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Everything posted by lightinggirl

  1. i think it's only fitting that i am the witness.........but, lynn, we have to go shopping for outfits first...no sense in rushing..... ------------------ lightinggirl@hotmail.com
  2. i was there.....kinda commercial....Virgin Records that is......the CD is SICK!!!!!!!!!!! ------------------ lightinggirl@hotmail.com
  3. are you serious? ------------------ lightinggirl@hotmail.com
  4. anyone go to Bar Code...that huge Arcade? looks like fun....i wanna go..... ------------------ lightinggirl@hotmail.com
  5. i love when promoters bicker..... ------------------ lightinggirl@hotmail.com
  6. Went to Virgin Records in Union Square last night to pick up JV's new CD.......this album is wicked....LOVE IT!!!!! Virgin Records? Too commerical last night...watched people mob for wristbands and CDs.....not the Twilo scene last night...it was the commercial scene...kinda sickened me.....all in all.....ya gotta buy this album!!!!! Ciao! ------------------ lightinggirl@hotmail.com
  7. This new album is sick!!!!!!!!!!!! ------------------ lightinggirl@hotmail.com
  8. hey, chickie....see ya there....ciao! ------------------ lightinggirl@hotmail.com
  9. hey, sweetie, what's up........off to an early start this morning.....huh...? ------------------ lightinggirl@hotmail.com
  10. i completely agree.......... ------------------ lightinggirl@hotmail.com
  11. i find that really funny.........Johnny......... ------------------ lightinggirl@hotmail.com
  12. I read some posts yesterday regarding Madonna's new album, "Music".....she got mixed reviews......i went and bought it last night.....can I just say that this album is one of her best........i'm sure i'll get loads of shit for that comment......it's sounds spectacular.........Madonna does always re-invent herself.......... ciao! ------------------ lightinggirl@hotmail.com
  13. gotta agree with these girls above....mature women don't like immature jerk-offs......the older ya get, the more you realize that a pretty face and nice bod is highly overrated...def. needs to be some substance.... ------------------ lightinggirl@hotmail.com
  14. i love your disco ball, kittie.....that is the bomb!!!!!!! ------------------ lightinggirl@hotmail.com
  15. YOU ROCK!!!!!!!! That was AWESOME!!!!!!! LMFAO!!!!!!!!! ------------------ lightinggirl@hotmail.com
  16. finally people are being nice to TWILO.....TWILO is the bomb!!!!!!!!! ------------------ lightinggirl@hotmail.com
  17. my goodness, Pete....but i thought you knew everything that's happening.......... (*wink*) ------------------ lightinggirl@hotmail.com
  18. LAST AMERICAN VIRGIN!!!!!! ------------------ lightinggirl@hotmail.com
  19. i found this amusing....... ------------------ lightinggirl@hotmail.com
  20. hey blueangela....ya got spunk that's for sure.....and doesn't sound like ya need to worry about your feelings getting hurt either.....you sound like fun....welcome to the party.......... ciao! ------------------ lightinggirl@hotmail.com
  21. hey B2B.i agree with ya...i like this new blueangela.she fits in well with us......... ------------------ lightinggirl@hotmail.com
  22. oh no you didn't........that is HILARIOUS.....you go girl!!!!!!!!!!! ------------------ lightinggirl@hotmail.com
  23. LMFAO!!!!!!!! ------------------ lightinggirl@hotmail.com
  24. you make me laugh everyday......i hear ya....my days have all been dragging........ ------------------ lightinggirl@hotmail.com
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