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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by beautious1

  1. O.K. O.K... Maybe you're just a little right... ------------------ "O.K. Kids.... but just pick one..."
  2. At this rate, we're gonna need about a 75 b.p. cut! ------------------ "O.K. Kids.... but just pick one..."
  3. Yvonne Angelica Martinez--(pronounced e-von) Pleased to meet you all! ------------------ "O.K. Kids.... but just pick one..."
  4. ------------------ "O.K. Kids.... but just pick one..."
  5. OMG!!! girl you are too much!!! ------------------ "O.K. Kids.... but just pick one..."
  6. Joey--Don't be silly! I just think all of us girls should meet eachother so we can maybe eventually become friends... You can go to any club or bar and hook up with anyone you want, it's a little bit harder than that for us... Don't hate! I love the dick and always will--- but I like a hot girly once in a while too!!! ------------------ "O.K. Kids.... but just pick one..."
  7. COOL!!! I'm glad to see some of you are interested. I think we should keep the details of the meetup private, to discourage party crashers! Lets stick to e-mails and pm's to decide the time and location!!! OOO I'm excited! I hope we can all meet up and have a great time!!!! btw- which day of the week do you guys suggest? I suggest a thursday like maybe 2 weeks from now? let me know--P.L.U.R ------------------ "O.K. Kids.... but just pick one..."
  8. From the title of this thread: "Twilo girls never, Exit girls sometimes, SF girls all the time..." I thought you were going to write SWALLOW But from reading the posts...looks like I could've been right!!! ------------------ "O.K. Kids.... but just pick one..."
  9. I don't mean to organize a meet-up for sexual reasons... just for the simple reason to meet others like us. I'm not into "hooking up" with strangers over the internet! I think I do alright my own. My one goal is to design a meetup, where we don't have to guess who is or isn't bi... If you want to go to a meet-up to meet EVERYONE on the board, by all means do so... ------------------ "O.K. Kids.... but just pick one..."
  10. Hello? Are you ladies out there? I posted about a meetup for us on the New York board, but no one seems to be interested. Please reply and let me know if you girls want to get together for a meetup, to talk, share stories, drink, and basically become friends..... You know how hard it is to meet ppl like us! Serious responses please, and no drama--No boys either.... strictly girls! ------------------ "O.K. Kids.... but just pick one..."
  11. You guys are too funny... thanks for the smile! ------------------ "O.K. Kids.... but just pick one..."
  12. CENTROFLY!!! I think it's pretty unanimous! ------------------ "O.K. Kids.... but just pick one..."
  13. Are you guys auditioning for The Full Monty? If you are, I can be a judge!!??!! ------------------ "O.K. Kids.... but just pick one..."
  14. My boyfriends clothes... I love the way they smell... ------------------ "O.K. Kids.... but just pick one..."
  15. Oh and BTW... I went to the giger room to check it out for a bit--I heard reggae!!??!! What's up with that??!! ------------------ "O.K. Kids.... but just pick one..."
  16. I rolled my ass off Friday night, so It really didn't make a difference where I was! The vibe at LL could've been better. I was expecting something else...something more... I saw alot of thugs, and hicks there...Totally wasn't expecting THAT!!! Some short spanish hick pinched my ass...ewwww gross I felt overdressed, and basically wasted a phat outfit on an OK night... Music was pretty kewl...A little too hard to really be called "HOUSE" more on the trance techno side I would say. All in all... I give it 2 out of 5 stars.... Sorry.... ------------------ "O.K. Kids.... but just pick one..."
  17. I O.D. on the Hot Chocolate. At least 2 cups by 11am.... That and a little GHB here and there... jk ------------------ "O.K. Kids.... but just pick one..."
  18. Hippie chick??!! jk I will name my daughter Sasha, and my son Digweed!!! hahaha No really.... ------------------ "O.K. Kids.... but just pick one..."
  19. My boyfriend was starring in college's production of Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing" and he was rehearsing alot. He would come to me talking all shakespearian... like "come hither" and "thy art a hottie" and "you are the beautious one" So it kinda stuck... I'm beautious1 ------------------ "O.K. Kids.... but just pick one..."
  20. Damn... It has to be X-Files... I was with my guy friend last June at a club called Crobar in South Beach... We were so fucked up, we were talking to ourselves... I was seeing shit.... and althogether, it was just an out of body experience.... F R E A K Y!!! ------------------ "O.K. Kids.... but just pick one..."
  21. as my girl J.Lo says "WAITING FOR TONIGHT!" gonna dance my ass off! gonna roll my ass off! gonna sweat my ass off! I'm not gonna have an ass come Saturday Morning!!! Are you guys as psyched as I am??? ------------------ "O.K. Kids.... but just pick one..."
  22. or she's a few shrimps short of a barbie (sorry felt like sounding all Aussie like) Foghorn Leghorn voice: The girl's about as sharp as a bowlin' ball ------------------ "O.K. Kids.... but just pick one..."
  23. HEY HEY!!! Look for me guys... I'll be wearing all white... I'll look like a LATEX ANGEL TOO PSYCHED... CAN HARDLY CONTAIN MYSELF ------------------ "O.K. Kids.... but just pick one..."
  24. HAHAH LOL!!! Thank you! ------------------ "O.K. Kids.... but just pick one..."
  25. BET YOUR ASS I'LL BE THERE.... GOTS TO SUPPORT MY HOMEY STEVE GROOVE!!! WHO ELSE IS GOING??? AND WHERE ARE WE MEETING UP??? ------------------ "O.K. Kids.... but just pick one..."
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