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Everything posted by vejita

  1. By "rave", what do you mean? Sort of a low-key deal, or will the horde descend upon the fair village, a la "The Seven Samurai"? Just curious..... I love raves, but I also like having a lot of people at them..... more people to meet and interact with and such. Post more 411 as it becomes available.... keep this thread alive. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  2. Can anybody provide a general rundown of what / where the Gatecrasher schedule is for this weekend? Is it a single-day thing, held only at the Limelight, or is it bigger? I'm not terribly well-informed, I'm afraid..... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  3. Yeah, went with a few others from the board, and a bunch of non-boarder frenz. Had a pretty good time.... wasn't too happy when the music went out (twice, even!), and the sound system could have been a lot better. But the venue was very cool and it was a very pleasant crowd...... plus, the security guys there were some of the most friendly I've met to date. They're tossing another party this coming weekend at Mars, but the cover for that is $45, so I'm probably gonna skip it. Plus, it's Gatecrasher anyway........ ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  4. I BOMB YOUR PEOPLE! YOU DO NOT BE TREATING ME THIS WAY! THE SNAKE, IT BIT MY EYE! *toodaloodaloo* ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  5. Blech. Never buy in clubs. You're better off either putting your money on red in roulette, or at least betting the C&E in craps. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  6. Yeah, it's muh birthday, it's muh birthday..... go me or something. Oh yeah..... there's definitely some uniquely-attired peeps showing up at those sort of deals. But it's all good..... I'm more partial to the rave scene anyway, and so I tend to care less if somebody's dressed up all hippie-like. And you still get well-dressed clubbers in there too, but I honestly have yet to see a juicehead at a rave (or a Tsunami party). ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  7. Hehehe.... hey, I'm going and I'm not a hippie! I don't even wear sandals or eat tofu! It won't be canceled in the event of inclement weather -- I've never been there before either, and I don't know the layout. But apparently they've got a covered terrace which opens out into the outside world. Rain or shine, this event will happen. Yeah, they're trance, but it's a bit harder than your standard fare.... or at least it has been in the past. Think of goa as techno, but with a more ambient feel..... inside of splicing in sound effects, they do softer sounds. And it still has a great hard bassline to it, too........ ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  8. Artful -- hehe. Well, I can read at a pretty decent clip.... I haven't seen a subbed film that scrolls text too quickly. Also, yeah, I'm totally nonplussed that DBZ hasn't been released on DVD with at least decent subtitled. Dubbing sucks, period, except for in Akira, maybe. Which _also_ hasn't been released on DVD, dammit! ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  9. Roger that, niner. Welcome to the scene. Over. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  10. Gotta ask...... what about anal? Any of the femmes on this board go for that? Just curious...... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  11. Do you guys need these fat burners in conjunction with working out, or with dancing? I lost 13lbs in the past 4wks from dancing.... wasn't chunky or anything before that either (5'10", was 157lbs, now 144). ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  12. Furbies could kick Teddy Ruxpin's candy-ass anyday. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  13. I was at Liquids last night as well.... met up with Crommy and Mr. Nice, and I heard that Blue and a few others were there, but I was too happy dancing away in the little alcove by the pay phone...... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  14. I haven't heard it yet (since it hasn't been released), but was chatting with one of the organizers at Tsunami (http://www.tsunami-trance.com) and he said that their new CD should be kickass. Yeah, yeah, not exactly objective, but the stuff I've heard live by the DJs on their label is kickass. Even this guy said that while the first two tracks on the CD (released this coming Tuesday) are British and are aight, the next 5 kick it into high gear. They're having a party on Chelsea Piers this Sunday/Monday...... the last one way they tossed was awesome, and they're gonna have another one next week (an actual release party) at Mars on 53rd or something. I keep saying this, but if yer looking for something to do dance-wise, try it out. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  15. Getting my first tattoo on Monday..... still haven't decided exactly what, but probably some Japanese kanji around the nape of my neck. I was gonna try it on the lower back, but a friend of mine said that wasn't really a guy thing as much as it is a girl thing. Tattoos kick ass on women. I just like touching them..... sort of like a Scratch-n-Sniff book. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  16. http://www.djrussreign.com/appear.html Just so you know Trebuchet isn't a standard, supported font -- if a user doesn't have it, it's going to default to Times New Roman. I believe that TNR, Arial, Verdana and maybe one other (forget what) are supported by MS and IE..... I personally prefer Arial for smaller font sizes (-2, 4) and Verdana for larger sizes (3+). A way to make sure that you specify a supported font is to do something like this <font face="Trebuchet MS, Arial".....> Also, you might consider adding some space (an extra <br> ) between each event on that page. But that's just li'l ol' me and my opinions......... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  17. Well, yer all bored and I'm sure a fair number of you are horny, so go ahead and give this a spin. Just be sure the Man (or Woman) ain't watching over yer shoulder...... http://xtinct.home.dhs.org/incoming/tripping.mpg ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  18. Commit suicide by the dozen, I think. Either that, or join the military. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  19. Are there that many kids scurrying around this board?? ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  20. Aw.... since Saturday? You poor widdle ting! Here, let me put da band-aid on da widdle boo-boo! Seriously though, what are you complaining about? Four whole days without making sweet love? I don't wanna _hear_ it! ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  21. Jimmy cracked corn, and I don't care..... my master's gone away! Btw, what's wrong with chatting it up? ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  22. Red Bull is good. There's this other drink called "Bawls" -- comes in a blue glass -- but I'm not a huge fan of it. Red Bull tastes like mild, carbonated cough syrup, and it definitely gets me hyper right quick. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  23. Is that why the URL points to the "scares" subdirectory on that website? On a totally different note, if you like comic strips and don't have much to do, give this site a check. I found it a few days ago..... it's like an R-rated version of "Calvin and Hobbes". And no, I'm not a promoter for that strip or anything...... http://sinfest.net/d/20000117.html (use the links to the right of the comic to go forward/backwards). ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  24. I have a ridiculously ostentatious outfit that I bought explicitly for use in Las Vegas..... I'd wear it, but it's not terribly suitable for dancing (read: nipple chafing). Ouch...... ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
  25. vejita


    Phalluses. ------------------ -=Vejita=- "Live through the week. Live for the weekend."
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