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Posts posted by jesseh49

  1. Originally posted by luiskain

    Right, the US only gives Israel all its weapons, billions in foreign aid, which is never repaid, etc. Those M16s israel carries? that's the US. The tanks, the f16s? that's the US again.

    Oh, btw, there were a number of israeli spies caught spying on the US gov't in these last few years. Way to be our friends.

    How about all of the valuable information that Israel gives us to help us fight our war on terror? The reason that we give Israel all of these weapons is we can trust them not to stick a knife in our back and use them against us. Every Country spies on each other those are just the rules of the game. How about the billions in Foreign Aid that Yasser Arrafat recieves and pockets instead of using it for it's intended purposes.

  2. Originally posted by luiskain

    anyone ever seen that bugs bunny era cartoon where there's that littly yappy dog who always tags around and follows the big dog and the little yappy dog always starts conflict. the little lap dog always goes around screaming and starting trouble and then hides behind the big dog.

    "wow spike, you heard that spike? You heard what he said, spike?"

    "oh man, you're gonna get it now, Spike's big and tough and real angry now, aren't you Spike??"

    then spike goes in to fight and gets fucked up.

    AMERI-ISRAELI relationship simplified stupified.

    I think you need to stop watching so many cartoons and actually open up a history book. Israel has NO problem fighting there own battles. After the Jews were killed during the Olympics Israel went in with a covert operation to this day that still amazes people and killed everyone of the people responsible.

    They recently had Arafat holed up in his compound for weeks like a scared little bitch. We(USA) have actually asked Israel to hold back so as not to hurt our Fight Against Terrorism. If the real force of Israel was unleashed watch out. You do know that even though they deny having nuclear weapons that they really do have a nuclear arsenal.

  3. Originally posted by Crackorn

    The Palestinians should be kissing the Israelis asses for allowing them to stay there. When else in history has this happened? Also, as I've said in another thread, if the Palestinians had the technology the Israelis have, they would have killed every single one of them. And if the Israelis tried to flee this hypothetical situation, the Palestinians would run after them and still kill them.

  4. Bassboy the reason you have to vent under an alias on a messageboard is because your views only show the reaction of the Israelis not what caused this reaction in the first place Let's not forget there was relative peace in the nation up untill 2 years ago after the Palestinian Uprising. Israel was willing to give a considerable amount of land back to the Palestinians, land that they rightfully won in a war. However Arafat was not willing to bargain he wanted all or nothing. As to your remark about women and children being killed your right it is a shame. Parents in Palestine are to blame for that. They allow little kids to carry weapons and throw stones at Israeli Tanks and soldiers. Throwing stones at armed soldiers has got to be one of the dumbest ideas in history. Those kids should not be out in the street they should be in classrooms getting an education. And not some education based on hatred that many of them recieve. If Israel didn't respect the US it probably would have done much more to Palestine already. Don't you think the people of Palestine would be much happier to live in a democracy rather than live under a crazy dicatator? Do you know how much money that is donated to Palestine from other countries that never makes it to the people because Arafat is a crook. Do you want to try over 1 Billion dollars. He doesn't care about his people all he cares about is how fat his wallet is. The time has come for a change, and that change needs to be a leader who cares about his people and there well being.

  5. I doubt either place will be opening right away. On the news they said that this was also an investigation by the DEA. This was not just a NYPD investigation. The DEA doesn't joke around. They don't go around doing major investigations only to have the club only be shut down for one weekend. I'm not saying that they won't re-open eventually but they did this to make a point. They brought down the 2 biggest for a reason. They know drugs are being done in clubs everywhere but if the 2 biggest fall it will send a message to other clubs to clean up there acts. They don't have the man power to run stings on everyclub in NYC so they got their point out. This cycle of closing clubs is nothing new they do it every so often just to remind the newest group of clubgoers that they are out there and watching.

  6. Originally posted by cutie6190

    hey do u know if disco....what kind of music they play and how the vibe is ?? whats the dress code??


    j =)

    and i have id to prove im over 21 but im really not its my cousins we look alike are they strict at the door ??


    Depends on the DJ at Discotheque but it is usually House Music. Not sure about how strict they are at the door with age.(Fortunately I am of age). Vibe is kind of B&T...But hey the majority of the people in Manhattan didn't grow up in the city so who the F#@# cares! If you like House then go there you will have a good time, I heard the parties have been pretty good lately.

  7. Originally posted by dgmodel

    no no no... im sorry... allow me to clarify... i meant slate in chelsea...

    That is the one I was talking about. I would say more of a pre game place. It can become kind of a sausage fest in there.

  8. It was a propganda movie made by the government to try to deter youths from smoking pot. If I remember correctly there is a scene where someone jumps out a window because they were high on the pot. Damn that pot!!

    ----Confucious say he who stands on toilet is high on the pot-----

  9. How about when all the hype about there being a pool there. I swear to god I kept looking for that damn thing. I felt like such an idiot when someone told me that the roof was called the pool, because the walls were high and it kinda looked like you were standing in a pool. Good thing I never wore my bathing suit under my clothes.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  10. Originally posted by jaysea

    Anyone remember the opening of EXIT?

    we were all like WOOOOW like"............................................................................................................. look what they diid to CARBON.. LOL


    than next week were all like...."ewww exit sucks yo"

    i miss Carbon....lol even tho it sucked.....:laugh:

    How about when Carbon opened, from what use to be Mirage.

  11. Damn I can't wear my levi's 501 tight fitting acid wash jeans. I was even going to peg leg the bottoms since it is going to be a special evening. I just got this great Hypercolor shirt that turns blue to green I thought the ladies would love it. :laugh: :laugh:

    Seriously- Thanks for the heads up. I know how Boston can be with dress codes. You think they would lighten up a bit. I am going to risk it and wear jeans that night. I should be ok. Thanks again!

  12. From the Daily News:

    With subway workers set to walk on Sunday, Mayor Bloomberg is readyin' to go pedalin'. Tomorrow at 12:30, he'll be at Gotham Bikes in Tribeca buying a two-wheeler to get him from his East Side townhouse to City Hall. And though he owned a Schwinn as a child, Bloomberg told us this time, he'll purchase a mountain bike.

    "It'll be American made," he said at a party for ESPN.com and the Magazine at Exit Wednesday night. "And, yes, I will be wearing a helmet."

    I wonder if he brought his glowsticks?

  13. Originally posted by l155a

    shut down so far and for what reasons? of the ones that are closed which ones will possibly re-open? being from Boston we really don't have many clubs that have been shut down, except for a few in NH one being BOOM because of Tommy Guns drug trafficing kiddies and the other 2 because of drugs or shootings. :confused: just curious about this i know Rudy wasn't so hot on the NY nightlife.....

    Yea it also didn't help that the ice cream truck that would come to the parking lot of Boom was selling crystal meth out of it.

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