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Posts posted by divvalicious

  1. Originally posted by divalicious:

    you've just had a nice, long foreplay session, your tweet is juicy as a ripe orange, your guy's cock is hard as a rock, and he slips it in for the first time that session. that first stroke makes you dizzy with pleasure... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    anyone agree??

    damn, i need a man!!!!!!!! cwm14.gif

    yea there aint nothin like that first initial thrust in a dripping wet hole!!! damn..its been a while...LOL


    ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL angel.gif PaRt tImE DeViL~~ sgrin.gif

  2. i cant say ive ever been cursed with that problem but

    i wouldnt let my man have a teenie weenie, cause if he did he'd be H-I-S-T-O-R-Y!!!LMAO


    ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL angel.gif PaRt tImE DeViL~~ sgrin.gif

    [This message has been edited by neptune (edited 10-18-2000).]

  3. if im rolling i cant cum either...but yes i could fuck painlessly for hours..

    but i gotta say my X b/f was able to cum while he was rolling, of course it took alot longer but at least he did... lucky him......


    ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL angel.gif PaRt tImE DeViL~~ sgrin.gif

  4. Originally posted by scramble360:

    slap it a few times, lol, no seriously i hear it works, sometimes overstimulation gets you numb, i know it hppens for guys at times,

    slapp at it a few times to wake it up, hey if it don't work it still looks hot...


    LMFAO!!!! that was too funny



    ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL angel.gif PaRt tImE DeViL~~ sgrin.gif

  5. maybe u are leading her on to think that u want a relationship..which doesnt seem to be the case..make sure u tell her before anything happens that ur not looking for anything serious..so then after u will be in the clear if she starts chasing u around u could just remind her that.


    ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL angel.gif PaRt tImE DeViL~~ sgrin.gif

  6. Originally posted by rudeboyyouth:


    I honestly think that "thinking of something better than that" is not really needed here. My reply was not an attempt to think of something new to say, that would perhaps meet your liking, it was a response to a question asked on anal sex.

    I am glad that you've been there and done it though, you add to one of the many girls on this board who have or still do take it up the ass.

    [This message has been edited by rudeboyyouth (edited 10-11-2000).]

    Whateva its all good.... rolleyes.gif


    ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL angel.gif PaRt tImE DeViL~~ sgrin.gif

  7. the reason why it hurts sometimes and not at others is because depending on where a girl is in her cycle her cervix is positioned differently..So when it is at its lowest position is when it "hurts"..thats right around midcycle..and when it hurts the least is right after ur period is over..but it also depends on the girl and how sensitive her parts are....cause some people dont have that problem....


    ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL angel.gif PaRt tImE DeViL~~ sgrin.gif

  8. you have to know how to play the game...no matter how much u like her, u cant be all up her ass..or be extra nice..i know that sounds bad, but unfortunately that is a total turn off..u have to make her wonder a little bit and keep that challenge thing going to keep her interested..


    ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL angel.gif PaRt tImE DeViL~~ sgrin.gif

  9. Originally posted by mysteriousss:

    I'm always downstairs smile.gif Rarely come upstairs, used to do that in the summer to cool off but not too often.. Yanna? Are you Russian?

    No im Greek what are you??


    ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL angel.gif PaRt tImE DeViL~~ sgrin.gif

  10. Originally posted by mysteriousss:

    I didn't go last week, got stuck home with the flu.. I'm usually there, pretty much every saturday is SF night for me. Who are you talking about "everyone else"? Deeper ppl? I'll be there Sat night so I hope we get to meet..

    yea i meant the deeper ppl.. biggrin.gif where do u hang out? I'm usually upstairs..cracked out in some corner...lolj/k...yes i hope we get to meet..my name is Yanna by the way


    ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL angel.gif PaRt tImE DeViL~~ sgrin.gif

  11. Originally posted by sinergygrl:

    That's when you bump your knee into their balls and pardon yourself. eek.gif I swear some people. I wish I was usually a little more coherent at the clubs. -SIN

    HAHAHA me too...


    ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL angel.gif PaRt tImE DeViL~~ sgrin.gif

  12. Originally posted by mysteriousss:

    lol, yeah, post your pic smile.gif if i remember correctly you're not a bad looking guy.. go for it neptune! or anyone else for that matter!

    Do u go to factoy alot? were u there the last time i met everyone else?? im going on sat..r U?? where do u hang out??


    ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL angel.gif PaRt tImE DeViL~~ sgrin.gif

  13. Originally posted by joeydollaz:

    if she was hot or goodlooking at leats umm prob yes no doubt .. but def wouldnt strat a relationshp . but since she isnt lookin for that anyway , it sounds all good in the hood to me ..

    ... how about a roll call ladies whos looking for no strings sex ...????

    how about u gotta post ur pic first?!?! LOLOL


    ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL angel.gif PaRt tImE DeViL~~ sgrin.gif

  14. im glad to say i've never had a guy grab at my crotch, b/c god help him if he does...

    But i've had the occasional oops i just happened to "bump" into your chest...NOW thats annoying...

    look but dont touch, unless i say so... biggrin.gif


    ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL angel.gif PaRt tImE DeViL~~ sgrin.gif

  15. Originally posted by dog6:

    Just bring it!!!!Its cool to get everything out of the way and get to the NOOKIE!!!......but guys do talk and a bad rep might follow her! cwm4.gifcwm30.gifcwm29.gifcwm6.gif

    Well if she does it all the time yea, but if its just a special occasion with an exceptionaly hot guy....i dont see why not?? its good to break up the monotony sometimes...u cant eat chicken soup every day for the rest of ur life can u??? LOL


    ~~PaRt TiMe AngEL angel.gif PaRt tImE DeViL~~ sgrin.gif

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