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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by misskittie

  1. Im crazy when I dance. I use my arms a lot yet I also jup around like crazy too. I love stomping. But the boots make me feel better when dancing. More stable. The only problem with them is that when I go and bend down real fast when dancing, I get all screwed up and practically topple over...lol. Oh well ------------------ There's an old Irish saying -- 'there are no strangers, just friends who haven't met' -- so, until we meet, may peace and plenty rain down upon your head.
  2. You got a videos???? When you bringing them over?? I got a big screne, stereo surround and popcorn for you baby! lol ------------------ There's an old Irish saying -- 'there are no strangers, just friends who haven't met' -- so, until we meet, may peace and plenty rain down upon your head.
  3. OMG Ok this is really sick but well you remind me of this guy in my town. Back in High School, me and my old crew use to hang at a school by us. This gy named Vinny came down and started hangin out with us. I think he has some sort of mental problems or whatever. He seems fine but, he fucks cats. He really fucks cats. He would sit there and describe it to us. Even showed us scratches on his body from the cats too. Oh God its sickening. He would go around town and look for cats to take them home and video this sexual act. Ugh it makes me sick. Totally makes me sick. Hey you dont believe me, come to my town and Ill bring you to meet Vinny Nuch! ------------------ There's an old Irish saying -- 'there are no strangers, just friends who haven't met' -- so, until we meet, may peace and plenty rain down upon your head.
  4. I almost always wear really big boots that go up to my knees. I cant dance in anything else but this kind of boots. Sneakers...cant dance. Low showes...cant dance. Crazy huh? ------------------ There's an old Irish saying -- 'there are no strangers, just friends who haven't met' -- so, until we meet, may peace and plenty rain down upon your head.
  5. Nope...not just you girl. Me too. My job is mostly Jewish and umm I dont see any of them here. Its soooo quiet. DRIVING ME NUTS! Even the town is dead. I hate this. Now I odnt have my buddy to talk to when I go on break at 3. He went home....::sniffle:: ------------------ There's an old Irish saying -- 'there are no strangers, just friends who haven't met' -- so, until we meet, may peace and plenty rain down upon your head.
  6. Like I said yesterday...WHAT ARE YOU EBING FOR HALLOWEENE THEN? Youre a pimp everyday dork! ------------------ There's an old Irish saying -- 'there are no strangers, just friends who haven't met' -- so, until we meet, may peace and plenty rain down upon your head.
  7. Chewbacca....hahaha yea right Im actually thinking of being a blue kittie. Im going to get a leather cat suit thats blue with matching stilletos, blue hightlights in my hair and of course bluw makeup. Whiskers and the lil nose and nice long kittie claws. Maybe Ill even tie some catnip around my waste. Wow that sounds sort of raunchy. Ill have to change it a bit. ------------------ There's an old Irish saying -- 'there are no strangers, just friends who haven't met' -- so, until we meet, may peace and plenty rain down upon your head.
  8. Ahhhhhhhhhhh I love pay day! But now Im being forced to go shopping!! I hate shopping for clothes. UGH~ ------------------ There's an old Irish saying -- 'there are no strangers, just friends who haven't met' -- so, until we meet, may peace and plenty rain down upon your head.
  9. As of now Im trying to see if my girl will go. I have to host a party tomorrow night with her so it just be easier but if not, Im thinking of still goin by myself. We'll see. Ill carry string so you know its me if I do...lol ------------------ There's an old Irish saying -- 'there are no strangers, just friends who haven't met' -- so, until we meet, may peace and plenty rain down upon your head.
  10. Im sowwy baby. You know I wuv you. But its my GIRLS BIRTHDAY! She'll kill me if after being her freind for 11 years I dont show up. Im thinking of doing a Twilo afterhours though to see GlowGirl. ------------------ There's an old Irish saying -- 'there are no strangers, just friends who haven't met' -- so, until we meet, may peace and plenty rain down upon your head.
  11. Umm well what club you going to? I actually will be wearing about 25 different outfits. Honestly. But most are dresses and shorts, little tube tops. Umm one is like a super girl outfit with a bikini top thingy. Yup yup ------------------ There's an old Irish saying -- 'there are no strangers, just friends who haven't met' -- so, until we meet, may peace and plenty rain down upon your head.
  12. Oh boy oh boy oh boy! Im getting hott. She "purrrrrrrrrrrrrred" at me. Oh boy ! ------------------ There's an old Irish saying -- 'there are no strangers, just friends who haven't met' -- so, until we meet, may peace and plenty rain down upon your head.
  13. Yo artful...you betta share your secret and how you changed your signature like that. I WANT MY DAMN DISCO BALL BACK!!!! And sorry about the song but Im in a slammin mood and have nooo idea how it got in my head. I just wanna partyy. ------------------ There's an old Irish saying -- 'there are no strangers, just friends who haven't met' -- so, until we meet, may peace and plenty rain down upon your head.
  14. Ok, by right of domain, if you say "purrrrrr" in any of your posts, then that means I get to join! ------------------ There's an old Irish saying -- 'there are no strangers, just friends who haven't met' -- so, until we meet, may peace and plenty rain down upon your head.
  15. Gee thats funny. I feel AWESOME today. I was singing Bad boys by Gloria Estefan to work. Im standing at my cubicle and dancing around while talking to customers. Im happy happy happy!!! Well rested. Ahhhhhhhhhh Aint life grand!?!?! ------------------ There's an old Irish saying -- 'there are no strangers, just friends who haven't met' -- so, until we meet, may peace and plenty rain down upon your head.
  16. I cant stress it enough........... IM GOING FUCKIN NUTS!!! THE WALLS. THEYRE CLOSING IN ON ME!! I WANT OUT! LET ME OUT! (ahh I feel much better now. thanks) ------------------ There's an old Irish saying -- 'there are no strangers, just friends who haven't met' -- so, until we meet, may peace and plenty rain down upon your head.
  17. Im sorry. Im really sorry! I wanted to go but I dont like driving my car into the city. And I take the oaths but I had an incident a few months back which makes me not take them anymore. I actually went out for drinks with an old friend and I thought about you guys. I got smashed. YUP YUP. I WILL be there next time. i promise. If not, you can beat me up but Ill come even though I dont eat dinner. Sorry sweetie! What ya doin this weekend?? ------------------ There's an old Irish saying -- 'there are no strangers, just friends who haven't met' -- so, until we meet, may peace and plenty rain down upon your head.
  18. I prefer to consider it being open minded. Not everyone is gay or bi, but they are willing to experiment new things. Takle away the male characteristics and you have a person. ------------------ There's an old Irish saying -- 'there are no strangers, just friends who haven't met' -- so, until we meet, may peace and plenty rain down upon your head.
  19. Ya know what???? You and me should put ur heads together and open a company that strictly hires partiers to have fun and be wacky!!! Whaddya say? ------------------ There's an old Irish saying -- 'there are no strangers, just friends who haven't met' -- so, until we meet, may peace and plenty rain down upon your head.
  20. 5 Hours and 11 minutes till I go shopping wit my girl!!!! I wanna go home. I dont wanna be here I already took my aspirin and smoked a pinner on the way to work this morning to relieve my hangover...NO MORE BLAKHAUSE PLEASE! And I had breakfast. And myorange tea. Theres no phone calls. Noone to talk to. Nothing to do but listen to 80's music. WTF? I have no idea why Im on an 80's kick today. I just wanna get fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked up! ------------------ There's an old Irish saying -- 'there are no strangers, just friends who haven't met' -- so, until we meet, may peace and plenty rain down upon your head.
  21. You make me feel soo good! I dotn know why but this song was in my head from the moment I woke up. ANd I was singing it in the car at the top of my lungs. Truckers were lookin at me like I was nuts. I dont get it. But do you guys remember this song? It just puts me in such a great mood! silly, i know! ------------------ There's an old Irish saying -- 'there are no strangers, just friends who haven't met' -- so, until we meet, may peace and plenty rain down upon your head.
  22. Hmmm Im still deciding what to do. I REALLLLLLLY wanna go. Hmmm decisions decisions. The latest on the family going to PA this weekend....well theyre NOT sooooooooo.... that means I can go BUT I gotta figure soemthings out. You know Im dead against the train and all but if it comes down to it and youre gonna go, I will!!! And Ill laeve your place on Sunday??? Maybe?? Yes baby...the leash can be yours but after someone else is done with their reservation. >PRRRRR< ------------------ There's an old Irish saying -- 'there are no strangers, just friends who haven't met' -- so, until we meet, may peace and plenty rain down upon your head.
  23. Ya know...Im not into clubs like this that are stuck on who comes in but I just might go and try to get in for those Bunnies!! ------------------ There's an old Irish saying -- 'there are no strangers, just friends who haven't met' -- so, until we meet, may peace and plenty rain down upon your head.
  24. Awwww HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweetheart! Id give ya a big old birthday hug and kiss if I saw ya...or if I knew ya...lol Have a wonderful day! ------------------ There's an old Irish saying -- 'there are no strangers, just friends who haven't met' -- so, until we meet, may peace and plenty rain down upon your head.
  25. Sweetie, Im interested in knowing why you feel so guilty about being happy about this? Are you ashamed because your opinion leads towards pro-abortion? If so, you shouldnt be. Everyone has their own perspective on different subject matters from abortion, religion, music, color, and even the lowest, favorite food. Don't be ashamed because I for one am in total agreeance with you. I personally am not on the pill nor do I favor it for MYSELF, BUT, I am in favor of it for others to be able to make their own decision. It takes a lot of courage to voice your opinion on this subject and no matter which way you go with it, I commend you for being so brave! ------------------ There's an old Irish saying -- 'there are no strangers, just friends who haven't met' -- so, until we meet, may peace and plenty rain down upon your head. [This message has been edited by misskittie (edited 09-29-2000).]
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