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Everything posted by vejita

  1. RCN Internet rocks. Hmmmm.... well, if yer bored, you can always create a fortress out of yer office furniture, and then threaten anybody who comes near it with bodily harm unless they sign a treaty of neutrality....... ------------------ -=Vejita=-
  2. dzadza: Well, I guess that's unfortunate, but I don't see any reason in waiting for trance to come to the mainstream clubs and stuff. The underground scene here seems to be pretty lively, to say the least, and I find that environment more relaxed and easy-going than at places like Twilo or Exit. Not dissing the clubs here -- just saying that trance is already out there. You just have to look a bit harder...... ------------------ -=Vejita=-
  3. My apologies..... sorry to exclude the non-WinTel crowd. I honestly don't know the _best_ Mac player around, but here is at least a player to get you started: http://showcase.netins.net/web/phdss/mp3/players/mac/macamp.htm ------------------ -=Vejita=-
  4. I wanted to be one of the Bionic Six.... old-school cartoon..... but then my parents said that you couldn't make much as a bionically-enhanced superhero -- apparently Lee Majors had that market locked down, and he wasn't sharing the keys with nobody. So I became a programmer. ------------------ -=Vejita=-
  5. NYC not ready for Tiesto? How so? You mean we're all too dark and brooding to enjoy it? ------------------ -=Vejita=-
  6. I just replied in a different thread, but here it is: (631) 287-2125. Southampton, NY on Saturday. I think his set is at 1am, but don't quote me -- I saw somebody else on this board post that info. ------------------ -=Vejita=-
  7. I'm a toon / anime buff: 1) Dragonball Z 2) Gundam / Gundam Wing 3) Dexter's Laboratory 4) Powerpuff Girls Too bad my TV is busted... grr. ------------------ -=Vejita=-
  8. Oakenfold will be playing a venue called "Tavern".... I've never been to Long Island, so I have no clue where that is. Give them a buzz at (631) 287-2125, and you'll get all the info. ------------------ -=Vejita=-
  9. Ditto...... I was checking out the LIRR schedule -- trains to Southampton are at 11:49am and 8:47pm, no in-betweens..... wasabi with that?! So, I'm gonna be there for a while....... gotta find places to go after Oakenfold....... ------------------ -=Vejita=-
  10. Working at 55th and 11th Ave, right next to Exit (literally)..... I'm a programmer, create web pages and stuff. And wouldn't rather be doing anything else.... cept maybe raving! ------------------ -=Vejita=-
  11. Will do....... I just picked up a Nomad II mp3 player for the gym -- gonna load it chock full of trance goodness -- so the more kickin' music, the better! Also, check out this label on MP3.com: http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/123/xcentric.html They're launching soon (Sept, I think), but that hasn't stopped them from offering their CDs on Mp3.com. You can grab all of the Mp3s off the web, though, for free -- the first track "If You Believe" kicks _ass_..... check it out and lemme know what you think. Btw, I realize that some peeps here are only mild "modern" Oakey fans, but is anyone else planning on gittin' on up to Southampton this Sautrday? ------------------ -=Vejita=-
  12. Crackorn -- EXACTLY! I rolled for the first time at an underground goa / psytrance party and danced for 4.5hrs _straight_ -- my body was SO pissed off for the rest of the week, I could barely move! But since then, I really feel like dancing when I hear good, solid music....... and I never could say that before rolling. Still, I think once you've tried it a few times, you really don't need it at all to have fun -- dancing sober is awesome, too! ------------------ -=Vejita=-
  13. Nice.... playing it now. Have you or anyone else ever heard of someone named DJ Tiesto? I've seen a bunch of his (/ her?) tracks on Winamp Trance on several occassions...... _really_ good stuff. Same with DJ Avi, but I only heard that artist yesterday........ ------------------ -=Vejita=-
  14. I thought I'd share this little tidbit of info...... I dunno how many of you peeps have access to a computer @ work, but if you do (and you like music), this is guaranteed to make your day go that much quicker. First, go and download Winamp, if you haven't already. It's a free program that lets you play Mp3s and streamed music tracks on yer computer (assuming you have an internet connection): />ftp://ftp.netscape.com/pub/blind/partner/winamp/winamp262.exe Next, pop on over to Winamp's streamed radio channel: http://yp.shoutcast.com/waradio.phtml?genre=Trance Viola! Trance delivered direct to your brain....... no cost, no hassle! Spread the love.... (just not in public.....) ------------------ -=Vejita=-
  15. Hehehe..... ah, marvels of modern American engineering and design! I liked to call the Marquis the "Star Destroyer", since I could never see far enough over the hood or the trunk to be able to parallel park it.... it looked like it just went on forever in either direction! ------------------ -=Vejita=-
  16. Nothing compares..... at least, nothing in my experiences has (yet). Try it once, give it a shot..... and then, if you likey, repeat as necessary. ------------------ -=Vejita=-
  17. 1984 Chrysler Grand Marquis, with the shag blue interior. The best part was that the "Check Engine" light went on when I was going over 55mph..... sorta like my own little in-dash police officer!
  18. Nice. I actually work in the building attached to Exit...... the base comes through pretty clear in the evenings that I've been here and Exit is going on. -=Vejita=-
  19. Howdy ya'll...... just found this board and I'm glad I did. Several friends of mine were considering going to Avalon in Boston to see Oakenfold, but we heard he might be playing in the Hamptons. I guess those rumors are correct........ Can anyone provide details on how to get tix, as well as the actual venue ("Tavern")? T'would be much appreciated..... -=Vejita=-
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