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Everything posted by chilliey

  1. Spoken from a true friend of the AMAZING A-Z. WHATEVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! This is crazy. Just because I don't think he is a good DJ. I'm now in the MUSIC INDUSTRY. Well if I'm in the music industry, then you must work at SURF CLUB. TRUE DAT! Ya got me! BUSTED!!!!!
  2. Don't even waste your time with this ignorant asshole. He is completely pathetic and is out for attention. His posts are specifically geared to start drama and honestly.......they really don't make much sense. I understand how people have different likes and dislikes, but this guy is just plain stupid. He's not worth anyone's time. Too bad he didn't drown HIMSELF at Tempts.
  3. Well said! I agree with you. I'll be at Exit on Saturday but I'm going to check out the World on the 23rd. There are enough DJ's and enough clubs in NYC to please everyone.
  4. I think that is his new spot. But I'm not sure. I hope so because I enjoy listening to him despite of what other people think. I had a good time this summer down the shore and by the looks of Temptations so did a lot of other people. I guess everyone just has their own opinion which is cool.
  5. True. True. But I'm hoping I'll still have fun even if he isn't there.
  6. That's terrific! Now that we all got that settled. To a answer your question Gabriell, The World is a new club opening in Times Square on the 23rd. I think it will be a good time but I guess Cesarleo has a different opinion. I'm assuming he won't be there.
  7. Oops! I'm sorry did I hit a nerve? Are you the offical spokesperson for A-Z? If not, it would be a great career for ya! No I don't know him nor do I want to. I thought this board was about people giving their opinions. Well I think he Sucks! His music selection is horrible and if YOU don't like what I have to say then too bad. Don't read my posts. Carries the party at Cheetah?? Is that why they have Jason Ojeda there now? Now that's a DJ. If anyone carries the party at Cheetah it's him. I wouldn't be surprised if A-Z is out of a job soon because of it. And as for the jealousy comment?? What am I jealous FOR?? Did you just smoke crack or something? We are talking about a DJ. The last time I checked I wouldn't be jealous of one. Cool down honey, it's only music. Why are you so stressed???? Do you have some affiliation with ANDREW??? Sure seems like it. Bottom line, don't like his music and IMO he sucks. NUFF SAID
  8. Do I miss Roxy? Yes! I loved that room. Do I miss A-Z and Gonzaga making a bunch of noise. Hell No! They destroyed the so called "new party". I would go only if a "real DJ" played there. A-Z spins garbage IMO and Gonzaga----words can't describe. What a shame. Such a pretty room and it had to get ruined. It was so much fun 2 years ago. Boris had that place rockin' . I guess nothing good lasts forever. Oh well.
  9. Unfortunately, I was there on Sunday but not by choice. A few of my friends wanted to stop by Surf so I had to torture myself and go to that hell hole. It wasn't as crowded as I thought it would be so that was good. I saw some creatures making out on stage which was exciting. The weather sucked and it was way too hot in there. I think Andrew played horrible (as usual). This is not my first time at Surf listening to him either. I was there at least 5 times this summer. I have heard him at Cheetah and I was even at SF when he played there for a short period. Oh and Roxy too. I don't understand how some people find him entertaining. He plays garbage. I actually heard people there complaining about the music so I started talking to them and we came up with this conclusion. He should be very thankful for Red Door promotions because they are the only reason he has any gigs. Just my own personal opinion and we all have them.
  10. Woops! My bad! You are so so right. Yeah Exit, Tempts, now the World. Look at those places. Maybe if he got a "GOOD" place it would be a different story. What was I thinking?? Maybe if you got a ummmm clue??? What do you consider a good place??? Sound Factory? Well then if that's the case....continue on your merry way and go there..."BRO". No one is forcing you to listen to him....or are they?? Talk to the hand??? Wow that's original...where do you think of em? [This message has been edited by chilliey (edited 09-05-2000).]
  11. I listened to the telecast on Sunday 'til about midnight and it did suck ...I was at Tempts on Saturday though and he did much better that night. Really???? That's funny because he didn't start on KTU until midnight.
  12. Oh do you mean all the people on this board??? I guess these are "ALL THE PEOPLE" that do not like him. If he is as horrible as some of the people on "THIS BOARD" think.....then he wouldn't be getting all those"gigs". So answer your own question...... Genius [This message has been edited by chilliey (edited 09-05-2000).]
  13. Andrew Mendez got his records stolen twice.
  14. Weren't you at the killer club RUSH???
  15. [This message has been edited by chilliey (edited 08-29-2000).]
  16. You suck. Plain and simple....if you don't like him then no one is forcing you to listen to him. Also.....I doubt he gives a shit about your stupid opinion. Why did you even post? Did you think he would respond to an asshole like you? Doubt it.
  17. You got that right. But one question....how do you smell that??? You must have a good set of tweezers.
  18. I was there 2 weeks ago and it looked like a ghost town. The music (IMO) wasn't that great and I was looking on the dance floor and it seemed like the few people that were there were not having a good time. I don't know, maybe I just caught a bad night. It started out pretty crowded around 6ish but by 11 it totally cleared out. I guess everyone went to Tempts. [This message has been edited by chilliey (edited 09-05-2000).]
  19. Whereismyhouse, Talk about a moron.......it's quite obvious there is a glitch in the system. WOW......LOOK WHO'S THE JACKASS!
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