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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. PVD 39th? hahahaahahaha. MUZIK is a cool magazine but DAAAAMN, whoever did those ratings is full of shit.
  2. haha, Phoenix not "off the hook" as in awesome or to die for. off the "hook" as for men-bashing hehehehe
  3. sorry to hear about the breakup cazz.. but it's better to break up than to prolong the misery if you're not happy. the longer you stay together, the harder it is to break up. it sucks that you guys hang out in the same spot. me and my ex did the same and now I don't hang out with that crowd anymore. just too uncomfortable for me and everyone had to walk on eggshells not to choose sides or whatever. really stupid... in your case though, i'd just say hi or whatever but not keep a long conversation or hang out with him too much. ignoring won't work because he'll know that you're trying really hard to ignore him and that's just stupid too.
  4. Ok fine, Steve is off the hook. I'll take your word on it What about Chris? I have some personal business with him to settle. Just kidding ))
  5. Steve what are you on? Those are some deep thoughts...
  6. cazz - for some reason it looked even smaller to me. maybe i didn't look hard enough ) i go there once in a while. never stayed in the basement though.. lightngirl - invite them and then BASH men all night. we'll see how they hold up )
  7. cazz what the hell are they doing to that basement??? it looks wierd...
  8. xmike - WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND AND BITES YOU IN THE ASS. I learned it the hard way also live and learn from your mistakes...
  9. AMEN! Ex's suck and are not even worth worrying about. But for some reason it's easier said than done. I'm in for the night out and ex-bashing )) Sounds like fun!
  10. Oh, I never posted my favorite bands. Each one fits a certain mood or state of mind. Pink Floyd, Scorpions, U2, Depeche Mode, Queen. Enigma, Sandra, Robert Miles on the softer side. Some rap or Rammstein when I'm pissed off. Some pop dance stuff which annoys me but sometimes is fun just for variety. Some good old Russian music and even some of the newer stuff. Sarah McLachlan, Alanis, REM, Sting, Metallica, Celine Dion, Soundgarden, The Cure (love their 2000 album), Joe Satriani, and etc etc etc. You get the idea - just all of it thrown in together. Makes no sense at all. A little bit of everything
  11. Hehe, I was saying the same thing one night. It would be awesome if a DJ would play a non-house song or a remix of an old rock "classic" or something. I'd be in heaven... There must be mixes floating around though. I'd love to hear them also if anyone knows where to get them...
  12. Interesting because I've been in EXACTLY that situation myself. As ashamed as I am to admit it, yes, I'm guilty of cheating myself. BUT, I swore to myself that I will NEVER do it again after that one time and haven't done it since. (3+ years). I honestly cannot say WHAT made me do it... I think I was young, overwhelmed and confused with a lot of different strong feelings. Not an excuse but an explanation. Afterwards, I felt so dirty and low, and the guilt completely destroyed me. I ended up telling my bf because I didn't want him to find out from someone else (he would have eventually found out). The thing that affected me the most was the look on his face when I told him the truth. I could SEE his hea ort break right there and then. The look on his face communicated only one thing - pain.. I hated myself at that moment and swore that I will never do that to another human being. But it's horrible how so many people cheat on their mates over and over and over again. I can't imagine how they can sleep at night and not be tortured inside. They must have absolutely no conscience and no respect for anyone including themselves.
  13. Blue, just go there and reregister. It works fine.
  14. What's wrong with classical and heavy metal? Nothing more romantic than a guy playing something like Moonlight Sonata to you... Opera can be awesome, too. I enjoy it all except country music )) And some R&B pisses me off with all that whining that's considered to be talent.
  15. Just curious what people enjoy other than club music. Club music is awesome but I cannot stick to it all the time. Variety is great. I love all kinds of different music and my CD collection is a huge contradiction. So much different stuff. People get amazed but on the way home from a club, nothing makes me happier than "Shine on you crazy diamond" blasting in my car. ORGASMIC...
  16. Yeah, I noticed your nick, too ) I'd love to just talk to Roger Waters.. I think he's the most fascinating person. Definitely fucked up in the head but his music does something incredible to me. Btw, 40 stands for your age?
  17. My first choice would be - Roger Waters (die hard PF fan here)
  18. Yes, I love them, too. One of my all time faves. Sooo cute, too.
  19. Oh man! You're cruel! You had to ruin my good mood!!! Nice try but it'll take much more than that. And this is NOT an invitation to try harder!!! *hugz*
  20. Yes, as a matter of fact I am Thanks for asking. Hope you are doing quite well yourself Chris. *hugz*
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