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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by misskittie

  1. Unfortunately there is no site but to find out who's spinning, go to www.touchedbyadj.com. Saturdays have been live for a while now. Not like old school limelight but its been fun. I wasnt tehre last week tho and ppl said it was kind of cruddy but depending who's there this weekend will be the deciding factor! ------------------
  2. ...how to fall in love without losing herself... ...how to quit a job, break up with a lover, and confront a friend without ruining the friendship... ...when to try harder... and when to walk away... ...that she can't change the length of her calves, the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents... ...that her childhood may not have been perfect... but its over... ...what she would and wouldn't do for love or more... ...how to live alone... even if she doesn't like it... ...whom she can trust, whom she can't, and why she shouldn't take it personally... ..where to go... be it to her best friend's kitchen table... or a charming inn in the woods... when her soul needs soothing... ...what she can and can't accomplish in a day... a month...and a year... ------------------
  3. If they say no....THEYRE LYING!!! Masturbation is the next best thing to slice bread. Sometimes its even better than sex. ------------------
  4. Well it wasnt in the 80's and I wasnt involved but the best blow job I ever saw was a midget, sitting on a bar stool in the club gettig a blow job from a girl who was kneeling on the floor. Cute huh??? That was hysterical! ------------------
  5. Ok I HATE to admit this but I have been there.For a JErsey club its not that bad. Its really not all that big though. You have the dance area and this longe area with tables and charis and booths lit by candle lgiht. Theres boxes to dance on which is cool...I think only 2 but the crowd is not a fav. Eevryone is too good to make new friends ya know. If I was you, I wouldnt waste my money. It doesnt stay open later than 3 either. Its either 2 or 3. And for this small place, you can stand online for up to an hour for no reason at all. Ridiculous. ------------------
  6. NAMES! GIVE NAMES! SPILL THE BEANS BOY! ------------------
  7. Hey lavkrap...I was tlaking to one of my friends and he said the party at EXIT tongiht is wear your catholic school uniform and get in free......Wonder if I can dig it out. Nah EXIT isnt worth even free...lol ------------------
  8. Im sowwy. PLease forgive me. I beg of u! PLEASE! PLEASE! ------------------
  9. Why red? I think a little bit lighter of a hue would be nicer. Oh I need help today. Well paint a light post for me...or somethin. ------------------
  10. Hey hon I think its cool you were in a movie even if it was a little part. Not many others on the board can say that they were in a movie...none the less one of the greatest movies of our childhood. Do you have a pic now so we can see the change? It be cool to see how youve grown up. ------------------
  11. Oh I think this happened to all of us when we were young. But when you went to Catholic high school, and only wore thongs and got the entire back of your skirt stuck in them some how...then thats no joking matter! lol I feel for ya though hon! I def do! ------------------
  12. Awww much love back to ya honey! xoxoxo ------------------
  13. Fraggle Rock RULED!!! So did thunder cats and rainbow brite, carebears, my little pony, jem and her chicks, the snorkles and smurfs. But, now for regular 80's tv shows for kids....ROMPER ROOM! Oh that was the best show ever! ------------------
  14. i cant get in. No playtime today. SOWWY ------------------
  15. Hey look at the bright side...at least it didnt come flying out of your nose to say HI and then take up a new residence on your bosses shirt! YUP YUP! ------------------
  16. Oh Im sorry but that made me alugh. Why would someone tell ya though ya know. One guy sees it hes like" Yea baby...Im not tellin her cuz I need all my boyz to check this chick out after me"...lmao They dont even know each other but typical men. Wish I saw ya though...not for my own sexual fancies of course but Uhhh to tell you. Yea thats it! lol j/k ------------------
  17. "TELL MEEEEEEEEEEE WHATCHU WANT. TELL MEEEEEEEEEE WHATCHU NEED. TELL MEEEEEEEEEE IT AINT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YA BABE! TELL ME!" I think thats right. Anyway, 1. I dont know what I did with the digits. and 2. I cant call right now because Im working. ------------------
  18. Ummm I seemt o be the queen of that. After going to bed at 4 and getting up at 7, Im already on cup #8. Im gonna run around here naked if this keeps up...yea right! ------------------
  19. NOpe! Ill give you 5 minutes of walking into a bar before I start. If you cant get one in that time....we need to talk! LOL j/p I luv ya! ------------------
  20. LMFAO. Thats an imagine I didnt need today! ------------------
  21. No I think he stands a good chance. This could be a close one. Whats the matta....you AFRAID???????????????? ------------------
  22. Ok well my job is cold all the time. They like to freeze or something. So, I always wear something I can put a sweater over. Well, from my coffee I was gettin hot and took my sweater off. When I pulled it over my head, everyone in front of me was looking at me strange and laughing. Turns out I pulled the shirt underneath up not realizing. HELLOOOOOOOOO! Ok thats embarrassing but I needed to get that out. Now the creepy guys are looking at me yucky. I hope Im not the only one something stupid like this happened to..... ------------------
  23. Lets have a contest to see who can get more girls! ------------------
  24. Ill come play with you sweetie! ------------------
  25. Ok yesterday mine wouldnt show up for hours but today its back. If it appeard as just a box or soemthng, artful told me that the psite you got it from could be down temporarliy and thats why its not showing up. Leave the link in your signature...Itll be back! ------------------
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