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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by divvalicious

  1. i take zoloft and drink, it says not to but i do anyways and havent noticed a difference.
  2. i guess i go through different phases with different drugs.. i think the best feeling ive ever felt would be from E. ive done mushrooms but i took way too many and i had a really bad trip!! K i do on and off, weed i only smoke it if its quality like hydro or something and only sometimes. and other than that i havent tried any other drugs..
  3. yea this whole website is addicting...
  4. twilo sat is gay night. i mean there is a mix of people but if ur uncomfortable with the idea in any way dont go, tunnel sat i think its 18 and over isnt it? raver night or something?
  5. Def. being on TOP!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Listen i didnt "steal" her screen name. and if u people are gonna start taking sides and thinking that im a copycat now,and not wanna "be my friend" i mean how old are we here??
  7. i dont see that as a reason to get all upset about anyways! its just a name! get over it!
  8. sorry to "copy" ur name but its a free world out there and i thought of that name on my own before i saw u had it. and it shouldnt be a big deal anyways its just a damn computer where everyone types at a screen..
  9. im a straight female, love guys, but bi-curious.....
  10. [This message has been edited by divvalicious (edited 08-11-2000).]
  11. it depends on the hit, but usually when it first hits me i am very talkative and friendly, make everyone my best friend, exchange phone #'s, swear to make future plans to hang out, talk to people that i normally wouldnt, but when i come down forget it, i a miserable waste of life. thats when i get quiet and dont want to talk to anyone or be near anyone for that matter. i just want to crawl in a hole an hide.. i hate the E hangover its disgusting...it makes me feel gross!!!
  12. i am straight, but bi- curious.....
  13. Extremely jealous would be putting it mildly!! i have a bad problem with it. im trying to deal with it though, it aint easy!
  14. 24. Female here!!! Love to have fun!!!
  15. i know of a very well known DJ who told me that there are times when he will take something, but when he really wants to spin his best, he doesnt take anything...
  16. i would describe a vibe as a feeling,or energy thats going through everyone that kinda sets the mood. different clubs have different vibes. the weirdest vibe that i get from a club is when i go to twilo.. and the best vibe is at the factory. those are the only 2 that have ever given me a vibe..
  17. I hate SLOPPY, WET KISSES where the guy drools all over the place!!! eeeeew!! or shoves his toungue all the way down ur throat or starts sucking ur face or something.
  18. i would rather FOOL than be fooled i would definately recieve instead i guess its all about ME...
  19. SOUNDFACTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!! NuFF SaId!!!
  20. yes soundfactory is definatley one of the best clubs around..Jonathan Peters is OFF THE HOOK! my fave DJ! but since this sat is the S/M party its probably gonna be packed like crazy!! like u cant move around or see ur feet for that matter. that type of thing, so if ur not used to that it might seem overwhelming, but give it a shot! i know the S/M party last yr was sick!! there was like naked people walking around like it was nothing..and the shows were CRAZY!! def a night to remember.
  21. Zombie Nation?? i cant stand that song now its so PLAYED and commercial..yuck! I gotta say though i still love the Barry White song..
  22. Cruel Intentions American Beauty The Cable Guy Beaches
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