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Everything posted by misskittie

  1. Its almost here...calm down hon!
  2. Oh my I soooo agree with you. I miss Paladium. Its nothing like back then. We need something with a real fresh l;ook, some fun toys, and all that good stuff. I have a club that Ive been drawing up for about a year now and only WISH i had the money to open this place becuase I know it would be a hit...but I cant share b/c if I do someone might steal my ideas. Then if I won the lottery, I cant make my club come to reality. Oh well
  3. This Saturday coming up huh? I LOVE LIMELIGHT and the music is always great. Ill have to try and get there for this one. Thanks for the 411
  4. I would think so. Just because you have a VIP doesnt mean your of age.They have to check. The VIP may get you to the front of the line and in for reducedrate or no money but that just helps you at the ticket booth. Not at the line where they card.
  5. Ummm I say give up. Maybe you like his tongue but obviously hes not worth it honey. But Im surprised that he didnt call you back. Most of the guys from Limelight always call back. Oh well, dont stress yourself. Go find a better man. Maybe try the HOTT and I mean HOTT and YUMMY bartender Michael. Oh hes soo cute. The last say 2 Saturdays hes been bartending in the hip hop room. Oh I dont know if hes your type but hes such a cutie! lol
  6. Oh wait...if your looking for awesome beats but a lounge atmosphere, then I HIGHLY suggest Liquid Lounge in the East Village. ts quaint, the people arent snobby, the music is off the hook too. But its not that large...yet it doesnt get over crowded to the point you cant move either. Just a suggestion .
  7. Some places die down a SMIDGE but theres alos lots of people who go to school in the area and they still club so its not too bad. Noone has anything else to do in the winter other than club so they may even get more crowded than now
  8. whoa...full of ourselves i see. hahah Im SURE everyone was throwing themselves on you...they were most likely just tripping over their feet they were sooo banged up
  9. I was at the club last right when they just finsiihed remodeling it. Dont get me wrong, the club looks fabulous! But the people are WAY TOO FAKE FOR ME. This has nothing to dow ith the staff...just the clubbers there. Yet, what do you expect for a JERSEY CLUB anyway?? A bunch of Steroid freaks accompanied by their guidettes. Sorry if you dont like my opinion of the place but I wont step foot back in there. I HATE FAKE PEOPLE with a passion...so ill continue going to my CITY hotspots which are worth the money. But thanks anyway...lol
  10. Hey did anyone hear that now they suspect the Pre Med student who died at Twilo of dying from G ??? Anyone now of any articles on the web that talk about this? If so send a link by please....
  11. OH YES!!! PLEASE put me on the list so I can hang out with a bunch of snobs who can look down their noses at me b/c Im not apart of their group. And so steroid guidos can slam into me and walk away because they "think" they are the "sh*t". Ummm lets not and say we did...shall we....
  12. z100 music?!?!? OMG I guess it may not be worth it. Well Im gonna give that promoter a call and see what info I can get from him. Thanks a bunch all!
  13. Anthony Lamont is GOD! Ive never seen such a better performer thn he. I saw him about a year ago at Club Abyss and he performed Whitney Houston's songs. He did such a fabulous job. I suggest going to see him to anyone and if he is goign to be at CPI then I WILL have t check it out. I was luck enough to even hang out with him after he and his dancers performed and he is the sweetest, most real and funny guy around!
  14. I dont know if it remembers the name or the pic but I was told it was the name. Maybe Im wrong
  15. I doubt there would be free bags of coke but hey if there was can I jump in line...j/k. All I have heard it it will still have that coke spoon with the moon hanging up. Im sure there will be drugs all over it though. I dont know about free though. I doubt any major stars will be showing up nd Stevie isnt alive anymore to pass that all out
  16. hehe I like that last one. I should use that on a guy at the club! TEE HEE
  17. Honestly, your best bet is to get someone who looks like you and take their papers. All that has to match up is eye color and the height be close if you are going to try and get a dup license. A lot of places now us ethose machines to scan the IDs to make sure they are real or not. Because of those, you should try to get the papers of someone who matches up with you yet doesnt hang out with you a lot. Those machines also record the info to be sure there are not 2 people in the club with the same info.
  18. Do you know anyone who's birth certificate and ss card that you can take and go to motor vehicles with? Then you only pay $5 for a dup. Or you can change their height by one inch and it'll say change..hehe
  19. Ummm no! Not it. I go clubbing all the time and some guys come up with the lamest comments or the most ridiculous moves on the dance floor. Dont really worry about complimenting her because she can see through that. Just ask where shes from. Guys do it to me and my girls all the time and we start up a convo. Dont worry about preparing something to say...BE YOURSELF! Thats the problem with half the guys out there today. They sit at home in front of the mirror coming up with something to say and how to stand an all that buloll that by time they approoach us they make a fool of themselves! Just be real and we'll talk to you. I fyou get turned down...then she wasnt worth it and try again.
  20. When I use to hit up TUNNEL back in '98 that rumor about getting poked with needles to infect others with AIDS was going around. Sure it freaked me out but then I learned that many of the people that were doing it were actually just talking a clean sewing needle....no AIDS or anything on it...and just poking people to scare them. Luckily nothing had ever happened to myself or friends but you never know with some people out there. I havent heard about it still going on now but it is possible.
  21. Well Im a young female....i.e the MISS and I like to PRRR like a kitten. So I guess it works....
  22. Vinylgrl do u by any chance have the name , number or email addy of the person promoting? Anyhelp would be great. I know this place will never be what it use to be but I have always wanted to go at least once so Im not worried about being let down. Lots of City clubs that are allegedly "hot" let me down many times so Im willing to take a chance on this historic site!
  23. A sleeping pill and a joint always do me nicely!
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