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Everything posted by sirdante

  1. i love all women. older, younger, you are all beautiful. ------------------ i love music!
  2. throughout the history of spiritual sex (notably tantric and taoist traditions) men have studied LONG and HARD to be able to go at it for an hour or more. why are you complaining? if the girl is getting dry you are paying too much attention to what you call a "problem" and not enough attention to the lady.
  3. i'm sorry kitty. you seem pretty upset. maybe if you call some charities and tell them what you're thinking, they can help. charities have a special status with the government, so they can do stuff that we ordinary citizens can not. many legitimate charities would love to work with a volunteer like you b/c of your connections to all of us here at this board. ------------------ i love music! [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 08-18-2000).]
  4. - went to a keg party w/drinking games on sat night - went home, smoked, and ran around outside til 5am <-- HANGOVER STARTS HERE - went clubbing at 6 am on sun morn. dropped and drank at the club <-- HANGOVER CONTINUES TO GET WORSE - went to bed for 2 hours <-- HANGOVER HORRIBLE AT THIS POINT - got up and went bar hopping/ walking around boston on sun night <-- HANGOVER SO BAD THAT FURTHER DRINKING WOULD NOT HELP IT! - went to bed for 4 hours - went to *work* ouch! i was hanging til thurs. at my age, you'd think i'd know better by now. never again. ------------------ i love music!
  5. sirdante

    Eating Out

    every girl is totally different. i thought i was the cunnilingus master with the first girl i had in high school. then when i got with other ladies, i realized that the technique has to be re-invented with each new flower. it is actually alot of work. the first thing you have to do is pay attention. some girls like constant pressure, others like vigorous motion. some clits are tiny and hide away forever while others are just swelled up and waiting. there's a whole lot of artistry involved, so if a guy isn't trying like a taoist master to bring the girl to enlightenment, then he should stick to missionary!
  6. when i was a kid i wanted to be an astronomer. in grade school, i wanted to be the president of the US. i graduated college and became a computer scientist. now i want to be a kid.
  7. lol! dog: Ceaser street: Bass Ceaser Bass, Pornstar
  8. yes. keep telling them what you see. i often find myself telling friends (and myself) "you're a crackhead," or "seriously, you look like shit." its good to hear it occasionally. we get pretty bad sometimes.
  9. stop worrying. forget about it. you're a crackhead, all our friends are crackheads, and-- goddamn it, i'm a crackhead. E,G,K,a,b,c,d... welcome to our world! seriously tho'. GET SOME FREAKIN' WILLPOWER. i'm starting to worry about me, my friends, and everyone else in this scene. we party our asses off 2 days a week and then figure we're fine bcause we rest for 5. unfortunately, fun costs more than just ducats. someday you gotta pay it all back. be careful. glad you are at least starting to think about the harm. good luck.
  10. sirdante

    Curiosity . . .

    i found i guy and 2 girls to be like me watchin a sex show. problem was, i think, both girls were straight but bi-curious. they'd had guys and wren't that interested in me once our clothes came off!
  11. there r more assholes at SF and exit b/c there are more *people* at these clubs. not only that, those two clubs r more eclectic than twilo or fly so the variety of people will naturally attract those who differ from the typical e-clubbers and/or music lovers. variety does make life interesting, but u r right, most of us aren't looking for a brawl when we want a good time. some r though, so even small, specialized clubs can have folks with bad-ass attitudes. fortunately, all of the above mentioned clubs are predominantly mellow (yes, even SF and exit-- maybe u r too young to remember what the clubs were like in the druken/coked-out '80s) so you don't really need to worry. with so many people there, u will meet a few assholes, but it also means u will meet that many more cool people! also, i agree that twilo is not about drugs as much as about music. then again, *i* am not about drugs as much as about music, so i tend to see things that way. party on
  12. i wonder about that "everyone is bi" thing. i've heard that all of my life but i don't think its true. i believe that i am hopelessly heterosexual. i am not a homophobe, i have gay friends (excellent guys too-- the kind of guys people with a preference for males whould be attracted to) but there just isn't any spark. my girlfriend says she feels the same way about other girls-- and she's actually had sex with a chick! btw, don't assume that a girl can do better than a guy b/c she has the same equipment. we all have necks and backs but some people can't give a good rub! [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 08-10-2000).]
  13. gender male age i am not *that* old, but i do remember when e was x sex hetero, preferably 1-1 relationship status single-ish, faithful drugs of choice 1) caffeine-- they give me this stuff at work, yeah! 2) beer/booze-- he ain't hip anymore, but alcohol is still a friend of mine. 3) other stuff-- if it's not killing people, i'll try it once; but you've got to respect the power of all that shit. religion pagan/roman catholic-- seriously! profession CS obsessions - music - beautiful women-- and you're all beautiful!!! favorite posessions 1) my health 2) my car http://www.gp-owners.com/ 3) my vinyl http://www.satelliterecords.com favorite pastimes 1) dancing 2) sex 3) partying w/friends and the rest of you crazy freaks peace & love, -sd
  14. jill's advice is right on. i'd add... when you can't sleep and then get up, you should do something productive (i like to write) or completely mind-numbing and addictive (like computer games or infomercials). once you're involved in something, your mind has a chance to unwind. good luck, i know it sucks. btw, did you ever see the movie fight club? its all about a guy flipping out b/c of insomnia!
  15. old rockers say "its better to burn out than to fade away," but djs who party too hard will burn out and *then* fade away. straight edge guys like mobey will make creative music 4ever. btw, i don't mean u frankie. i dj too and your formula is about like mine. [This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 08-10-2000).]
  16. really, its more-or-less random. being a lady is not escpecially helpful. i have seen them check inside girls' shoes! here's a fact: u r more likely to get a full frisk when u look buzzed or act jumpy, and will probably get only the briefest pat-down when u go in stone cold sober w/out carrying anything illegal. nothing, however, is guaranteed.
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