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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by kludgio

  1. if you're going to call out the pussies, where will yours be if there's a draft? hiding under your own skirt?
  2. anyone else think there are too many lights in a lot of clubs? the last couple times i've been to LL or Vinyl, there were just way too many lights for my comfort, flashing in overwhelming combinations particularly at Vinyl, a lot of people were complaining about them, saying they were going to have japanese cartoon-seizures. my eyes hurt and i had a headache. a group of us tried to coerce someone to go up to the lighting guy and tell him to chill, but figured that'd be insulting it's also very distracting from the music and actual environment. it's like being in a k-hole while sober - NOT always a desired feeling there was one club that i thought achieved the perfect balance of being enhancing but not distracting. i forget the name of it though
  3. thanks, you guys. great advice there was one club in particular that i could always go to and feel entirely comfortable. i forget the name of it though
  4. HAHAHA! i don't want to be the one reason why they later told people that the vibe at the party sucked "dude, it was horrible! i tried to be nice to this one girl, and she told me to fuck off!"
  5. if this was the case, it sounds like perhaps the management got a bit ahead of themselves. they may have thought they were gonna bring it out big, with DJ's dying for a residency, people praying to get in, etc.
  6. i like to go to a club or bar just to wander around, or sit in a corner by myself sometimes. (of course these are the times when i'm particularly antisocial.) however, often some well-meaning people come over and try to chat me up. i appreciate their concern -- "are you okay? just chilling? are you sure? are you sure?? because i can sit and talk with you all night if you want? no? are you sure?" -- but really, i often like to just sit back and listen to music and observe sometimes, i wear hats or hoodies. the most effective i find is having a friend on the same wavelength as you to sit with any ideas to share?
  7. yo, you know what's even GAYER?? it's when people still use ignorant high school slang! now THAT'S REALLY GAY!!
  8. when my friend comes by, she brings cramps and other stuff
  9. i don't understand it. everywhere i go, men are quoting shit: movies, TV, all sorts of insubstantial stuff
  10. it's a thin line between having self-confidence and trying to prove something
  11. thanks, ichi! you're so sweet to make a point: 1. take one stance -- am i fat or too skinny? 2. learn the definitions of common conditions 3. don't be hypocritical -- you're the one taking substances for the sole purpose of improving your appearance in clubs personally, i don't care if you're scrawny or fat or ripped; what matters in a person is their attitude about themself. corny, yes, but i'm much more attracted to a man who wants to have fun, not work out all the time to look good for the chickies. if someone is so concerned in how they themself look, then they must put too much value in physical appearance, and i don't want to be judged by that you don't know how i look, so why are you trying to rip on me? i mean, if i am indeed fat, then you're judging my entire value by my appearnce. if i'm not fat, then you are just making foolish, insubstantial statements for the record, i did not mean to make fun of your character. rather, i was commenting on your apparent enthusiasm for extreme, even dangerous, measures to alter your body i have some pretty cool friends i met from this board, ichi_gami included. this board is a good medium for weeding out characters one wouldn't want to associate with either online or in person
  12. you moron. not everyone with a kim in their name is asian. and like hell SK is asian. she wants to be though, because i'm asian
  13. choreography from someone named crystal glass would give me a heart attack
  14. if you stare at the green guys long enough, right into their eyes, you start to get weirded out. they're scary
  15. hehe, no, actually i'm a girl who doesn't go for the musclehead look for instance, i knew this HOT HOT guy: just bangin'. didn't see him for a while, he got all big and buffed, and man, he messed with perfection, i have to say
  16. why's it called nortec?
  17. "Suppliments: $200, Bally's Membership: $1400, looking good: Priceless" ----------------------- "supplements: $200, bally's membership: $1400, seeing a sweaty guido with shriveled balls unable to get any in a club: priceless"
  18. Andy, you're bangin' a hippy?? like, one of those goa ravers, or a vegan? i would think vegans would suck in bed, and goa ravers would be, well, like how they dance "what's that like?" <-- jim breuer in half-baked
  19. wow, it's loch! where've you been? got crack? --deanna11
  20. i don't have a job, and already i can post on message boards all day and do narcotics whenever i please! there's hope for you yet!
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