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Everything posted by misskittie

  1. NO, you CAN get it if you want, i'd just bring some plastic as a back-up measure. I mean, we wouldn't want you to miss out on all those xmas smooches b/c your mistletoe wilted, would we? Hmm okay okay. Then I guess Ill get a real one for Cream and then a fake one for Twilo! Now, if I can only make sure I get Sasha under it with me! hehe ------------------ "Love is friendship set to music." ...E. Joseph Crossmann AOL = MadamKittE
  2. Ohh Ill get kisses baby!! I already have spot #1 reserved...hehe ------------------ "Love is friendship set to music." ...E. Joseph Crossmann AOL = MadamKittE
  3. You mean I cant get a real one??? Ohhh poo! I really wanted to have a real mistletoe. Thanks for ruining my dream...thats #2 today!!! Oh well.... looks like Ill get a plastic fake thingy! Boo ------------------ "Love is friendship set to music." ...E. Joseph Crossmann AOL = MadamKittE
  4. Is it possible to buy a real mistletoe rather then a fake plastic one? I havent been able to find one anywhere.... ------------------ "Love is friendship set to music." ...E. Joseph Crossmann AOL = MadamKittE
  5. Whoa..what...wait one hot dang minute there! This happened? Really?? WTF WHY WASNT I ALERTED???? grrrrrrrrrr ------------------ "Love is friendship set to music." ...E. Joseph Crossmann AOL = MadamKittE
  6. I *think* Im in love..... ------------------ "Love is friendship set to music." ...E. Joseph Crossmann AOL = MadamKittE
  7. I have them silly....But Im not gonna put them up yet...DOH! ------------------ "Love is friendship set to music." ...E. Joseph Crossmann AOL = MadamKittE
  8. ------------------ "Love is friendship set to music." ...E. Joseph Crossmann AOL = MadamKittE
  9. In the spirit of them spinning this weekend, I decided to go find some trivia questions on Sasha & Digweed. I actually pulled them from a site but thought this would be fun for some of yas... How man can you get right?!?!?! 1. Sasha & Digweed were resident at which legendary club in NYC? 2. What is Sasha's real name? 3. In which famous club in Manchester did Sasha first get his taste of house music? 4. What was the name of Sasha's single in which he collaborated with Mariah Nayler? 5. Which record label is Sasha signed to? 6. Who did Sasha share a flat with in Manchester in the early days? 7. As of Nov. '99 Sasha & Digweed have recorded 2 G.U. compliations each. Name 2 of the places they recorded at... 8. Which of the following is NOT one of the many jobs that John Digweed performed while growing up in order to earn money to purchase records? 9. Which group produces tracks personally for Sasha & Digweed? 10. When do Sasha & Digweed spin at Club Twilo in New Yrok? 11. Where did Sasha get his inspiration to create the Global Underground: San Franciso mix session? 12. What is the name of Sasha's record Label? 13. In which club did Sasha record his G.U. Ibiza session? 14. Which nationality is Sasha? 15. Which DJ did Sasha live next door to in the early days that used to give him DJing gigs? 16. In what US City did Sasha & Digweed male their first impact on the music scene? 17. What San Fran club did Sasha record the GU 09 in? 18. What is the name of the most important club in Mexico where Sasha played in 1999? ------------------ "Love is friendship set to music." ...E. Joseph Crossmann AOL = MadamKittE
  10. I can *only* imagine! Roly your craZy! But this is *CLASSIC*....absolute classic!!!! ------------------ "Love is friendship set to music." ...E. Joseph Crossmann AOL = MadamKittE
  11. Frankie, For me it means I am going to be wearing bellz this Friday as a necklace...hehe. Just gotta find the right size first. But usually it does mean you are goin to be somewhere and youre really excited. yada yada yada ------------------ "Love is friendship set to music." ...E. Joseph Crossmann AOL = MadamKittE
  12. Not a possibility. People just like to be wise asses and try to start shit. Its funny at first then it gets long and drawn out. But it gets really annoying when people dont realize the name is that of an imposter and fights start out. Oh well...they just do it because of their own lack of self confidence I say. Imposters are going to be appearing on this board no matter what. Its something you have to deal with. ------------------ "Love is friendship set to music." ...E. Joseph Crossmann AOL = MadamKittE
  13. BUMP ------------------ "Love is friendship set to music." ...E. Joseph Crossmann AOL = MadamKittE
  14. Looks like *someone* needs to get FUCKIN LAID! ------------------ "Love is friendship set to music." ...E. Joseph Crossmann AOL = MadamKittE
  15. Okay.....DROP YOUR PANTS! I wanna check this "oh cool, thats a perfect size". ------------------ "Love is friendship set to music." ...E. Joseph Crossmann AOL = MadamKittE
  16. ewwwwwwww was NOT! Such a jokester this guy is... ------------------ "Love is friendship set to music." ...E. Joseph Crossmann AOL = MadamKittE
  17. Plain and simple...for the few hours I was there he was strictly OFF THE HOOK! The music was bangin and just kept you wanting to dance. Happy Frankie?? Now what if I met Sven?? Would u have cared then?? ------------------ "Love is friendship set to music." ...E. Joseph Crossmann AOL = MadamKittE
  18. Friggen Florida!!! Cant even get this RIGHT! Ill have that checked out for ya! ------------------ "Love is friendship set to music." ...E. Joseph Crossmann AOL = MadamKittE
  19. Ahhh TwiloOoOoOoOooooOoo...... I'm starting to feel as though this place is one of my homes Yes the music was totally banging from the minute I walked in. And that was around 4 Id say. My perk...when Sven played Barbarella! Ahhhh I love this song soooo much! Made me bop bop bop away. Alby is right though. It did keep getting harder and harder as he went on but that was the fun of it. The tracks he was laying down as well as the lazer show were incredible! I saw some freaky ass things going on in those lights....made me say "WHOAAAAA" hehe. I kept wanting to sit down and stop dancing but I just couldnt do. My legs were soo sore and I was truthfully exhausted but the music wouldnt let me sit! It just kept pulling me back towards the dance floor! The vibe of all the clubbers was up too. Everyone was smiling but I would have expected a little more energy personally. All in all....I had a SlAmMiNg time! I wasnt even supposed to go...just decided to go surprise some of my fav peeps. I guess I can do a little shout out section: Okay, I have to thank Andy and Steve for meeting up there with me....and for keeping it a secret hehe. Thank you soo much guys. I was soo psyched that I was getting out of work early and I dont think I would have went if you didnt decide to go. I owe yas a late nighter now...hehe! Andy...Im sure you were lovin life as much as I was last night...well maybe not as much but you were checkin things out! Thankies for sharing with me...its always a fun time when we hang out..just gotta get you off that damn pole (no excuses for being tired either hehe). Thank you again for being so easily persuaded into going to Twilo....you know you wanted to go anywa. I just agve you more of a reason to get your bum bum ova there! HA! See ya next weekend....with my bellz on. Steve it was really nice to meet ya! Your a sweetheart and you just keep on goin dont ya!?!? I dont think I saw you NOT dancing last night~ Cant wait to hang again....oh thats next Friday! Great meeting ya! Alby, Alby, Alby, Alby.... Like I told ya before, that look on your face when you realized I was there was *PRICELESS*. Im soo glad I was able to brighten your night (with my purple strobes and all) . We will have to hang out again... we have quite an interesting friendship though Ill tell ya that much! Thank you SOOOOOOOO MUCH for that massage. You have *NO* idea what I felt during that...woohooo baby! Just woohooo! Let' see who's next... Ahhhh......the man with PRICELESS LOOK #2, Dee! hehehe I love surprising you. You always can make me smile...and ya give some of the bestest hugs to be found in Twilo! Im glad I got to see you and hang out for a while. You were trippy to watch with those lil blue lights ya always carry with ya. Hope you got home safe...see you soon!!!! >mua< Veronica..it was a pleasure to meet you. I think it's safe to say that you can be classified in the "free spirited group". Maybe we will see each other soon...Coming for S&D??? Roly...do u remember meeting me??? heheh. That was too funny. You probably have noo idea what Im talking about right now do ya?!?! haha even better! It was nice to meet you as well. I kept loosing you though. One minute you were there...then you were gone. And in an instant "boom" ya popped up again! We'll have to chat some more and hang out again! pOOh...my man...wasnt expecting you there! Glad I did though..you always brighten up my nights some how. Next time we'll hang a little more. You disappeared this time on me. Oh well....Im use to let downs by you! haha j/p. You know I luv ya! Hope you had a good time. And last but certainly not least....Art. Thanks for the hook up! That was NiiiiiiiiiicEEE! Maybe Ill be seeing ya later tonight. Thanks one final time...it was fun!! I'm surprised only a few were actually there last night though ... from the board that is. I assume we are all getting our rest for the *BIG* night next weekend hmmmmm??? Okay Im all done...sorry to bore anyone. But I like to ramble on...I could talk about my entire trippy venture home though....hahah it was definately one for the memory books Ill tell ya that. Crazy Things Goin On In This World...craZy things.... xoxoxo kAt ------------------ "Love is friendship set to music." ...E. Joseph Crossmann AOL = MadamKittE [This message has been edited by misskittie (edited 12-16-2000).]
  20. Did I mention I will be walking aorund with a MISTLETOE too??? ------------------ "Love is friendship set to music." ...E. Joseph Crossmann AOL = MadamKittE
  21. Uhh I thought it was sceduled for the 22nd Mister????? Sheesh ya got in the topic of this. As for sex toys, you name it, Im sure either myself or James will have it. He did mention that we will be needing a really big tarp for the floor....hahha So lets get this party started.... ------------------ "Love is friendship set to music." ...E. Joseph Crossmann AOL = MadamKittE
  22. Better know Ill be there....with bellz on .... with bellz on~~~ ------------------ "Love is friendship set to music." ...E. Joseph Crossmann AOL = MadamKittE
  23. You guys are totally going to think Im crazy! This is great though and Im sure many of you will find it funny. Im coming home from Twilo this morning and take the Path from 33rd. Im obviously going to be completely *exhausted* by this time so I fall asleep. I actually wasnt asleep but it felt like I could have been. Anyway, I happened to drop my book which I picked up on the way out of Twilo and my water bottle on the floor of the train. I didnt even realize. Then for some reason, I opened my eyes and across from me there was this older gentleman holding my water bottle and he handed it back to me with a smile...I of course laughed. Then, I look over to the left and there is this younger Chinese man reading my book. (laughed again) He hands it back to me then a minute later asks if he can finish reading it. I gladly handed it back to him but Im looking at him as if I knew him. He looked sooo familiar and I just couldnt figure it out. So, I just closed my eyes and tried to forget about it. The music from tonight started playing in my head and then all of the sudden *BOOM*! I had a flash back of when I was sitting up on the box when Pappa and them were spinning at Twilo! Youre never going to believe who it was! Anyone happen to remember the guy who was humping the garbage can and then became incredibly saddened when the staff removed it? He was humping the pole where Stephan was dancing early in the evening?? Well, I was sitting across from our famous "garbage bucket humper". Now of course at first I didnt think it could be him at all. Just thought maybe I saw a resemblence. During the ride, he gets up to sit next to me and asked about Twilo tonight. I told him and he went on to say that its one of his favorite clubs. Immediately, I had to ask him if he was there the night of Pappa. He said "yes" and that he had gone there that night all by himself and got *WAY FUCKED UP* . Small world we live in huh guys! Just thought Id share that with you. I thought it was nutty. Now Im off to bed....hope everyone has a wonderful Morning!! ------------------ "Love is friendship set to music." ...E. Joseph Crossmann AOL = MadamKittE
  24. See what Im saying!?!?!? I KNEW James could assist with all of this... It seems that now the orgy guy / girl ratio is now improving and that means one thing.......ITS BACK ON! AwWwWwW ShIeT! LOLOL ------------------ "Love is friendship set to music." ...E. Joseph Crossmann AOL = MadamKittE
  25. Okay Andrew you havent gotten a PM fromme because it doesnt seem as though this is REALLY going to work...lol. Oh well...it was fun while it lasted...but I still have the thoughts. We need to get more freaky girls on this damn board! ------------------ "Love is friendship set to music." ...E. Joseph Crossmann AOL = MadamKittE
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