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Everything posted by wakeup

  1. or the mods not being sellouts and doing their own promotions bumping threads up
  2. u still meeting girls off messageboards hahahhaa
  3. :laugh: how about the others who told u to go fucking support u fucking moron
  4. bumping threads up to give a shameless plug. its funny though gives a great laugh when 90% of the posts are promotions, reviews (of the same places by promoter or someoone with a conflict of interest) and rollcalls. i never thought ud stoop to that level;)
  5. must make u feel good thinkin im on ur nuts. ur a fucking clown and only person sweating someone is u sweating smokesum. see u at arc cant wait:laugh:
  6. i totally agree but there is a few draw backs that hurts them (en soul/bailey)....the avg dj/person isnt gonna go buy the vinyl since it was available months back on whatever they use to dl, unless they really like the track or support. time of the release of this track isnt also on their side since its "old" to many, atleast in tri state area. also they are a domestic label but obvioulsy use a distributor over in UK i think PRIME so basically ur paying an import price on domestic label release:confused:. i 1st wondered this when "turn the lights down" was released. i think they know y they do this but its still weird. im sure most dont know about this track over in europe like we do since hes a local guy and hopefully will sell well. either way people need to learn to support but its a dead issue to me cause people are clueless and want shit for free.
  7. i post lists once and while and thats usually a dozen or so new vinyls i picked up that week to make a new cd to give out. all u ever see is exactly what u said "is it on soulseek or kazaa?" im sure a s shit not posting anything on clubplanet and havent in months. this board is great for promotions, reviews by promoters, rollcalls and anthem picks
  8. hhahhaa this board is great, on the nj board u had people asking can i find such and such on kazaa or soulseek
  9. kiss ass to get tracks hahahah, more like i got respect and connects in the scene since ive been involved with it since the early 90s hahaha. so anyway dj chalupa ur picks suck is that better. am i being a hater for stating an opinion on somehitng that i think blows, im sure it would of been ok for me to say they are good or avg at best hahaha. i wasnt the only one who said they werent that great, keep up the great work on ur "ANTHEM PICKS"
  10. its always slow on there and th is board is great to read for "summer anthem" or "hot track" threads
  11. only a fag like u would still have or pllay any of those tracks since ur always late on shit
  12. promos are out, people listed 2 different tracklistings. not bad at all, rauhoffer gets no respect in the nyc dj scene since he does a gay party, its a shame
  13. good ole loop on rt1&9 in rahway hahahah tell them u want the jungle or cave room,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,we used to have parties there with some slobs from breathless all thet ime 5-6 yrs ago
  14. can u please fill us in, avalondon is the biggest queer hypocrite on this board
  15. spare me the big brother and losing our rights BS, granted his program might not of been a file sharing program such as napster or what not as they were saying, but i did read a few other articles on this case and supposedly it had file sharing on it. i never said any of those programs werent a technological marvel, but what they do is ILLEGAL with trading COPYRIGHTED MUSIC, thats what cracks me up with u people. im all for it if they can find a way to do it legally with the consent of all parties involved, but that is no where in sight
  16. nah i find it funny when i tell it like it is or state an opinion ....im a "hater" right away , im gonna become a fence rider liek u, stay in a nice happy medium
  17. keep riding the fence:tongue:
  18. good, i guess we should feel sorry for him for making a program to share copyrighted music
  19. i never mentioned clique, i was being sarcastic
  20. funny thing is people swore that party was great at saci and mendez spinnin and a few other places it moved to:rolleyes:
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