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Everything posted by saynotodrama

  1. I thought you don't care about the music and you're out just to get laid? Whatever. Obviously your mom and dad have the parental controls on your computer because your on the wrong website....you're supposed to be on HOWTOGETPU**Y.COM but you're probably not allowed right? STUPID racist! ------------------ "Love is supposed to make you more than you were, not take things away..not close any doors"
  2. JACKASS...need I say more? ------------------ "Love is supposed to make you more than you were, not take things away..not close any doors"
  3. RIGHT...AND you (TOMMYSAUCE) sound like a broken record because you posted the same UN-TRUE crap about Denny elsewhere in another message. ------------------ "Love is supposed to make you more than you were, not take things away..not close any doors"
  4. Actually I think their saying "Put your hands together" and it is repeated a few times? If that is the song you're thinking of...it is by Black Legend ...Barry White's "You See The Trouble With Me" ------------------ "Love is supposed to make you more than you were, not take things away..not close any doors"
  5. Disco 2000 Every Wednesday. I haven't been back to LL since and I think I am afraid to. I miss the craziness, getting DRESSED to go to limelight, no glowsticks but Airplane lights. It'll never be the same. ------------------ "Love is supposed to make you more than you were, not take things away..not close any doors"
  6. Oh please! You people are never satisfied. I can't believe SEASIDE got the "ok" on 4:00am. ------------------ "Love is supposed to make you more than you were, not take things away..not close any doors"
  7. An ordinance was passed in Seaside this year allowing all clubs to close at 4am. Lights usually go on around 3:30am. ------------------ "Love is supposed to make you more than you were, not take things away..not close any doors"
  8. NOTHING makes me more sick than THAT. Especially when you're banged up, the nastiest feeling is some sweaty punk rubbing up against you that has missed a couple of weeks on the shaving sessions. Tempts should dedicate one Saturday to a "Mach3 Party!" ------------------ "Love is supposed to make you more than you were, not take things away..not close any doors"
  9. NOTHING makes me more sick than THAT. Especially when you're banged up, the nastiest feeling is some sweaty punk rubbing up against you that has missed a couple of weeks on the shaving sessions. Tempts should dedicate one Saturday to a "Mach3 Party!" ------------------ "Love is supposed to make you more than you were, not take things away..not close any doors"
  10. WHITE CONTACTS? Can you see pupils at all or is it completely white? ------------------ "Love is supposed to make you more than you were, not take things away..not close any doors"
  11. Kitty19: I have done it before, but very little amounts ..like about the size of an eraserhead and really didn't feel TOO much, just kind of mellow, almost like taking 2 painkillers or something, but I was always afraid to do anything bigger than an eraserhead because I didn't want to go into a hole. But I guess I should just try a teeny bit more each time and I will probably find my tolerance..right? Who knows, I need to just relax and everything will FLOW....
  12. Kitty19: I have done it before, but very little amounts ..like about the size of an eraserhead and really didn't feel TOO much, just kind of mellow, almost like taking 2 painkillers or something, but I was always afraid to do anything bigger than an eraserhead because I didn't want to go into a hole. But I guess I should just try a teeny bit more each time and I will probably find my tolerance..right? Who knows, I need to just relax and everything will FLOW....
  13. I am not trying to bash anyone or anything and I am CERTAINLY not a "crackhead" or even close to that. I have my preferences and will stick to them in my moderate fashion, but the way I think about things that are "bad" is this way...EVERYTHING IS NOT GOOD FOR YOU!! You turn on the television and they'll tell you that vegetables are not good for you, chicken is not good for you...THE F****ING AIR YOU BREATHE is not good for you!!! Now "they" are even saying that talking on cell phones may cause brain cancer! I just feel now that I am going to leave this world with "something" that I got from "something" that wasn't good for me, therefore I am not going to stop anything that I do, whether I know it is bad for me or not. And I am tired of hearing about side effects to this and that because there are side effects for everything! For instance, my eyesight is diminishing right now from looking at this computer screen (hehe). There are risks with every single think you do. Each and everyone of us take many risks every day of our lives, like driving, flying, etc. So I say live life while you can and enjoy it with or without substance! By the way, sorry if you took this negatively, but do you not agree? Whew..I need a drink!! _____________________________________ "Love is supposed to make you more than you were, not take things away, not close any doors."
  14. couldn't have said it better than oasis!!
  15. Omigosh...ok..usually when I see a post like that, I say ..RIGHT, Like I am going to read THAT! But, I read your post and I just wanted to say Thanks for taking the time to educate those who are curious. I, personally have a BIG fear of not being in control of what I do...so I am not sure if a Hole is for me. I wish I would just get over it already!
  16. You See the Trouble With Me by Black Ledgend my favorite right now!
  17. KTU Broadcasted live from Tempts on Sunday Night.
  18. I had the best night Monday...took 1.5 Thumbs up and I had NO cares. They are definitely the best I have had in a long time. Oh...such eyerolling with these and my mouth is still store. [This message has been edited by saynotodrama (edited 07-05-2000).]
  19. GHETTOWHatever... I believe this person asked about beach/NYC..not DELAWARE AVE. Suggestion #1: Find a Philly website to post your stupid crap on! Suggestion #2: Educate yourself...Loved your post about DT being the most "over-rated DJ in the City" ....Are you kidding? Stay in the Ghetto where you belong and promote your AC/Philly SH*T elsewhere!
  20. GHETTOWHatever... I believe this person asked about beach/NYC..not DELAWARE AVE. Suggestion #1: Find a Philly website to post your stupid crap on! Suggestion #2: Educate yourself...Loved your post about DT being the most "over-rated DJ in the City" ....Are you kidding? Stay in the Ghetto where you belong and promote your AC/Philly SH*T elsewhere!
  21. They will probably stop playing it when all the ass-holes stop reacting to it
  22. Um.......yeah, I think you may be by yourself on that one!
  23. Just in case you go looking for that...it is actually called "You See The Trouble With Me" ...that is Definitely one of my favorites right now!
  24. Arm Shaving: There is NO problem with Arm hair at all!! What I mean is guys that DO shave their arms (why, I don't know), but have missed a week or two and then all it is is stubble.
  25. 1) Guys that are about two weeks behind on their arm shaving 2) Stupid drunk girls 3) Hix...you belong in a mental institution cleaning up John Rocker's Bedpan 4) Drama
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