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Everything posted by toxic

  1. Are they getting a new sound system? ------------------ David H. Toxic Productions
  2. Try it again this saturday. If it still is not good I would start to worry. ------------------ David H. Toxic Productions
  3. I could not make it. How was it? Did you see the djcentral.com both? Was it any good? ------------------ David H. Toxic Productions
  4. yea Exit is having a DJ competion or something. ------------------ David H. Toxic Productions
  5. maybe he is just watching his board ------------------ David H. Toxic Productions
  6. I might be... Hamptons or Boston I am not sure yet. ------------------ David H. Toxic Productions
  7. From what I heard Corbett will be at Aria for a little bit. ------------------ David H. Toxic Productions
  8. johngotti, get a life and stfu!!! First I do NOT do E and I am not looking for a free cd I could buy more cds with the money I make in a week then you could ever afford in your life. Yes I have a list at Exit (and many other clubs) but that is not where I make my money and it is not a focus of mine at all. Why don't you keep your attention on posting stupid shit to this board ------------------ David H. Toxic Productions
  9. The space when you are looking at the stairs it is to the right. It goes back a little bit. you know? ------------------ David H. Toxic Productions
  10. LOCATION CHANGE for new location see: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/003933.html ------------------ David H. Toxic Productions
  11. I can not wait! ------------------ David H. Toxic Productions
  12. ok... how about to the right of the stairs (that go to the roof) in the room before the coat check, in that little space there. Does everyone know where I am talking about? Everyone can dance and be out of the way. I will be there @ 1am. Hope to see everyone there! BTW... if anyone needs a guestlis+ please just email me dhauser@onebox.com ------------------ David H. Toxic Productions [This message has been edited by toxic (edited 08-25-2000).]
  13. That is nasty! ------------------ David H. Toxic Productions
  14. Anyone else? ------------------ David H. Toxic Productions
  15. WOW!!! I have a lot of posts to go then. My next party might not be for a while. But it depends if I do any work. ------------------ David H. Toxic Productions
  16. I am leaving really soon to get dinner and hang out then go to Exit. See everyone there @ 1am. ------------------ David H. Toxic Productions
  17. I do not know... I can not see it. Just shows a blank image. Where did you upload the image to? What is the text you used to put it in the sig? BTW... Magz did you get my email about the demo cd and stuff? ------------------ David H. Toxic Productions
  18. sounds too good to be true... over 100 performers??? ------------------ David H. Toxic Productions
  19. Sorry the file did not show up... ------------------ David H. Toxic Productions
  20. I think only VIP lists stay open that late on a big night like S&D. ------------------ David H. Toxic Productions
  21. Welcome to the board! If you ever need a guestlis+ email at dhauser@onebox.com ------------------ David H. Toxic Productions
  22. I remember hearing my grand father use that word a long time ago. ------------------ David H. Toxic Productions
  23. gene2k, are you coming to the meetup tonight? ------------------ David H. Toxic Productions
  24. I will try not to ------------------ David H. Toxic Productions
  25. trèschic aka laura, see you there. ------------------ David H. Toxic Productions
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