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Everything posted by sirdante

  1. you're cool. no, really, you are the greatest. really, can i be u? [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 08-21-2000).]
  2. take it easy. BS rumors and the "stupid fucks" that start em help enliven reality. ------------------ i love music!
  3. i like this board and i like ClubPlanet. i've saved $100s using the <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank">guestlists</A> . i'm glad they keep it up and know how to run a business. remember it is a business and will do things to make money. we are consumers of its products, so as with dealing with any other business-- buyer beware! [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 08-21-2000).]
  4. i do not cower in my home in a country that promised my immigrating great-grandparents freedom. i will stand here and say FUCK THE PIGS! if anyone takes personal offense to it, they should stop thinking of themselves as "the pigs." my people were politically and religiously persecuted in the old world by the elitist systems that controlled them. i have no desire to sit here and worry that anyone might be listening to me talk about things that are part of a sub- or counter- culture in america. without an open speech forum such as this, our society will never grow. it is good to talk about drugs, espicially if you are a college graduate, computer scientist, former party animal who is living, productive proof that drug use does not ruin everyone's life. btw, in case you think i'm talking shit, i'm not. i'm not afraid. i'd rather be followed, haraased, and even imprisoned for my beliefs than hide them. my real name and address is on file with the Club Planet web site, so i'm sure that anyone who sees me as a threat to our great republic can find me. i'm not trying to challenge anyone, i just feel that we have all earned the right to at least *say* what they want. ------------------ i love music!
  5. *HUG* ------------------ i love music!
  6. sirdante

    Need Advice!!

    yeah, she didn't leave me. i had to get rid of her after she started trying to mess around. too bad i'm only good for one thing... ...oh wait, i guess its not *so* bad. [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 08-21-2000).]
  7. hey i think i know that tara girl ------------------ i love music!
  8. i'm thinking of heading up to montreal for a party there (BT is headlining). but new york will probably be our destination. lol: Ty Webb! -sirdante a.k.a. Mitch Cumstein ------------------ i love music!
  9. everyone should watch the "history of LSD" on the history channel next time they show it. it is amazing how history repeats itself. in the "History of LSD" they do a whole segment on how the media contributed the hysteria by trying to scare everybody using the same tactics they use today against the "hug drug." BTW,who the fuck calls it the "hug drug" other than news reporters and DEA suits? the funniest part of all of the media BS is that they often talk about a drug use "epidemic." they are sooo right here we are 30 years into the LSD "epidemic" and the whole fuckin' world is trippin'. right?!? ------------------ i love music!
  10. now that's the spirit! ------------------ i love music!
  11. supergreg is that you?!? ------------------ i love music!
  12. lol. brandie, you are a real bad-ass. will you marry me? ------------------ i love music!
  13. wow! bunch of oldsters. i can't talk, i remember when rolling on e was called tripping on x. ------------------ i love music!
  14. she cooks?!? ------------------ i love music!
  15. actually, my fault, i led you all astray. you guessed slightly wrong. these two people didn't hook up (as far as i know), its worse than that. they're falling in love or something. i wished they just fucked so that i could be really mad. whatever happens is simply meant to be. i'll have no problems with being free! i was only kidding about not being nice anymore. i'll always be nice. especially to the people i meet in the clubs. we're usually just there to have fun. you are all nice too, thanx for the sympathy. ------------------ i love music!
  16. alright here's my bummer of the day: one time last year my gf and i went clubbing, just the two of us, and met some decent people. we would see them again on occasion and we'd meet up whenever we went down to NYC. my gf and one of the guys have been email buddies for a year and guess what? well, go ahead guess. yep, that's right. and to think, i introduced them! i've got to stop being so nice. ------------------ i love music!
  17. you're about as ugly as they come, so i hope i never see your racist shit-ass in any of the clubs. [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 08-21-2000).]
  18. sirdante

    Need Advice!!

    many thanks. ------------------ i love music!
  19. sirdante

    Need Advice!!

    while re-reading my above post, i noticed that i said "if the nub area is soft." well, the nub area is *always* soft. it does however, get erect. unlike a penis, however, it usually requires high arousal to actually get fully erect. notice its maximum hardness when you make her come with your finger. (and you *will* make her come if you use the above techniques, bub). good luck. maybe next time i'll tell you what to do with your TOUNGE! [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 08-21-2000).]
  20. sirdante

    Need Advice!!

    i'll assume you are serious and need some proven advice: the best way to touch a girl can be summed up in one word: GENTLY! while making out, start touching her down there by GENTLY stroking her inner thigh. lightly touch the pubis area only when you think she's ready for that. if its dry when you get there (try to GENTLY slide your middle finger between the lips), she isn't ready. she could be nervous or slow to relax. simply go back to just making out and try this step again in a few moments. otherwise, carry on: with GENTLE touch, move your middle finger up her lips and towards that nub at the top. you'll probably bring some of that sweet moisture with you. DO NOT SLIDE YOUR ROUGH FINGER(S) ACCROSS THAT NUB. it will be dry and your first encounter with it should not be a rough scraping. simply give one sweet GENTLE caress (a single circular revolution or a slight press) with the moistened tip of your middle finger. if the "nub" area is soft, then she isn't aroused enough. go back to step ONE (the making out, touching the thigh part). otherwise, mr. smoothie, you're on the way... altough that firm little nub may or may not be the actual clitoris (it has a protective hood), thats the target zone. unfortunately, now it gets tricky. you need to caress that area, but not overstimulate it. if you place the heel of your hand on her body and GENTLY press and release the spot with the very tip of your middle finger, you will be stimuliting her the way she probably does when she plays with herself. do this as GENTLY as possible, and since your goal is to please your partner, don't be afraid to ask "does this feel ok?" since she'll answer "yes" either way, the answer you want is a "[breathless] yes" or some such stuff. if you get that on the first try, you're a natural. if not, maybe you've missed the spot (go back a step and try again) or maybe you are not doing it GENTLY enough. there is also the possibility that you need to apply *slightly* more pressure, but this is less likely. also, if your girl is nervous, she may not show how aroused she is really becoming. look for the physical signs, especially the wetness of her slot and the firmness of her clitoris. if you do a bit of vocalizing and moaning yourself she'll likely respond with the same. (please DONT talk crude-- dirty talk is for an occasion other than this-- ok?!?) if you get into the groove with the press-release thing, pressure, motion, and speed can be increased according to her reaction. this will make her happy. unfortunately, to master this requires strict disciple, attention, and *years* of practice on your part. so, newbie, just stick to the basics. the GENTLE press and release is the most foolproof way of touching the clit, but a GENTLE circular motion works well for *some* girls. once you start working her button, don't take your hand away to shove fingers inside her or anything like that. spurning the button is just a bad kind of tease that could get you into big trouble. here's another helpful tip: once she really gets going, lift your hand up and without trying to alter the gentle press-release, use some wrist action. the difference between the way we guys naturally touch a woman and the way she has learned to touch herself involves this slight extra motion. i could go on all day. the female body is truely the most complex and fascinating thing on earth. try what i've said and remember: GENTLY, GENTLY, GENTLY. ------------------ i love music! ------------------ i love music!
  21. sirdante

    Need Advice!!

    [oops double post] [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 08-21-2000).]
  22. sirdante

    Need Advice!!

    . [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 08-29-2000).]
  23. i'd love to contribute to this discussion with some erudite words of wisdom but i can only say-- FUCK THE PIGS!!! ALL OF THE LAWYERS, THE MEDIA, AND THE REST OF THE ELITIST ASSHOLES SHOULD DO US ALL A FAVOR AND JUST DIE! DIE! DIE PIGS DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE!* [panting] thank you. * - or they can just quit their stupid jobs and host parties at their cool mansions ------------------ i love music!
  24. *HUG* ------------------ i love music!
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