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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Blue, just go there and reregister. It works fine.
  2. What's wrong with classical and heavy metal? Nothing more romantic than a guy playing something like Moonlight Sonata to you... Opera can be awesome, too. I enjoy it all except country music )) And some R&B pisses me off with all that whining that's considered to be talent.
  3. Just curious what people enjoy other than club music. Club music is awesome but I cannot stick to it all the time. Variety is great. I love all kinds of different music and my CD collection is a huge contradiction. So much different stuff. People get amazed but on the way home from a club, nothing makes me happier than "Shine on you crazy diamond" blasting in my car. ORGASMIC...
  4. Yeah, I noticed your nick, too ) I'd love to just talk to Roger Waters.. I think he's the most fascinating person. Definitely fucked up in the head but his music does something incredible to me. Btw, 40 stands for your age?
  5. My first choice would be - Roger Waters (die hard PF fan here)
  6. Yes, I love them, too. One of my all time faves. Sooo cute, too.
  7. Oh man! You're cruel! You had to ruin my good mood!!! Nice try but it'll take much more than that. And this is NOT an invitation to try harder!!! *hugz*
  8. Yes, as a matter of fact I am Thanks for asking. Hope you are doing quite well yourself Chris. *hugz*
  9. I can't get in for some reason... It says that login doesn't exist. It's the same username/password as the board right?
  10. There is a message posted already for meetups. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/005590.html
  11. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I think I have an emotional attachment to SF and I get overprotective especially with all the negativity ppl bring up when talking about SF. In my opinion, SF is awesome. But then again, I haven't been going there that long. Only a few months. So go check it out. Other people's opinions are not always equal to our own.
  12. DJChris - S.Beach? All I gotta say is - WELCOME TO NYC! Of course the crowds are different, what did you expect???
  13. I also noticed that the club was full of guys and there were fewer girls than normal. But it was nowhere close to 1% Still a lot of girls around, maybe they were hiding from you I agree, the music was great and I had an awesome time there. You'd be crazy to say that SF sucked this weekend...
  14. I was there on Saturday and I have to say that it was absolutely AMAZING. And this is not the first or second or even fifth time I've had a really awesome time there. Don't know what your problem is with SF but in my opinion, JP knows how to move the crowd and the place is just insane. Of course the scene is not for everybody but like it was said on this board about a million times - that's why there are so many different clubs in NYC. If you don't like it, don't go there and STOP BITCHING that you don't like a particular club!!!
  15. I don't know guys, I'm probably very lucky or something but I've only had a few bad experiences in NY clubs. Most of the time when guys talk to me, they are not using those "immediate turn-off" pick up lines. Usually they are not rude and most of the time we just end up chatting for a while and that's it. I think a lot has to do with the way people (especially women) carry themselves. I dress sexy to a club, but I do not act like I am easy and guys see it also. But the point about being stuck-up. I agree, a lot of places are like that. Not only SF and Exit.
  16. mold? eww.. compare us to something nicer. i don't wanna be like mold..
  17. CM - i think you got him wrong about this whole "king" issue. I think he meant that there are a few "kings" in NYC. Aka DJ's who are residents in the most popular clubs. And of course it's impossible to have 1 "king" because people like different styles. There's definitely more than enough room for 10 or 20 of "kings", maybe even more.
  18. This discussion reminds me of the boobs issue. Girls with big boobs always get asked if they are real or not and presumed to have had implants. Why worry about all this though? If you like your body the way it is, more power to you. Why would you care if people think you're on steroids or not? Just smack them hard upside the head and keep on dancing
  19. Drama you ask for, Drama you get. Another pointless discussion of who knows the music scene better and which DJ is the best.. *sigh*
  20. They are SOOOOO different in style. No comparison in my mind whatsoever! I love both so please don't make me choose!
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