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Everything posted by amalkav

  1. How comes you go to Vinyl?? Another food massage hehe? Hehe foot not food LOL ------------------ I've told myself so many times before But this time I think I mean it for sure We have reached a full stop Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"
  2. Hey girlie! So are you commingor not? I am still thinking about to come but I'll see later if I'll feel like go out... Is Z. comming? How comes you go to Vinyl?? Another food massage hehe? BTW let me know when Lior is gonna spin I wanna go! I love that 2nd CD he gave me! ------------------ I've told myself so many times before But this time I think I mean it for sure We have reached a full stop Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"
  3. ------------------ I've told myself so many times before But this time I think I mean it for sure We have reached a full stop Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"
  4. I can't go ------------------ I've told myself so many times before But this time I think I mean it for sure We have reached a full stop Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"
  5. I need a serious advice... I have really bad health troubles last couple of weeks.. I can't sleep in the night, wakeing up with panic feelings, can't breath, my heart is bumping and I feel like I am having a heart attack or something.. Through the day I feel dizzy very weak, have pressure on my chest, I have that feeling like my brain is squeezing and I feel pressure in my temples...I went to the doctor she did regular check up and she told me it seems like I am OK physicly, that I have only higher blood pressure (138/88)an my blood test was normal.. So she told me I am probably suffering from panic attacks... But this is happening for like 3 weeks already and I feel really weird through the day too. I feel like I am gonna faint and my head is spinning even when I just walk on the street. I live pretty quite life so why panic attacks?? First I thought it's because I am nervous.. I felt my heart 24 hours a day but now I feel more that brain squeezing...I don't think it's psychical.. I was just wondering if this can be caused by E. I did that like once in 2 weeks for about 4 months, but not every 2 weeks.. and I took always only one pill. I had really bad experince last time I did that and it was like 6 weeks ago. I felt like my brain is boiling.. I am sure that pill was OK I tested it only too strong for me..So I wanna know if it could damage my brain in some way??? Or what this can be?? I thought I would feel it immediately after that pill not like 2 weeks later.. It's not getting better I think it's even worse and I am sick and tired of it already... I appreciate every suggestions.. Sorry for broken English.. I hope you understand what I wanted to say.. THX!! ------------------ I've told myself so many times before But this time I think I mean it for sure We have reached a full stop Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"
  6. Of course! Malcom in the middle is sooo funny! ------------------ I've told myself so many times before But this time I think I mean it for sure We have reached a full stop Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"
  7. I think lots of ppl have this experience... got burned with cigaret I hate packed clubs with so many smoking ppl all aver my face! ------------------ I've told myself so many times before But this time I think I mean it for sure We have reached a full stop Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"
  8. hehe sounds like fun! I've never heard of this game but I'll definitely check that out... I am glad to see anybody else knows Odd world.. ------------------ I've told myself so many times before But this time I think I mean it for sure We have reached a full stop Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"
  9. I hated McDonald before so this can't surprise me... YUCK!!!!! ------------------ I've told myself so many times before But this time I think I mean it for sure We have reached a full stop Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"
  10. I don't watch them that much but I love "3rd rock from the sun".. I think it's hilariously funny! And "The Simpsons" of course ! Seinfeld is pretty good too I love crazy Kramer guy ------------------ I've told myself so many times before But this time I think I mean it for sure We have reached a full stop Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"
  11. haha Rachel! Thx for your help! girrrrrrrlz I have another pic of him... you can see the face! But I have to admit that ass is better to look at! LOL ------------------ I've told myself so many times before But this time I think I mean it for sure We have reached a full stop Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"
  12. hahahaaaaaaaaaaaa I can't believe it!!!!! ------------------ I've told myself so many times before But this time I think I mean it for sure We have reached a full stop Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"
  13. Rachel, hon I am not in the office Fridays so no AIM for me today ------------------ I've told myself so many times before But this time I think I mean it for sure We have reached a full stop Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"
  14. You are interrupting so you better STFU ------------------ I've told myself so many times before But this time I think I mean it for sure We have reached a full stop Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"
  15. I was just about to post the same thing.. ------------------ I've told myself so many times before But this time I think I mean it for sure We have reached a full stop Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"
  16. Hey girls! where are you all day? I was waiting for you on AIM but you never showed up ------------------ I've told myself so many times before But this time I think I mean it for sure We have reached a full stop Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"
  17. I just downloaded demoversion of Quake so I am gonna check it out! Is it possible I am the only one who loves Odd World??? That Age creature is just so funny and cute!! ------------------ I've told myself so many times before But this time I think I mean it for sure We have reached a full stop Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"
  18. Thx guys! I am definitely gonna check those out! Every other ideas appreciated ! ------------------ I've told myself so many times before But this time I think I mean it for sure We have reached a full stop Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"
  19. OK now I wanna know what is that game about??? ------------------ I've told myself so many times before But this time I think I mean it for sure We have reached a full stop Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"
  20. I'd like to get some new computer game... But I don't know what to choose. I am looking for some adventure something kinda Odd World-Abe's Odysee if you know what I mean? That one really got me... simple but fun. I don't like really strategy ones or games whe you fight all the time and blood is everywhere..so something new funny, nice graphic... any ideas?? Thanx! ------------------ I've told myself so many times before But this time I think I mean it for sure We have reached a full stop Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"
  21. I am still walking back and forth between two places today... And is soooo cold outside! I hate this weather... I should wear warmer shoes ------------------ I've told myself so many times before But this time I think I mean it for sure We have reached a full stop Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"
  22. I had really good teme there! Especially when he dropped Solar Stone I was in heaven. I almost wanted to cry from happiness I love to see pictures! I wanted to bring my camera too but was affraid they will throw it away ------------------ I've told myself so many times before But this time I think I mean it for sure We have reached a full stop Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"
  23. RACHEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it kicked me out and I can't get back ------------------ I've told myself so many times before But this time I think I mean it for sure We have reached a full stop Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"
  24. If I'll feel better me and xmike are there! ------------------ I've told myself so many times before But this time I think I mean it for sure We have reached a full stop Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"
  25. Hey biatches I feel better today yoohooo!! But I am not comming on Friday anyway.. I need to save moeny now when I know I am gonna be leaving NY soon Rachel I talked to Zoya yesterday and she can come over one day through the weekend so maybe you can come together? If I'll feel well we can go out for a while or something.. You would have more time to get me those CD's so let me know girlie! BTW I hope U got home safe yesterday night.. ------------------ I've told myself so many times before But this time I think I mean it for sure We have reached a full stop Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"
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