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Posts posted by t0nythelover

  1. went to this bar called tonic, another called the delancy, then somewhere else, and then pacha...didnt do the bottle service this time, probably gonna do it at a place thats more classy than pacha, eric morillo was good but not my thing. i wish i could have gone to ferry corsten instead!!! thanks for the bday wishes...

    gotta say pacha was a little dissappointing, there is like no room to dance. there were however not so many guidos, or otb asians which was nice.

    thinkin next time i go out will be at guest house or the plumm

  2. im totally down for an oldschool meetup...pacha is nice. it would be cool to see old school peeps there. i ran into bigpoppanils there for carl cox.it was awwkward cuz i forgot his real name lol. but yeah we should get drinks before hand. maybe cp can hookus up with some free stuff since were old skool and they are blowing up haha.cmon let me get a t-shirt or somethign. i remember the roxy stage crew t-shirts. everyone was like ew thats gay, but the same people were screaming and trying to catch them when sexybabyd was throwin them off the stage haha.

  3. dude its seven years for me too! i cant beleive it. makes me feel old at the age of 24. i still remember when people knew each other, and we used to have meetups. remember meetups! or pregames where wed get shit faced, and find out who was pillin that night. the best nights were when there was crazy meetups and then wed plan party hoppin. i remember back in high school people thought i was crazy going out everyweekend. then the big thing was exit. lets go to exit! i was like f that im going to sound factory then limelight. this was back when it was cool to use glowsticks. back when tony draper wasnt a name that would make you look like a dork. back when people actually chilled with johnny viscious before a party. back when people went to body and sould in vinyl on greek easter! i remember tellin my friend about cp back then he was like whatever a mesage board thats gay. i was like bro i can go to anyparty in the city and run into people i know. its a community. sure enough we went to one party, i knew a bunch of people and he felt weird. we left and hit up two more parties and at both i ran into people i knew. if i knew cp would blow up like this i would have invested money in it or something. i reemmber dgmodel and atomic apples, and clubkat, and mugwumps, bigpoppanils, sexybabyd, echostar who had some other name, my boy hitokiri, glowgirl clubkat, and ghhhoost. some how i think the old cp people will seem old now...we should get free cp rocking chairs so we can rock on em and say i remember cp when it was orange...thats right orange! and we got free stuff from cotton candy dreams, and had sexy at the roxy cards and it was a badass party and we all had fun...and then we graduated college and got jobs...and so did cp. sigh...happy new year

  4. oh sh1tz, that was really my uncle! how the hell did you hear me with the loud music piercing through our eardrums?

    bro u were wearig a wife beater and hat right? i think ur name was bill...i was downstairs chillin on the couch with the two white girls...i was soo tired...actually sitting on the other couch and u were tellin us about it...too funny

    as for the pushing it was crazy...some guy full out just shoved me out of the way to get by...i would have punched him in the face but i was on my way out and didnt feel like getting in to bullshit in a club...some people! what ever happened to p.l.u.r. =(

  5. yo i cant imagine waiting all lnight until nine a.m. for good music...but i should have known better. years ago i didnt like s.f. parties until after five a.m. when the crowds left and the music got better. i should have came to pacha at five, oh well lesson learned lol...but yeah it was waay to hot in there. and i dunno how anyonne could like what cox was doing. he was very very off... i dunno alot of people are saying it was so crazy but i didnt see that many people going crazy and dancing hard like parties i went to years ago, but maybe i missed it since i left early.

    and yeah the crowd was horrible. no one knows how to dance, and the few that do have no room becauses theres so many people. i prefer the old sound factory. it was dirtier, pacha seems to try very hard to impress. like everyone there is trying to hard to be hip and look better than everyone else. i think thats pretty lame.

    my highlight of the night was this asian dude complaining about all the old asians. he said he saw his uncle there...that was hilarious...

    ill be sure to check out dt another time

  6. so i just got back from pacha...honestly i couldnt stand being there any longer. carl cox came on at one and sucked big time. totally not like the last time i saw him. i was expecting something hard but it was all very mellow and lazy. i felt like i was in a lounge. it didnt help that the place was packed with spikey haired guidos, juiceheads, and old (i mean like 50plus years old) asians fucked up on drugs. i am so disappointed it seems like nyc parties keep getting worse and worse. i stayed around to hear dt a little and he was much better, but honestly i didnt stay for the whole mash up thing so it could be crazy in there for all i know. but even if it was there was too many people in there for me to enjoy it. theres nothing worse than feeling some guy with no shirt rub his sweaty back on you while trying to move through the crowd...boo!

    on a side note i saw alot of faces from cp way back...dont know if they still post because im not on here too much...that was cool

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