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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by wakeup

  1. wow look at ur "zingers".... keep them coming cause there is no points for 2nd place
  2. any of you guys see them in them in the circles?
  3. actually this board is such a joke i havent really bothered in a few yrs other than the occasional posting after getting a good laugh...ill stick to sicktracks and vip
  4. actually i heard he played "im bringin the pots n pans back" over "this is my house" into house of god beats with luz doin a new acca "the house of jp" all this using samantha and hiss ableton cutting it up and ripping it over the speakers
  5. red light greenlight.......i return from chicago and it still never ends with this jp nonsense hahhaha
  6. BEN!!!!!!! u should really do pr work for them
  7. there is no originality anymore in the biz for the most part everything from movies to tracks are redone its a joke. once in a while its cool to see a remix but most real classics should be left alone. as for the crowd eruptin to old tracks i doubt that unless ur in the right venue/crowd. most people wont like old house cause its bland, no builds ect ect aside from a few of course
  8. hes been playin the same 20-30 tracks every party, not including accas or keys for the past 6 yrs cant wait till the playlist threads pop up on sun: boots gti keys paula cole pressurize i swear i heard kemical.................
  9. yup williamsburg is supposed to be next soho lol
  10. howd i know one of ur so called "funny" pics was coming....no wonder u got 52k posts
  11. is that jonathan from blowout....i love how jp changes
  12. konkrete jungle, robots, cafe iguana.....ur turn
  13. rayray u would of never survived nasa,disco 2000 or kurfew with that comment
  14. cutting edge electro? that shit they are putting out now has been done for yrs by felix da housecat and armand van helden just to name a few
  15. actually i got it...... all my shit was disabled so didnt even see ur wakeup is so gay till now ahhahhahah
  16. rayray all jokin aside it will be cool if i meet u next week i like ur passion just not some of ur music choices lol. i might slip g in ur drink (IM ONLY KIDDDING) and maybe double team gotmilk?'s girl afterward too . please just leave the kango at home and how the fuck do u turn smilies on????
  17. exactly kid gets all bent out of shape i still dont think he has the board humor down yet
  18. hahahah did u really think i would have or want to have u thrown out of a club? lol if this board had smilies i would of posted a wink so u would know i was jokin lighten up kid, i actually said on vip i look forward to meetin u
  19. no im gonna have eric at crobar escort ur ass right out
  20. hahaha i never heard him spin, but yrs back i guess like 4 or 5 atleast he was sellin records so i went over to his place. the guy was talkin to me about how he went to miami doin crobar and space ect. and the venues in ny like im just some kid who knows nothing. so i kept a str8 face and was like well how come u came back and are livin in ur grandmas house? he rambled on basically that it wasnt worth kissin ass. i remember people would rip on him on here and i always sat back and watched cause i actually felt bad for the abuse he got lol
  21. looks like im gonna meet u for desyn on the 21st.....bring ur shine box kid
  22. lol u said jenks.......i havent been there since i had a beach house in 99' i can only imagine the crowd
  23. yea pretty sure he was on the plane with me comin back from miami but i havent seen him since key club or life yrs back i forget. so i didnt want to look like an idiot to some stranger....its good to see him makin a push again
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