take in account it was less then 10 degrees out. For a girl to look her club best she normally wears less. Pretty hard to wear less when the weather is so cold. Many woman just stayed home this weekend and saved some money and shit like that. On a personal level, when you talk about this past Friday at Joeys this should be a reflection of me too. That is my party and if you are going to blame Denny for the guy to girl ratio Friday (when it was 2 degrees) you need to blame me also. I think everyone on this board maybe everyone that knows me in the tri-state area will agree the last thing my parties lack are woman. As you notice by the two parties I do (Joeys Fridays and Deko Saturdays) I dont need any one person to bring in the ass. The consistency with my parties is that. Denny was not to blame for the guy to girl ratio on Friday if anything the weather was and I was. I know it wasnt me so its got to be the weather. Anyway let me close by telling everyone that as everyone knows I have a great relationship with denny both personal and in business. I am one of the true believers that Denny is good for any club that he works at that is why he is asked to play so much in NJ. Sometimes the crowd that is at a place is just not the best crowd for that night and he cant be to blame. He is good but nobody should count on Denny to be the saviour. South Park has a good Saturday night its been consistent for 2 years now and they too have to deal with the weather and other factors once and a while every club deals with it. Believe it or not we have experienced even a lul once or twice in 2 years at DEKO. It happens. Regarding Anthony (notallthere), he has been someone I have known for a long time and I have taken care of him for a few years now. I respect his opinion and I have kept my mouth quiet during his obsessiveness with denny on this board. But now he bought my Friday party at Joeys up and I dont think Denny deserves to be blamed for the guy to girl ratio at Joeys. PS> The guy to girl ratio was not that bad this Friday. It still is the busiest Friday in NJ hands down and that isnt because there are never any woman there.
  16. Only a few hours left get on the list now.
  17. what lame ass excuse are u going to give me this week. haha:D
  18. I was going to wait to talk about this party but I cant just stop laughing at what is going to happen on the 17th at DEKO. For the first time ever, 3 of the key components to the the success of DEKO, celebrate their anniversaries in the business. To make this night so special I have decided to let the boys do what they know best. First: Joe Armenio (special guest bartender from 9-11) Binoy Shah (special guest DJ from 9 to 11) Will Stern (special guest ???? who knows bartender / dancer) A for Armenio S for Shah S for Stern
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