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Posts posted by nifer

  1. Originally posted by sassa

    Yes....this is why I have quit all drugs except weed. I don't drink anymore, but I still smoke cigarettes..and these are the last two things I'm trying to stop doing...hopefully soon...

    I pretty much got scared thinking what would be the side-effects of all this shit I used to do...and I don't want it to fuck with my brain or body later on...

    i pretty much agree w/ you. i havent done anything, w/ the exception of occassional alcohol and nicotine use, for a few years now. i am happy that i am past my drug experimentation phase. it was fun while it lasted, but it was time for me to move on and grow up.

  2. Originally posted by xrz87

    I've heard somewhere that e damages your vision? Is this true? Couple months ago I went to my eye doc and she said that something had thrown my vision out of sync but she couldnt figure out why. I was reluctant to say that I've been taking e. Was it something else or does e actually impair ur vision?

    what do you mean your vision has been "thrown out of sync"?

  3. Originally posted by destiny779

    im hopin if i go thru with this its gonn work out

    i dont want you to feel discouraged or anything by my posts. i just wanted to say that there might be some difficulties you may come across that you havent experienced in your past relationships.

    i hope things work out for you :)

  4. i've done some searching on the web and found very little info on ssre's. i did come across one drug, stablon (tianeptine):

    Tianeptine is a novel antidepressant agent, both structurally (modified tricyclic) and in terms of its pharmacodynamic profile. Unlike other antidepressant agents, tianeptine stimulates the uptake of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT) in rat brain synaptosomes and rat and human platelets, increases 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) levels in cerebral tissue and plasma, and reduces serotonergic-induced behaviour. Tianeptine reduces the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal response to stress, antagonises stress-induced behavioural deficits and prevents changes in cerebral morphology. The antidepressant efficacy of tianeptine, as shown in 2 trials of patients with major depression or depressed bipolar disorder with or without melancholia, is greater than that of placebo. In patients with major depression without melancholia or psychotic features, depressed bipolar disorder or dysthymic disorder, the antidepressant efficacy of short term (4 weeks to 3 months) tianeptine therapy appears to be similar to that of amitriptyline, imipramine and fluoxetine and may be superior to that of maprotiline in patients with coexisting depression and anxiety. However, submaximal dosages of amitriptyline and maprotiline were used in these studies. Preliminary evidence suggests that tianeptine may also be effective in patients with endogenous depression. Progressive therapeutic improvements have been observed with up to 1 year of tianeptine treatment, and long term therapy may reduce the rate of relapse or recurrence. Tianeptine is effective in the treatment of depression in elderly and post-alcohol-withdrawal patient subgroups. Tianeptine was more effective in reducing psychic anxiety than placebo in patients with major depression or depressed bipolar disorder with or without melancholia. The overall anxiolytic properties of tianeptine in patients with coexisting depression and anxiety appear to be similar to those of amitriptyline, imipramine and fluoxetine and may be superior to those of maprotiline, although submaximal dosages of amitriptyline and maprotiline were used. Studies of tianeptine in patients with primary anxiety have not been conducted. Tianeptine is well tolerated in the short (3 months) and long (up to 1 year) term. The incidence of dry mouth (38 vs 20%), constipation (19 vs 15%), dizziness/syncope (23 vs 13%), drowsiness (17 vs 10%) and postural hypotension (8 vs 3%) are greater with amitriptyline than with tianeptine. Insomnia and nightmares occur in more tianeptine than amitriptyline recipients (20 vs 7%). The relative lack of sedative, anticholinergic and cardiovascular adverse effects with tianeptine makes it particularly suitable for use in the elderly and in patients following alcohol withdrawal; these patients are known to have increased sensitivity to the adverse effects associated with psychotropic

  5. Originally posted by codica3

    Anyone else notice that the popularity of K is just blowing up exponentially lately??? :blank: :blank: :blank:

    i know k was *huge* in philly about 5-6 years ago. since then usage here has gone down.

  6. i think my wording was a little misleading when i said that i didnt feel that my partner "knew where i was coming from." true, that happens in all relationships at times, no matter what the race of your significant other is. i was trying to say that i have found it sometimes difficult for myself to get my partner to see that i have views based on my culture. It can hard for me to explain to someone of a different race why i feel things about a certain issue - as compared to when im with someone who is of the same background as i am and automatically knows what i'm talking about w/o me even explaining it.

  7. i read an article about this in either cosmo or bazar. they surgically alter the labia (usually making it smaller). the women they interviewed for the article had this procedure done b/c the size of their labia was making them physically uncomfortable. though i am sure there are women out there would undergo this procedure for pure vanity's sake.

  8. Originally posted by zlatang

    all i wanted to say is that it makes it more difficult. the interracial thing, that is. the prob is that the cultural background one brings to the relationship depends on her/his race, in part of course. i found it difficult to understand, despite of my best intention, the background of the significant 'other.' there's of course a book written on this by derrida, LOL. sure i agree, it may have been that we didn't get along, but...there was more to it than that. and i'm not happy that i conclude this! :eek:

    i agree, in part, with that. when dating outside of your race, you are not only dating someone who is a different color than yourself, but also from a different culture. i'm 3rd generation asian american, and even though i am pretty much americanized, i find that in my interracial relationships there are times when my b/f at the time can't understand where i am coming from. it takes a lot of understanding, tolerance, patience, and a huge willingness to learn. you put that ontop of regular relationship concerns, and it can become very hard for the two people. so i can understand where zlatang is coming from.

    despite the extra work that interracial relationships involve, it doesn't stop me from dating outside of my race. it does though, make me think a little more about the person i'm getting involved with.

  9. fri - soulfuric @ rain

    sat - transport/moultan @ rain

    kingstreet @ goddess

    sun - large @ rain

    Ovum @ liquid

    mon - naked @ nikki beach

    deep @ rain

    tues - om @ goddess

    magic session @ crobar


  10. most of my relationships have been interracial. im asian and grew up in typical white suburbia, so that's the kind of people i was mostly exposed to. when i moved outta the burbs and into the city for college, i was exposed to people of all different races, including my own. so, different environment, different behavior - i began dating other ethnicities. then, after dating outside of my race for so long, i began to question myself on why i was doing that. i am not saying that its wrong - far from it. i grew up trying to "hide" my culture from my white friends b/c i didnt want to be viewed as being different from them. dating a white guy seemed like the next logical step to fitting in w/ the crowd. now that i have grown up a little more, i fully embrace my culture and have dated w/in my own race, as well as other racial/ethnic minorities. your situation seems like the total opposite of what mine used to be - you might feel pressured to stay w/in your race, i felt pressured to date outside of it.

    i can kind of see what your concerns are regarding dating outside of your race. it's something i've been trying to figure out recently for myself. culturally, the two people can be totally different. although i am all for learning about different cultures as well as sharing my own w/ others, there comes a point when the two may not be compatible. it's true you would have to learn how to handle those situations, but i am not at the point yet where i know how to.

    any input/advice from others would be appreciated :)

  11. Originally posted by clubmouse

    its nothing against all blacks, but since im on the drama board , im gonna make some generalizations, for some reason, all the black girls i see around my school are so fucking loud, they just cant keep their damn mouths shut, i was on the bus the other day, and these girls were screaming at the top of their lungs about BUTTER....BUTTER PEOPLE, i dont want to hear that shit and neither does anyone else, did God blow out their eardrums so they cant hear NORMAL VOICE TONES, and its not just the screaming as they talk, its the high pitched laugh, which is more like a shrill whine that sends every dog in a 3mile radius running for cover, i do see the same thing with white girls, but very rarely, and almost all the black girls ive either passed, or seen at a party or been on a bus with, cant seem to SHUT THE FUCK UP, is there some gene prevalent in black girls that causes them to be completely ignorant to other peoples rights for peace and quiet..someone help me out, cause im buggin,


  12. Adderall

    What are the Uses?: Adderall is used to treat:

    Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

    Narcolepsy (recurrent spells of uncontrollable drowsiness and sleep)

    Adderall (mixed salts of a single-entity amphetamine product) typically improves attention span, increases the ability to follow directions, and decreases distractibility among children ages three and older. Adderall may also decrease impulsivity, stubbornness and aggression. Adderall is convenient for patients, parents, and caregivers, because it is effective for most patients when taken once or twice a day. Since it is a different mixture of amphetamine isomers, Adderall may help some individuals when other medications (such as Ritalin) have not proven effective.

    When Will My Medication Start to Work?: The effects of Adderall can be felt after a few doses or even after the first dose. Often it takes additional time to achieve the full effect. This may require changes in dosing. Most people can achieve maximum benefit in 3 to 4 weeks.

    What are the Side Effects? The following list may not contain all the side effects associated with this medication:

    Most common side effects loss of appetite & weight loss, insomnia, headache. Infrequent side effects dry mouth, nausea

    Rare side effects/risks tics, dizziness, irritability, stomach pain, increased heart rate, hallucinations

    Are There any Drug Interactions?: Do NOT take with MAO Inhibitors; serious, even fatal, interactions can occur. Do NOT take Adderall if you have taken an MAO Inhibitor in the past 14 days; at least 14 days must pass before you can take Adderall. Acidifying agents such as guanethidine, reserpine, and fruit juices can lower absorption of Adderall. Alkalinizing agents such as Diamox (acetazolamide) increase absorption of amphetamines. Tricyclic antidepressants may increase their levels when taken with Adderall. Thorazine (chlorpromazine), lithium, and Haldol (haloperidol) can blunt the effects of Adderall. Adderall increases the effects norepinephrine.


  13. Originally posted by skystepper27

    first of all are u a forienger? cuz if u are i could see u getting pissy about my comment...but its tru...and like i said not ALL but MOST come over here takin all of OUR shit and spitting on us..they could give a shit about america...all they want is to suck us dry of our money and our pride....but thats only my opinion and im a "hypocritical moron" :laugh2::zzz:


    im not going to even waste my breath

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