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Everything posted by nautilus60

  1. Well, at least i've heard of Kevin Yost before and have an idea of what his music is like, plus the lounge always has some cool beats, so it'll be a good time... Taha...
  2. We should have a competition - who will come up with the longest description for the type of electronic music:tongue: Thanks, Digital....I've decided to go...but if i dont like him- you are sending me my 5 bucks back...
  3. its about time you check that place out... i saw the same info on Sonar's website. Kevin Yost is there this Sat. - is he worth checking out?
  4. Most likely i'll be there...I dont frequent Buzz party very often anymore but Hybrid might be worth it. So see you there!
  5. Pfffttt...YOU post at random...with your 11000 posts... Hey, Stacy! I remember meeting you...Felix dont post here but i'll tell him you said hello
  6. I went... And i now i know why i didnt know "a hat" either... Horrrible, horrible music....
  7. Ok, how did you do that? I need to know...
  8. Go play with yourself....Prevert!!!! Prevert!!! Lenny, i am bored - step into my office....
  9. Thanks, Cookie! i knew i could count on you...
  10. Ahhhh, be quite, PLEASE...
  11. Uh-oh more russkies on the board...Run for your lives, peoples! So, who's this " a hat' guy? Cookie, do some research for once...
  12. I am going to Five this Sat for Taha's 7 hour set. Who's Taha, BTW?
  13. Yeah, i am home already...Damn jetlag - its 7AM on Sat. and i cannot sleep.
  14. Well, a bunch of us are going to Atlantic City on Dec 30th, then we were all gonna go to NY. Did not pick the venue, though...I didnt know Centro-Fly had Van M and Fortier there, so this is the obvious choice now, especially because i've never been there. Whats the cover? Although, i might go to Vegas...but its gonna be a last minute thing. Some friends are going...Bastards!!!!
  15. Ohhhh, that reminds me: I am also gonna check out the soccer game Lazio - Bologna. I am excited...I just hope i am not gonna get killed or something....crazy Italians. Thanks for the links, Vic.
  16. Thanks...Same to you and everyone else. So Vic, I know you always know which DJ plays where. Any idea who's playing in Rome next week. Or just give me the websites where i can check it out. Thx.
  17. ...and Odessa, Texas. Its a big city in Ukraine.
  18. Theres Rome in Texas?!?! Hmmmm....Then i gotta double check where exactly am i going...
  19. Same here...Going to Rome - should be very interesting. Have fun in TEXAS:tongue:
  20. Oh, crap...i just read it over and you are right - it doesnt sound right...not at all. But as long as you know what i mean...
  21. Thats true....My mom aint bad either. One time we were messing around in the living room and she forgot her bra on the floor. The next morning i wake up and find a neatly folded bra right by my door...
  22. I used to date a girl who was a screamer...and i mean a SCREAMER. No little breaths or moans...She'd scream my ear off. Even when my parents were home she couldnt control herself, i had to put my hand over her mouth and it still wasnt enough...Talking about a turn on...Oh, boy!!!
  23. Yeah, Thanks to you... Zag, Thanks for the congrats...its nice to know you are still alive:D
  24. Most of that is true...sad but true...also very funny... I didnt get the reference to quite sex, though...Hmmm, gotta do some more research on that one.
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