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Everything posted by sinixstar

  1. bwahahahahahaa - you're kidding me right? So you're telling me plus8 has done nothing? All the production work hawtin has done, under all the different names he's done it under, did NOTHING right? All those parties in Detroit and Canada, meaningless. Riiiiiiiiiiiight. Digweed may be more popular to the masses, but that really says very very little in terms of overall impact.
  2. ahahahahahaa - right. what have you added to this conversation? "it's all because of the internet man, that's how these losers found out about the clubs!"
  3. hahaha - right. cause i have more to say then just "damn those kids with thier drugs!!!". bitch please.
  4. i grew up there. I was just going through some records earlier, which is why all the chicago house references.
  5. and you sound the like the typical jaded elitest who doesn't want to admit that they've finally grown up.
  6. oh, gee, i'm so sorry - so all those parties i went to for all those years aren't really raves, because they didn't take place in europe, and there wasn't 10s of thousands of people? riiiiiiiight. the differnt types of parties that occour over the years has changed. If you want to live in 88-90, that's fine. Be my guest. But to sit here and try to tell me that all those parties i went to in chicago, dc, wisconson, indiana, new york, ma - weren't raves, because they didn't have 50,000 people at 'em - is ridiculous. What about the storm raves? what about the liquid sky battle under the bridge parties? what about all the drop bass parties out in madison, or the ATP parties in chicago, or the ultraworld parties in DC/baltimore? what - those aren't raves because they didn't have 50,000 people at 'em? you gotta be kidding me, right?
  7. LMFAO so now you're going to pull out some stupid elitest shit? get a clue man. seriously. you know what really fucked up the club scene? snotty elitest fucks who don' tknow thier ass from a hole in the ground, who turned clubbing into a spectator sport. It used to be about the music and the experience, not who you are or what you do, or who you know, or who sees you. It's fuckwads like you who turned it into "fuck all those bullshit losers" that ruined shit for a lot of people. you wanna see the problem? take a look in the mirror asswipe.
  8. i'm not bashin on anybody, i'm just saying - richie hawtin is far superior of a DJ.
  9. man - that's flat out wack. you can't blame the decline of club culture on the internet. What kinda garbage was that? and again - don't try blaming it on the drugs, or the kids comin up nowadays. The same shit goes on now that went on 5, 6, 7, 8 years ago with the drugs and the people acting stupid. So that excuse just doesn't fly.
  10. house music also attracts a much more niche audience. not everybody likes house music, hell most people don't even know what it is. EVERYBODY has heard hip hop, and there's millions upon millions of masses that will go out to hear it. By switching to hiphop, you're greatly increasing your target audience.
  11. the only thing i'd have to correct you on is that - the parties that have 50,000 people at 'em - aren't raves. They're either musical festivals, or massives. Massive != rave. They're so completely different it's not even funny. Anybody who tries to say that a real rave has 50,000 people at it - has absolutely no clue what they're talking about. (altho i can see where they make that mistake, a lot of the massives out west are billed as raves, and are promoted as raves, but reality is - no) It would be cool to get something like that going on out here tho. I know creamfields was trying to put something together that would have rivaled that a few years ago, but it fell through for whatever reason.
  12. fuck that, richie hawtin on july 5th- during the day at PS1, at night at the Arc. will definately blow digweed flat outta the water, anytime. also - how is digweed coming home? It's not from the US. That flier makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
  13. I find it amazing, altho horridly disturbing, that people judge how good a party is, or how good a club is, based on the girls who are there. Go to a fucking strip club if you wanna see naked ass. Leave the clubs for the people who love the music.
  14. the point i'm really trying to make is that there is a difference between underground music culture, and club culture. While there is a good deal of cross over between the two - Junior's music is meant to speak to those within the club culture. Because of this, I find it hard to really categorize him in the same way I would categorize producers and DJs who are more in step to the underground music culture. I just don't see how you can put somebody like Junior in the same field as say boo williams, or rick garcia, or ron trent, or miguel migs, or CZR, or Green Velvet/Cajmere. Those people play house. One could argue that what Junior plays is house, but it's a brand of house that's been beatin into a form that speaks to a different crowd. That in my book makes it a different entity completely.
  15. that depends on how far you want to break down the genre, personally i'm against the over genrefication of music, but if you really wanted to get into it. deep chicago house deep minimal house deep tech house deep disco house deep tribal house deep progressive house hard chicago house hard minimal house hard tech house hard disco house samba house acid house downtempo house frech house dub house nu jazz garage speed garage vocal disco house edit: oh yea, and 2step breakbeat garage (uk garage) and techno house. (some would argue that there is a difference between tech-house and techno house. Tech-house is more house oriented, and techno house has a rougher more techno oriented feel to it, but is still house)
  16. yea, you left off minimal house, deep house, breakbeat house, classic house, and prolly a few more. The only thing i've ever heard him do - that i suppose would even fall under these classifications, is Cheesy/commercial house. Honestly - i look at that shit as it's own seperate entity. A lot of what I hear clubkids talking about, i shove off into it's own seperate category. I'm sorry, but i just don't see it. also - as for the soulful thing - ALL house is soulful - i mean come on, you're going to sit here and try to lecture me on house, and you didn't even get that? please. edit: by the way - the "soulful house" and "diva house" categories you put up there - typicly fall under "vocal house". Seeing as it's the vocals that give it that "soulful" or "diva" feel. altho, again - all house is soulful - so that's sort of a redundant classification.
  17. if i was going to get a stanton mixer- it would be the VRM 10 valve pre-amp mixer. It has a shitload of DSP effects onboard as well - but really, if i wanted effects - i'd buy an effects processor, not a mixer. This thing sounds better then most of the other mixers out there (go figure, it's tube based), but is layed out more like a traditionally "house/techno" mixer vs. rotary. Really cool shit, but it will set you back a little bit financially.
  18. but have many of the big commecial clubbers EVER supported anybody other then the same handful of nyc megaclub residents? Not to try to bash on people here - but most people are too stupid to know anything else. Hell - there's people out there who think when they see a DJ - they're seeing somebody create thier own music on the fly - they don't even realize that it's somebody playing records. How much can you really expect from a crowd like that?
  19. but the media started reporting about E long before 2000. You can't blame drugs for the entire downfall of the scene, for the simple fact that they've ALWAYS been there. Yea, maybe drugs helped, but i don't buy for a second that if there was no E - that everything would be fine. It's simply not true. Having been in the scene since 91/92 - you should realize this, or what - you're going to try to tell me that E didn't exist until 2000? riiiight. Everybody tries to blame the changes within the scene on the people who came up after them. It's understandable and all, but the fact remains that most people who point that finger, do so because they have changed, or the scene has changed - and people just aren't as big a part of it anymore. Something happens that makes them feel on some level alienated from the scene. They compare ther image of themselves to the kids that are comin up nowadays, and when they just don't feel they fit in the same way - they say "damn these little fucks! they're ruining everything!". Well - no, they didn't ruin shit - they just changed the dynamic of the scene, that's what happens every so often. Get used to it.
  20. yea, i mis-read the date that was posted, i thought somebody was trying to say he was playing on the 4th or 5th of july. I didn't realize the date said 7/3
  21. hahahaa - right, all those cheesy club remixes he's done... REAL soulfull house right?
  22. I stick strickly to the 1200s. I like the pitch slider on the m3d's - but for some reason the mk2s feel better to me. If i can find the m3 pitch adjustment... and somehow mount it in the mk2..... As for mixers, i'm not horribly picky. I'm really not a huge fan of the pioneers. I mean, they're usable if that's what's there - but i'd prefer not. Ranes are nice for house, but i don't like playing techno on 'em - and forget about drum and bass. The higher-end vestax mixers are nice - obviously not the best of the best - but I like them for all around usability. Besides - those things can take a BEATING. I've heard nothing but great things about the Allen&Heath xone series mixers, and I know some pretty big kats swear by 'em - but I haven't had the chance to play with one yet. So - with all that babbling out of the way, I stick with vestax for the most part. They're good enough for what I need them to do, and they're build like tanks.
  23. Union Jack - Red Herring Energy 52 - Cafe Del mar (not the bullshit remixes that came out in 98, but the original that sven vath used to drop years before) Moby - Next is the E personally, i can't stand any of this newer style trance. The only trance i can even bring myself to listen to is like, pre-97, maybe 98 at the latest. Around then sht just started getting cheesy. I mean come on, try comparing somebody like tiesto, or PVD, or oakenfold to Sven Vath back when he was still eatin a ton of acid and playing these huge marathon trance sets. These kats these days just can't hang - it's all fluff. Oh, and as for the thing somebody said about robert miles. He got his ass sued off for directly stealing other people's music.
  24. Honestly - i'm not exactly falling all over myself to see either one of them. Not by any means at all. and to whoever said Junior produces house? uhhhhhh you must have a pretty broad definition of what house is. I suppose in some sense you could call it that, but it's definately a more commercial, more "progressive" brand of house then what i would label house. Maybe his style has changed considerably since I last heard him, I don't really keep up with these kats these days, but... i know a lot of people who would get a little annoyed, and somewhat offended at that idea. Not to knock on junior though, he's definately good at what he does, i'll give him that. I just think his style has moved out of realm of traditional house classifications.
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